Prof Gottfries's Staphylococcus Vaccine Treatment for ME/CFS
In the 1950s in Sweden, Prof Gottfries was hit with ME/CFS during the Asian flu pandemic. A few years later he started experimenting with bacterial vaccines, and found if he injected a Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine called Staphypan, it dramatically improved his ME/CFS. He found he remained in near remission from his ME/CFS provided he repeated the Staphypan injection once every month.
Prof Gottfries told other ME/CFS patients about his discovery, and lots of patients in Sweden also found this treatment worked for them. Decades later, Gottfries published some clinical trials showing the efficacy of Staphypan for ME/CFS.
Then in 2005, the manufacturer stopped making Staphypan. No replacement could be found, so Swedish ME/CFS patients who had been in remission from ME/CFS became ill again (except for Prof Gottfries and a few others who stockpiled a lifetime's supply of Staphypan in their fridge).
When I read about this Staphylococcus vaccine treatment, I spent many months Google searching in multiple languages to try to find a similar Staphylococcus vaccine made somewhere in the world. Eventually in 2015 I came across this Russian Staphylococcus alpha toxoid vaccine manufactured by Medgamal.
It took some time to get hold of, but when I finally did get my hands on it, I found that I went into near remission for about 7 to 10 days each time I injected it. So it seemed to be working for me.
I also told Prof Gottfries about this Russian vaccine, and he then got special permission from the Swedish authorities to import and test it. As a test, he started using the Russian vaccine instead of his usual Staphypan. From his observations, he told me that he thinks Russian vaccine works for ME/CFS, but that its benefits are weaker than those of Staphypan.
In my case, I got near remission and this incredible mental clarity and energy on two occasions after injecting the vaccine; but then when it came to the third occasion, it unfortunately stopped working for me. I tried it again many times, but I could not get it to work anymore.
Of course, ME/CFS patients know it is not unusual for an effective treatment to mysteriously stop working (just look at Abilify for example). So although it stopped working for me, it may continue to work indefinitely for other ME/CFS patients. So that's why it may be worth trying it.
My Experience With the Russian Staphylococcus Vaccine
When I tried it, the
Russian Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine produced very substantial improvements in my ME/CFS, particularly in my brain fog. After injecting the vaccine my mind became so incredibly clear that not only was I able to return to software programming, I was also able to teach myself a new computer language (PHP) that I did not know before, and commence a complex coding project in that language. The joy of being able to do some software coding was amazing! Normally my brain fog completely prevents complex tasks such as computer programming.
But for some reason these benefits disappeared after around 3 weeks, even though I continued to take full 1 ml doses of the vaccine once every 10 days. But it may be that I need to take the vaccine for longer. In Gottfries's clinical trials of the vaccine, it would take up to a few months for the benefits to manifest (and in some cases up to 6 months).
However I had to halt my tests as the vaccine started triggering some mental health side effects each time I took it (these side effects only last for a day or two after each injection, but are unpleasant). Though I am prone to developing mental health side effects from various drugs and supplements, so I think this is just an idiosyncratic issue that will not occur in other ME/CFS patients.
After I told him about it, Prof Gottfries also tried the Russian Staphylococcus vaccine for a few months, comparing it to the original Staphypan (which he has a stockpiled). He found that the Russian vaccine was not quite as effective as Staphypan. He said in an email:
"Is it as good as Staphypan? Still I don't dare to give a clear answer. I am still working four days a week in spite of my age (89 years) but I feel more tired than I used to."
So it seems Staphypan is not quite as potent as Staphypan, but nevertheless can still allow ME/CFS patients to work when they otherwise would not be able to. I also found that the benefits of the vaccine lasted for around 7 to 10 days, whereas Gottfries finds with Staphypan, the positive effects last for 3 or 4 weeks.
Russian Staphylococcus Alpha Toxoid Adsorbed Vaccine
Russian Staphylococcus toxoid adsorbed vaccine
Russian Staphylococcus toxoid adsorbed vaccine: the box containing 10 x 1 ml ampoules
Index to Important Posts in This Thread:
The Russian Staphylococcus adsorbed vaccine seems to work similarly to the original Staphypan Staphylococcus vaccine, a vaccine which was used by Prof Gottfries as an effective ME/CFS treatment, and one proven in Gottfries's published clinical trials.
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