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Blog entries by Misfit Toy

Misfit Toy
2 min read
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User Blogs
(Pretend that this is an actual ad in a newspaper. Like the old dating ads, minus the dating and the online craziness. Wait, we are online...yeek. Hope this goes well.) :Sign eek: Hello, I am looking for a friend. I am not looking for a dating partner, I am looking for a friend. Not...
[FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="4"]Almost 2 years ago, I bought concert tickets to see U2. Last year they had to reschedule the tour because Bono hurt his back. The date had not been set yet. Back in April, I bought tickets for Soundgarden. They are playing tonight. As it turns out, U2 is playing...
This past Tuesday, I had on a nice pair of wedges. As I was walking through the mall, I slipped, jerked my body and for 3 days I couldn't stand up straight. Due to the pain, lack of sleep and being on VFEND (the yeast drug), I spent this past week in bed and this whole weekend unable to...
Can you tell I am from the East Coast? Yo, wazzzz up? Actually, that's not really how I talk. I like to make fun of the Philly slang. "yous, ya's, ain't, and the awful sound effects that come out of the true Philly native (especially South Philadelphia, are just too funny.) Although, 2...
For almost 2 weeks I have had bronchitis. This has not been your typical stint with bronchitis. I have been really sick, in bed and unable to do anything. I have had no appetite, and due to the initial sore throat, I took pain meds for the sore throat and for the chest pain. Fever and well...
I just watched the movie, "The Road." It pretty much is a movie reflecting how I feel. Everything is a funky brown color and people are scrounging for survival. I feel that way too. I am not seeing anything in color. This is coming from a place deep within. I am writing like no one...
It's been awhile! I am glad it's been awhile, it means I have been living my life, unlike last winter. The peptide shot update. You are supposed to get these shots every 3 weeks. It's been 6 for me. Why? Because there has been a hold up getting them from Europe. Without them, I am...
Are you dreading the holidays too? I mean, it's the most wonderful time of the year.....right? :Retro eek: When I was younger, I always loved the holidays. Even when I had CFS in my 20's. It was not easy because that was when I had just become ill. I would become down because I would...
The current People magazine has Laura Hillendbrand speaking of her new book and of her having CFS for 23 years. She had a relapse in 2007 and could not leave the house. I am so glad she is in this magazine and talking about CFS, even if it's a small article. It's something!! Thought I...
I haven't wanted to write in here because I feel like I agitate people on PR. I had spoken of these awesome peptide shots and people were emailing me and I didn't know where to tell you to go. I still don't. I only know of one place, and that is where I live. I have had major improvements on...
Haven't been on in awhile. I felt well enough to sort of escape it for a bit. I check in, graze the boards to see if I have any words of wisdom, or not. I need to vent. I need to throw something. Where do I begin? I hate this illness, but isn't that redundant? Does anyone like it? I...
Want to go away? Come with me to the past. I am going back, to a place thats far away, how about you, do you have place a place to stay why should I care? Dave Mason I am sitting in my air conditioned apartment longing for the cooler weather we had yesterday. Yesterday was a nice day...
Have you ever had someone in your life, where no matter what you did or said, its a no win situation? Have you ever had a lot of people like that in your life? Have they been the people called, family? In 2 days, it will be the anniversary of my fathers death. 22 years since he passed. He...
Misfit Toy
4 min read
User Blogs
So, a few days away from my period I am. Gosh, get ready!! I want to crawl under the covers and stay there..permanently. I was told that the reason I am having such a bad time of it is because I am loaded with candida. I am on diflucan. Every morning, I scrape my tongue and there are...
Oh, what to rant about! I had my 3rd shot 3 weeks ago. I am not feeling so hot. This last period knocked me for a loop. Let me describe that; its like being pregnant, I suppose. Eating everything in sight. Not being able to stop eating. Binging. That was how this last period was. I was...
I needed somewhere to come and vent about this. I am doing better, due to the shots, but I have had a set back due to my period. My period is the albatross around my neck always. It takes me from 60 to 5. I am really sad today and need somewhere to come and let it out. I just watched...
I went to the doctor on Monday. I had the 3rd shot. I found out from my doctor, that I am not supposed to talk about this shot. Not supposed to let anyone know how I am doing or how much it's helping my energy levels or allergies. Not to mention the lack of fibro pain. The fact that I went to a...
I have had a couple of good days and I want to share them with you. I may not be so descriptive, but instead, just talk of how happy I am to have a couple of good days. I am trying new therapies and I am sure that has something to do with it. I will mention them first. I am doing peptide...
Hi all! I thought I would write an upbeat blog! It's about time, right? Well, next week the axe will fall "possibly." Hormones. So until then, I will revel in my good day. It was one good day out of 7, but I will take what I can get. Because that one day is so special, I hope to write...
Often, we are asked as CFS folks, was anything going on around the time of our becoming ill. I came down with a virus, but I think it started before that. As in my Mothers womb. I am sure my Mom would not be happy if I announced my familys dirty laundry, but its something I find...