Staph vaccine to treat CFS??


Senior Member
@swede There are no enterotoxins in the Russian vaccine. In the UK, US and Australia, it is legal to import medicines for personal use.


Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
@Hip I think I remember you saying you had nodules under your skin from injecting the adsorbed version (or was that @hvac14400) have these nodules disappeared? The marks I got from the regular version are mostly gone now (last shot september). I had to look really hard to find them today, but after a shower they are still visible. No big deal.

What I would love to see is for this vaccine to be tested by Ron Davis' chip. It could be an independent verification of Gottries work. Does Gottfries have a relationship with Ron Davis?

@Ben Howell any chance you can hook these researchers up to investigate this possibility? :D
Details explaining the situation here:


Senior Member
@Hip Have you seen mention of endolysin enzyme that is incorporated into a cream that is a new topical treatment for eczema?

An interesting product, thanks, though the Staphylococcus vaccine treatment of ME/CFS may not have anything to directly do with Staphylococcus infections in ME/CFS patients; it's more likely the vaccine works by some mechanism that alters the immune system.


I was in contact with Prof Gottfries recently, and he told me he has been testing the Russian Medgamal Staphylococcus alpha toxoid vaccine (adsorbed version with aluminum and mercury) for over 4 months now, at dose of 1.0 ml of the vaccine once every two weeks.

He said he's a little more tired when using the Russian vaccine (compared to when using Staphypan), but from what he can tell so far, it seems like the adsorbed version may be having a positive effect.

Gottfries also told me that the non-adsorbed version of the Russian vaccine was much weaker in its effects, compared to the adsorbed version.

So for all the people on this thread who, like myself, tried the non-adsorbed version of the Russian vaccine, this was the wrong vaccine!

The effects of the non-adsorbed version are too weak.

The right vaccine is the adsorbed version, available to buy here.

For those new to this vaccine, to begin with, you use this increasing dose schedule, which takes 8 weeks to compete. Thereafter, you take one full subcutaneous injection of 1.0 ml of the vaccine every two weeks

@Hip et al.

How long have you been taking the vaccine(injections )for and have you felt any improvement so far?I have just come across this thread and I'm interested in it.You may have mentioned this elsewhere on the thread so please excuse my question if that is the case.I have just listened to Professor Gottfries(video/youtube) and he talks about the 1950s and Asian Flu.Back then I had Asian flu too....and I was really weakened by it.No flu has come close to that since that i have experienced.


Senior Member
How long have you been taking the vaccine(injections )for and have you felt any improvement so far?

It's a long and slightly complex story, but I will try to summarize briefly:

Last year (2016) I took the Russian Medgamal Staphylococcus alpha toxoid vaccine for a six month period, from March 2016 to September 2016, in order to test whether it might help my ME/CFS. This six month period began with the obligatory two month up-titration protocol, where you slowly increase the vaccine dose every week, until you reach the full dose of 1.0 ml, and thereafter you take the full 1.0 ml dose once every 3 or 4 weeks, which is what I did.

In clinical trials of the original Staphypan toxoid vaccine (which the Russian toxoid vaccine is similar to), benefits typically slowly begin to appear after around 2 weeks (in responders), but in some cases the vaccine can take up to 6 months to work.

At the end of the introductory two month up-titration period, I did get some days when my brain fog seemed a bit improved, but no spectacular improvements in ME/CFS symptoms, apart from a nice boost in mood and motivation in the days just after each vaccine injection. But no major improvements in ME/CFS symptoms like brain fog or fatigue.

But I made a mistake in my administration of the protocol, which likely explains why I did not get good results: unfortunately, after the introductory two months, I made the mistake of switching from the adsorbed version Russian vaccine that I had been using during the first two months, to the non-adsorbed version vaccine (there are actually two version of the same Russian toxoid vaccine, an adsorbed version and a non-adsorbed version).

The adsorbed vaccine contains an aluminum hydroxide adjuvant, which boosts the immune response to the toxoids in the vaccine. The non-adsorbed vaccine does not contain this adjuvant, so the immune response this version of the vaccine produces is weaker.

I did not know then, but we now know (from Prof Gottfries) that the non-adsorbed vaccine is too weak to produce any substantial benefits for ME/CFS. However, the stronger adsorbed version of the Russian vaccine (which you can buy here) does produce benefits, according to Gottfries.

So the fact that I unfortunately switched to the non-adsorbed version of the vaccine during my tests last year (2016) probably explains why I did not see any major improvements in my ME/CFS symptoms.

When I learnt (from Prof Gottfries) a few months ago that the non-adsorbed vaccine is too weak to be of benefit for ME/CFS, I decided to perform a second trial of the Russian vaccine, but this time using the stronger adsorbed version, a new trial which I began in February this year (2017).

In this new trial, I did not perform the two month up-titration protocol, because I'd already done that (it is there for safety reasons), and instead I started with the full 1.0 ml dose of the adsorbed Russian vaccine in February. And I decided to inject the Russian vaccine approximately once every two weeks (because Gottfries found the Russian adsorbed vaccine is slightly weaker than the original Staphypan vaccine).

These are my results of these recent tests of the adsorbed Russian vaccine:
Results of injections of Russian Medgamal Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine (adsorbed) 1.0 ml:

Injection on 21 Feb 2017 — no benefits appeared
Injection on 07 Mar 2017 — MAJOR BENEFITS appeared from day 3 after injection, continuing to day 10
Injection on 19 Mar 2017 — MAJOR BENEFITS appeared from day 3 after injection, continuing to day 8
Injection on 30 Mar 2017 — no benefits appeared
Injection on 09 Apr 2017 — no benefits appeared
Injection on 21 Apr 2017 — no benefits appeared

These major benefits that appeared twice, after the injections on 7 March and 19 March, were really substantial: my brain fog cleared up enough so that I could perform some complex computer software programming (software used to be my profession before getting ME/CFS). Normally I am unable to do software programming, because of brain fog. So the fact that I was suddenly able to write software is a sort objective test of the improvements in mental clarity that the vaccine provided.

This improvement in mental clarity kicked in 3 days after I injected the vaccine, and this period of clarity lasted for around 8 to 10 days, before then wearing off again. The mental clarity was such that I could have probably resumed working professionally in software again, had the benefits been maintained.

The benefits were maintained for two injections in a row, but then for some reason, these benefits completely disappeared on the subsequent injections (the injections from 30 March onwards). I am not sure why these major benefits completely disappeared, but one theory I have is that some of my glass vials of vaccine were freeze damaged in the fridge (I did place my box of vaccine vials a little too close to the fridge cooling element). If a aluminum-adsorbed vaccines gets frozen, it is irrevocably damaged, and will not work properly.

So on the assumption that there may have been some freeze damage in my vials of vaccine, I have ordered some more vaccine from Russia, and when it arrives, I will be testing it again. I am expecting the new vaccine to arrive next week.

So that's the situation at the moment: I had some very promising results from the Russian adsorbed vaccine, suggesting that I am a responder to the vaccine, and that this vaccine may provide me with sufficient improvements in my ME/CFS to allow me to resume working professionally in computer software programming.

But I need to wait until the new vaccine I ordered arrives, to see if I can create these major improvements on a long term basis.


Senior Member
Southern California
Interesting @Hip

If memory serves, wasn't Gottfries able to freeze his batch and continue using it long term? Did he store his in a different way?

Also are you concerned at all about the mercy content?

And did you see any physical fatigue improvements?
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It's a long and slightly complex story, but I will try to summarize briefly:

Last year (2016) I took the Russian Medgamal Staphylococcus alpha toxoid vaccine for a six month period, from March 2016 to September 2016, in order to test whether it might help my ME/CFS. This six month period began with the obligatory two month up-titration protocol, where you slowly increase the vaccine dose every week, until you reach the full dose of 1.0 ml, and thereafter you take the full 1.0 ml dose once every 3 or 4 weeks, which is what I did.

In clinical trials of the original Staphypan toxoid vaccine (which the Russian toxoid vaccine is similar to), benefits typically slowly begin to appear after around 2 weeks (in responders), but in some cases the vaccine can take up to 6 months to work.

At the end of the introductory two month up-titration period, I did get some days when my brain fog seemed a bit improved, but no spectacular improvements in ME/CFS symptoms, apart from a nice boost in mood and motivation in the days just after each vaccine injection. But no major improvements in ME/CFS symptoms like brain fog or fatigue.

But I made a mistake in my administration of the protocol, which likely explains why I did not get good results: unfortunately, after the introductory two months, I made the mistake of switching from the adsorbed version Russian vaccine that I had been using during the first two months, to the non-adsorbed version vaccine (there are actually two version of the same Russian toxoid vaccine, an adsorbed version and a non-adsorbed version).

The adsorbed vaccine contains an aluminum hydroxide adjuvant, which boosts the immune response to the toxoids in the vaccine. The non-adsorbed vaccine does not contain this adjuvant, so the immune response this version of the vaccine produces is weaker.

I did not know then, but we now know (from Prof Gottfries) that the non-adsorbed vaccine is too weak to produce any substantial benefits for ME/CFS. However, the stronger adsorbed version of the Russian vaccine (which you can buy here) does produce benefits, according to Gottfries.

So the fact that I unfortunately switched to the non-adsorbed version of the vaccine during my tests last year (2016) probably explains why I did not see any major improvements in my ME/CFS symptoms.

When I learnt (from Prof Gottfries) a few months ago that the non-adsorbed vaccine is too weak to be of benefit for ME/CFS, I decided to perform a second trial of the Russian vaccine, but this time using the stronger adsorbed version, a new trial which I began in February this year (2017).

In this new trial, I did not perform the two month up-titration protocol, because I'd already done that (it is there for safety reasons), and instead I started with the full 1.0 ml dose of the adsorbed Russian vaccine in February. And I decided to inject the Russian vaccine approximately once every two weeks (because Gottfries found the Russian adsorbed vaccine is slightly weaker than the original Staphypan vaccine).

These are my results of these recent tests of the adsorbed Russian vaccine:

These major benefits that appeared twice, after the injections on 7 March and 19 March, were really substantial: my brain fog cleared up enough so that I could perform some complex computer software programming (software used to be my profession before getting ME/CFS). Normally I am unable to do software programming, because of brain fog. So the fact that I was suddenly able to write software is a sort objective test of the improvements in mental clarity that the vaccine provided.

This improvement in mental clarity kicked in 3 days after I injected the vaccine, and this period of clarity lasted for around 8 to 10 days, before then wearing off again. The mental clarity was such that I could have probably resumed working professionally in software again, had the benefits been maintained.

The benefits were maintained for two injections in a row, but then for some reason, these benefits completely disappeared on the subsequent injections (the injections from 30 March onwards). I am not sure why these major benefits completely disappeared, but one theory I have is that some of my glass vials of vaccine were freeze damaged in the fridge (I did place my box of vaccine vials a little too close to the fridge cooling element). If a aluminum-adsorbed vaccines gets frozen, it is irrevocably damaged, and will not work properly.

So on the assumption that there may have been some freeze damage in my vials of vaccine, I have ordered some more vaccine from Russia, and when it arrives, I will be testing it again. I am expecting the new vaccine to arrive next week.

So that's the situation at the moment: I had some very promising results from the Russian adsorbed vaccine, suggesting that I am a responder to the vaccine, and that this vaccine may provide me with sufficient improvements in my ME/CFS to allow me to resume working professionally in computer software programming.

But I need to wait until the new vaccine I ordered arrives, to see if I can create these major improvements on a long term basis.

Hi Hip,

Thanks for the detailed was great that you could do some of your past work again.Hopefully that progress will continue when you start again next week.

I guess you have had bad fatigue/tiredness problems...Did it help with that?I think this question has been asked...Have you had any physical improvements?

Sorry to see that you have had problems with the storage of your vials in the fridge.I think I read somewhere that the vials have to be kept at 2-8C.That is the same as for my GH(growth hormone).Anything outside that range will destroy the GH so it is probably the same with the vials(vaccine).

Professor Gottfries mentions in his videos(youtube) that he has been taking injections once monthly for his fatigue/tiredness(?) for the past 50 plus years.Is this the same product that you are using?


Senior Member
If memory serves, wasn't Gottfries able to freeze his batch and continue using it long term? Did he store his in a different way?

Also are you concerned at all about the mercy content?

And did you see any physical fatigue improvements?

Many of the ME/CFS patients in Sweden who were taking Staphypan (which enabled many to go back to work) stockpiled decades worth of supply in their refrigerator, just before it was withdrawn from sale in 2005. Staphypan has to be kept in the fridge I believe, and not frozen, but I am not entirely sure. I know that aluminum adjuvant vaccines must never be frozen.

I am not really concerned with the mercury content, as you get more mercury in your bloodstream and brain from eating a can of tuna than you do from a vaccine, as far as I can work out (see here). Though I understand there were a one or two ME/CFS patients in Sweden who seemed to be sensitive to mercury, and so could not cope with the vaccine.

I am more concerned with the aluminum in the vaccine, but again, you can get more aluminum in your bloodstream from oral antacid tablets that a vaccine.

The physical side of my ME/CFS is not as bad as the mental side: I can run for a mile without any PEM repercussions, but just a few hours of social activity, which I find over-exerts my brain, will give me PEM the next day. So I am not right person to judge whether the vaccine helps with the physical side.

Also, during the period where the vaccine made major improvements to my brain fog, I became so enthralled with the sudden return of my ability to write software, that I spend the entire time on a new software project that I devised, and barely left the computer for three weeks. So I did not spend any time testing out my physical exercise abilities. For me it was absolutely fabulous to be able to write software again, because I always really enjoyed my work in software. I loved every moment of those three weeks.

Professor Gottfries mentions in his videos(youtube) that he has been taking injections once monthly for his fatigue/tiredness(?) for the past 50 plus years.Is this the same product that you are using?

No, it's a different product that I am using. It's a long story, but the original Staphypan product used by Prof Gottfries and many other Swedish patients was taken off the market in 2005, in spite of the fact that it was arguably the most potent ME/CFS treatment ever discovered, and certainly one of the safest and cheapest.

I spent several years (on and off) trying to find a possible replacement for Staphypan, because I thought there must be a Staphylococcus vaccine available somewhere in the world. Eventually I found this vaccine in Russia, which may work with similar efficacy to Staphypan, as the Russian vaccine contains the same alpha toxoid that is found in Staphypan, a toxoid which Gottfries and Zachrisson's studies suggested was the main active Staphypan ingredient for treating ME/CFS.
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@Hip .. would it be better to try the get the old one back on the market? ..because a very importen indigrent in Staphypan is the hole cell wall of S Epidermis :)(LPS... Endotoxin) ...and that toxin is also importen if You only treat the toxin that has mutated You can not neutralize the rest ..and we who were treated with Staphypan got a S.Epidermidis infektion who has by conjugation turned on to produce those toxin from S Auerus..


Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
For those wanting to try the vaccine in the UK there is some good news. is storing some of the vaccine domestically so issues of it freezing or becoming overheated should be minimized
... we ship this product from 3 locations: UK, Lithuania and Russia. It was transported to UK and Lithuania by airplane in cold condition to preserve potency. Shipped with an ice pack during summer season.


Senior Member
For those wanting to try the vaccine in the UK there is some good news. is storing some of the vaccine domestically so issues of it freezing or becoming overheated should be minimized

That's interesting, I had not seen that notice.

Although I recently ordered some adsorbed Staphylococcus vaccine from rupharma on 3 May, and on 5 May I received an email stating that my order had been shipped. But so far I have not received it (I am in the UK). So I am guessing that they have no vaccine stock in the UK at present, and are thus shipping the vaccine from Lithuania or Russia.

I have however ordered an item from rupharma before, and it got to me within 2 days, having been posted to me from within the UK with a UK stamp. So rupharma definitely do hold stock in the UK. They are a pretty good pharmacy.
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Senior Member
Would this be feasible to ship to the US?

Hopefully should be fine. Although the instructions say this Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine should be kept at a temperature between 2º and 8ºC, it seems that toxoid vaccines are pretty thermostable, and two weeks shipping at room temp (20ºC) should not reduce the potency to any significant degree. More info in this post.


Senior Member
Southern California
Hopefully should be fine. Although the instructions say this Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine should be kept at a temperature between 2º and 8ºC, it seems that toxoid vaccines are pretty thermostable, and two weeks shipping at room temp (20ºC) should not reduce the potency to any significant degree. More info in this post.

Got it, so as long as it's not frozen or significantly heated


Senior Member
I'm confused, is the original vaccine used by Professor Gottfries? (the holy grail!)

Staphypan, the original vaccine used by Professor Gottfries in Sweden, is no longer available. This Russian vaccine is similar, containing the same alpha toxoid ingredient as Staphypan.
Just ordered the Absorbed version off the site. Came to $90 to get it to the US in 7 days using a credit card. So, should I store this just in the fridge when I get it? Whats the consensus on this?
Hong Kong
I've stopped taking the vaccine a few month ago and have only received a box of them a few days ago.

I don't know if it is the long time spent in transit or the switch to the adsorbed form of the vaccine but there wasn't much of an immediate effect. Then a fairly strong reaction happed on the spot of injection. Oddly, the reaction gets worse at night and gets better at day. It only lasted three days though.

I am trying helminthic therapy though, maybe there are interactions or not. I'll see how the next few injections goes and report on the difference.