Staph vaccine to treat CFS??


Senior Member
Southern California
Semenova I.B. (Семёнова И.Б.) is still active as a researcher, because his latest paper is dated November 2015. So it might be possible to contact Semenova by email and ask him what he means by "purified staphylococcal toxoid" in his published papers. Here is a lecture given by Semenova I.B., but unfortunately it has no email contact details.

@Hip were you ever able to contact Semenova? Or get a second round of new un-damaged vaccines to test?


Senior Member
@Hip were you ever able to contact Semenova? Or get a second round of new un-damaged vaccines to test?

@hvac14400 (who is Russian) was able to contact Semenova, and we worked out that the "purified staphylococcal toxoid" vaccine she mentions in her papers is very likely the Russian Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine, non-adsorbed version, made by Medgamal (because Semenova used to work for the research department of Medgamal). Semenova's published studies found that this vaccine seems to be able to boost the immune system against coxsackievirus B infections.

I did buy a new batch of the Staphylococcus toxoid adsorbed vaccine, and I tried two injections with the new batch, one on 22 May 2017, and another around week later on 30 May 2017. But there was no sign at all of the major improvements that I had obtained previously on some occasions (but not on others) with the older batch of this vaccine.

So it remains a mystery as to why I got those major improvements on two occasions when injecting the vaccine, but cannot seem to replicate them.

One possible explanation that I discovered when scrutinizing my drug and supplement diary is that on the two times the vaccine worked and I had major improvements in brain fog and cognition, I had been taking high doses of vitamin D3 (12,500 IU daily). In fact, I had been taking this dose of vitamin D3 for one whole month prior to the two occasions when the vaccine actually worked.

So I want to test to see if vitamin D3 might be the crucial factor that makes the vaccine work. Some time soon I am going to again load up on the vitamin D3 for one month beforehand (because it takes many weeks of supplementation to raise blood levels of vitamin D), and then try the vaccine again.


Senior Member
Southern California
@Hip interesting

I’ve been wondering about a potential connection between the vaccine’s mechanism of action and the work of Ty Vincent on LDI.

Is it possible the immune system is being temporarily desensitized to a chronic low level pathogen when the vaccine is administered? And if so, might a more extended recovery in some cases call for several different antigens to be used if there are different pathogens requiring immune desensitization?


Senior Member
I’ve been wondering about a potential connection between the vaccine’s mechanism of action and the work of Ty Vincent on LDI.

Is it possible the immune system is being temporarily desensitized to a chronic low level pathogen when the vaccine is administered?

I have never looked into LDI in any depth, so I don't know much about it. I am not sure if the vaccine might possess any immune desensitizing effects.

Possible mechanisms of action of the original Staphypan Staphylococcus vaccine include:
  • Alpha toxin is a strong IL-17 and Th17 inducer. 1 2
  • Alpha toxin increases nitric oxide (which is antiviral). 1
  • Alpha toxoid corrects coxsackievirus B-induced immunodeficiency (Semenova papers).
  • Staphylococcus toxoid improves diabetes. Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine was used as a treatment as early as the 1930s, and this 1936 study found that Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine improved diabetes (diabetes is also linked to coxsackievirus B infection).
  • Alpha toxin interacts with ADAM10 receptor (also called CDw156 or CD156c ). 1
  • Enterotoxin A binds to the major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC II), which is the antigen-presenting mechanism of cells. 1
  • Enterotoxin B binds to the CD28 receptor, and this receptor has been linked to autoimmune disease (CD28 controls differentiation of regulatory T-cells, which play a central role in maintaining immune self-tolerance).
  • Staphylococcus antigens may induce cell-mediated immunity. 1
Nobody seems to know why the Staphypan Staphylococcus vaccine works for ME/CFS, including Prof Gottfries and his team. Various speculative mechanisms have been discussed in earlier posts in this thread (there is an index to these posts here).
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It's true. In the very beginning, I would feel awesome upon taking the shots, immediately. However, I became slightly worse after a couple of weeks of doing so (can't remember when exactly), and I got slightly worse overall ever since. I can't tell for sure if it had something to do with the vaccine or the nature of the infection.

Did you try the adsorbed or non-adsorbed version, and for how long did you try it?

I have had to temporarily halt my tests due to the fact that the vaccine now seems to have started triggering some mental symptom side effects each time I take it (these side effects only last for a day or two, but are a bit unpleasant, so I am stopping the test for the moment until I can find a way to prevent them).

What type of mental side effects did you experience?

So I want to test to see if vitamin D3 might be the crucial factor that makes the vaccine work. Some time soon I am going to again load up on the vitamin D3 for one month beforehand (because it takes many weeks of supplementation to raise blood levels of vitamin D), and then try the vaccine again.

:) *fingers crossed*


Senior Member
What type of mental side effects did you experience?

Some very mild psychosis symptoms — symptoms which I do get now and then anyway (I developed some intermittent mild psychosis after a viral brain infection 12 years ago). Although I was originally fine with the vaccine, more recently I am finding that the vaccine sometimes triggers mild psychosis symptoms, starting one or two days after an injection, and lasting for one or two days. Nothing serious, but certainly unpleasant.
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Isaiah 58:11

Senior Member
A Sun-Scorched Land
I am sure this sounds stupid, but I think Staph infections may be helping me recover; they seem to be modulating my immune system in a similar way as the vaccines did for others. My most recent was 6-8 weeks ago and after I started antibiotics my lungs hurt, which I thought was odd. Then, over the next week or two, I developed vertigo like I had at onset (and after my first major Staph infection 12ish years into ME), a sore throat, sore Lymph nodes, etc. basically all the symptoms I had on onset that I lost as I progressed in severity.

Now, I can tell that something has definitely changed! I have headaches again (I used to the first years after onset) and have ridden my bike around the block twice in the past week. I have done 60 seconds of 5-10 lb weight lifting a number of times without acute crisis or subsequent crash. I haven't noticed actually having any more baseline energy yet, but I can tell that something major has shifted and the improvements have continued after the cessation of antibiotics.


Senior Member
Southern California
@Isaiah 58:11 that is fascinating! I think there's some really important things to learn in experiences like yours. I've noticed similar things and wondered if it's an IRIS response akin to what HIV patients experience when starting HART treatment.

Keep us updated.


Senior Member
I am sure this sounds stupid, but I think Staph infections may be helping me recover;

That's an interesting observation; were these infections you experienced diagnosed by your doctor as staphylococcal?

When first reading about the Staphylococcus vaccine treatment for ME/CFS, it did occur to me that people who naturally have Staphylococcus infection in their body (I have quite a large Staphylococcus aureus population in my colon) might be protected from developing the more severe forms of ME/CFS.

If we assume that the alpha toxoid in the vaccine has a positive effect for ME/CFS, then natural chronic Staphylococcus infections in the body, which will produce alpha toxin, may confer some benefits for the ME/CFS patient.

Isaiah 58:11

Senior Member
A Sun-Scorched Land
That's an interesting observation; were these infections you experienced diagnosed by your doctor as staphylococcal?

When first reading about the Staphylococcus vaccine treatment for ME/CFS, it did occur to me that people who naturally have Staphylococcus infection in their body (I have quite a large Staphylococcus aureus population in my colon) might be protected from developing the more severe forms of ME/CFS.

If we assume that the alpha toxoid in the vaccine has a positive effect for ME/CFS, then natural chronic Staphylococcus infections in the body, which will produce alpha toxin, may confer some benefits for the ME/CFS patient.
The initial ones were. This last one I just sent photos because the sores occurred in some of the exact same spots, like there is a reservoir in that location.

I first really wondered what was going on because a week or two after the antibiotics cleared it, the sore areas started getting pink and puffy all over again, with the zone expanding and instead of having to call the doctor because it got bad again, they just went away! (This has never happened before.) My immune system just gave them the smackdown! I have been able to shave regularly and am no longer using Hibclens and alcohol razor soaks.
Hi CaptainA,
Just wondering if you have made any further progress on this treatment...
So I just wasn't getting enough from the treatment after 6 months so I stopped. At the end I was injecting 1ml every two weeks so 2ml/mo. After injections I got a good reaction that would last about 24-48hrs but that was it. I would like to note that not much has moved the needle for me anyways. I seem to only get herxing from some treatments and not any good outcomes. I'm also a functional ME/CFSer as I'm able to work at least 3 hours a day so I may be in some weird sub group. If another version of this vaccine comes out I would interested in giving it another go.
Scabies Mites Alter the Skin Microbiome and Promote Growth of Opportunistic Pathogens in a Porcine Model
  • Pearl M. Swe,
  • Martha Zakrzewski,
  • Andrew Kelly,
  • Lutz Krause,
  • Katja Fischer

  • Published: May 29, 2014
  • DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002897
The resident skin microbiota plays an important role in restricting pathogenic bacteria, thereby protecting the host. Scabies mites (Sarcoptes scabiei) are thought to promote bacterial infections by breaching the skin barrier and excreting molecules that inhibit host innate immune responses. Epidemiological studies in humans confirm increased incidence of impetigo, generally caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes, secondary to the epidermal infestation with the parasitic mite. It is therefore possible that mite infestation could alter the healthy skin microbiota making way for the opportunistic pathogens. A longitudinal study to test this hypothesis in humans is near impossible due to ethical reasons. In a porcine model we generated scabies infestations closely resembling the disease manifestation in humans and investigated the scabies associated changes in the skin microbiota over the course of a mite infestation.
We report that scabies infestation has an impact on the host's skin microbiota. Staphylococcus abundance increased with the onset of infection and remained beyond treatment and healing. A shift from commensal to pathogenic Staphylococci was observed. This study supports the link between scabies and Staphylococcus infections, as seen in humans. It is the first in vivo demonstration of a mite induced shift in the skin microbiota, providing a basis for a similar study in humans.

Wow, this is what I've been looking for. Thank you, thank you!!


Senior Member
All studies of this vaccine included only female patients with fibromyalgia and CFS, is there information on effectiveness of this vaccine for patients without fibromyalgia?
I'm not sure if this is worth trying for someone with CFS only (Persistent fatigue, PEM, Brain fog and Neuropsychological symptoms only.)
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Senior Member
All studies of this vaccine included only female patients with fibromyalgia and CFS, is there information on effectiveness of this vaccine for patients without fibromyalgia?

Yes, it is strange that it was not tested on ME/CFS patients, only ME/CFS patients with comorbid fibromyalgia.

Having said that, I am not quite sure what the difference is between an ME/CFS patient who has muscle pain as one of their symptoms, and an ME/CFS patient who also has fibromyalgia.

The Russian Staphylococcus vaccine worked very well for me, and I only have ME/CFS, but not fibromyalgia. Unfortunately it mysteriously stopped working after 3 weeks. But what a great 3 weeks I had!
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I am from Russia and also will try anatoxin soon.
By they way, injections should be done under the shoulder blade, not in the stomach.

But i will try protocol to treat Staphylococcus (one Russian (Ukraine) doctor Markov said that he treat a lot of people with this protocol (without antibiotics).

anatoxin 0.1 - 0.5 - 1 - 1 - 1 (1 day set, 1 day break, 1 day set...1 day break)
and after 4 weeks once again - (0,3 – 0,5 – 0,7 – 1,0 – 1,0 ml)

Staphylococcal bacteriophage - drip 3-4 pipettes into the nose
and right after it - "irs 19" -

good reviews on russian forums what it helps to treat Staphylococcus.
I will try it too.

May be also will use licopid with anatoxin, as dr. Semenova recomended here


Senior Member
I am from Russia and also will try anatoxin soon.

I will be interested to hear your results. An index of the most important posts in this thread is found here.

Prof Gottfries advises that you should start slowly, but once you reach the full dose, I found that I needed to re-inject the full dose once every 10 days, because after 10 days the substantial improvements in ME/CFS wore off. But after a new dose, the improvements continued.
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The author of the scheme says that after the second cycle in a month-you will be cured of Staphylococcus and the immune system will operate for about 5 years . The author also says that this is the only working treatment scheme for Staphylococcus. And Staphylococcus should be treated in any case, even if the titers are 10*3 or so.
I have a permanent yellow plaque on my tongue and I'm pretty sure I have Staphylococcus.

By the way, some years ago i tried licopid 10mg per tablet, and and during the reception Likopid I have gone yellow tongue coating


Senior Member
The author of the scheme says that after the second cycle in a month-you will be cured of Staphylococcus and the immune system will operate for about 5 years .

Using Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine to treat ME/CFS is different to using this vaccine to treat Staphylococcus infection. As far as we know, ME/CFS is not linked to Staphylococcus infection.

The scheme for using Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine as an ME/CFS treatment was devised by Prof Gottfries in Sweden. If you would like to follow Gottfries's scheme, see the index in this post.