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Blog entries by Misfit Toy

I thought I would follow up, with where things are at, after such a downward spiral last week. Thank you to all who reached out, private messaged me and so forth. I know it may seem inappropriate to talk about menstrual cycles since there are so many men on here, but I feel that I want to...
I am in a bad way. Beyond bad. It is that time of month. The time of month when I stare at the wall because I can't concentrate. The time of month when I want my shelf life to be up. I can't talk myself out of it. I want out. Everything bothers me. Things I could tolerate, I now...
Misfit Toy
4 min read
User Blogs
Suicide. That horrible word. That horrible word, that I never thought about, has crept into my mind and is banging around more than I would like it to. Suicide solution. It feels to me like there is no end to this. I am not even talking about getting well, but an end to what has...
Well, it was a rough week. Rough. I got my period last Monday. Don't you men just love knowing my monthly issues and schedule? NOT! Sorry, it comes with the gender. Anyway, I had a migraine the day before and my friend was here from NYC and I basically stayed in bed all last weekend while...
I want to apologize. I wrote "To be or not to be?" Well, I am a total fraud. I am wearing it....all of it, in my flannel pajamas and the tears that keep pouring down my face. I was better then and God, isn't it easy to throw out there how one should be like this or that? SHOOT ME...
There are so many people here that linger in the shadows. They read, they say nothing. I wonder about these people. Not wonder as in, "What's wrong with these people? but what is their life like?" Then I think to myself, perhaps they are too ill to write anything or maybe they don't want to...
Kind of funny...the problem with CFS. Right...where do I begin?:Retro rolleyes: Well...here's at least one, of a thousand problems with CFS. I have been on here since January. Several of my posts talk about a feeling of infection, feeling winded, adrenal problems, etc. I have felt...
Misfit Toy
5 min read
User Blogs
I bought a ticket to see the play "Wicked" in NYC months back when I was doing better. Going to Broadway is pretty expensive and this was a Christmas present. I really didn't think I would make it because early in the week I had a major falling out with my family and the stress has put me in...
I had an altercation last night with my family. I am quite unwell due to it. What is worse, CFS or the stress it brings? I can't distinguish the 2. My mother is semi wealthy. I had a long talk with her about making it so that her will leaves a lot of her money to me. By no means, not all...
For the most part, at some point in this journey of illness, we have all seen a therapist. I have seen psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers. Been there. I have seen folks who have CFS or Fibro and are therapists. Those who are ill need to talk about it. We need to vent, let it...
In all the 21 years of being ill, I have never really had a job. I became ill at 18. I was never able to finish college. I have a 2 year degree, but unlike many, that isn't good enough for this type A personality female that I am. Six years ago, by accident, I started making jewelry and...