Staph vaccine to treat CFS??


Senior Member
But i will try protocol to treat Staphylococcus (one Russian (Ukraine) doctor Markov said that he treat a lot of people with this protocol (without antibiotics).
Will you use staph vaccine made by Dr. Markov or Russian Staphylococcus Adsorbed Vaccine ?

Dr. Markov makes "individual" staph vaccine for every patient by using the patient’s own bacterial flora for the preperation of vaccine, at least that’s what Dr. Markov says he does. I found about Dr. Markov’s staph vaccine before this thread, but found his approach sketchy, so I did not visit his office.

One Ukrainian ME/CFS patient found that Dr. Markov’s staph vaccine greatly helped her recovery, but still his vaccine treatment feels like scam. Some of his patients say that Dr. Markov doesn’t take any responsibility if you develop severe adverse effects from his vaccine and just ignore your calls in his clinic!
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Senior Member
Dr. Markov makes "individual" staph vaccine for every patient by using the patient’s own bacterial flora for the preperation of vaccine, at least that’s what Dr. Markov says he does.

Interesting about Dr Markov's vaccine, do you have any web links to this (which I can translate using Google)?

I am not sure if Dr Markov's vaccine would be effective for ME/CFS purpose, though. The research of Prof Gottfries indicated that it was the alpha toxoid in the vaccine that most likely was having the therapeutic effect. Alpha toxin is one of the bacterial toxins made by Staphylococcus bacteria. A toxoid is a weakened version of a toxin.

But not all Staphylococcus vaccines are based on alpha toxoid. However the Russian Staphylococcus vaccine is specifically an alpha toxoid vaccine.

The way such alpha toxoid vaccines fight Staphylococcus is by stimulating the immune system to make antibodies which target the alpha toxin made by this bacterium.

But the mechanism by which alpha toxoid vaccines help ME/CFS may be different, and may be nothing to do with fighting Staphylococcus infection. For example, this study found that alpha toxin has an effect on the vagus nerve. Now, in the vagus nerve infection hypothesis of ME/CFS, the vagus nerve plays a central role in this disease. So if the alpha toxoid vaccine is modulating the function of the vagus nerve, this might perhaps explain its benefits for ME/CFS.


Senior Member
nteresting about Dr Markov's vaccine, do you have any web links to this (which I can translate using Google)?
He has allot of info on his clinic website. The vaccine is called "autovaccine ". Here is a link to info about it on his website.
It seems very interesting, but the fact that he is using vaccine that he makes himself and that it's not controlled by any agencies is scary...


Senior Member
I did the 8-week protocol with Staphylococcus Adsorbed Vaccine, here is the result:
BTW, I'm using 3-level ME/CFS scale of: mild, moderate and severe to quantify improvement.
1) 08.05 - 1 injection (0.1 ml), 1 hour later felt improvement, in total: 1/6 level next day improvement.
13.05 - slowly returned to baseline over the course of the day.

2) 15.05 - 2 injection (0.2 ml)
17.05 - improved 1/8 level from baseline
20.05 - back to baseline

3) 22.05 - 3 injection (0.3 ml)
24.05 - improved 1/8 level from baseline
25.05 - back to baseline

4) 29.05 - 4 injection (0.4 ml)
31.05 - very short term improvement 1/8 level from baseline. Next mourning back to baseline
02.06 - start to notice very slight improvement that is gradual, not abrupt like all of the above.
03.06 - improved 1/8 level from baseline.
04.06 - improved 1/6 level from baseline and very significantly improved tics (I did not notice a single tic the whole day)
05.06 mourning- back to baseline, maybe a bit better, say 1/12 level from baseline. Also tics returned to baseline.

5) 05.06 evening - 5 injection (0.6 ml)
6) 13.06 - 6 injection (0.6 ml, missed dose)
7) 20.06 - 7 injection (0.6 ml, missed dose)
8) 27.06 - 8 injection (0.9 ml, missed dose)
(I messed up dosing 3 times in a row becouse of technical errors on my part, I have no words...)
04.07 - In conclusion, nothing changed since 05.06 update, I'm around baseline level.
  • The improvements were short term so it was hard to really know how big the improvement was becouse the body is used to functioning at baseline level and needs more time to "switch".
  • I also took Vitamin D3 10.000 UI daily for 1 month prior to starting staph vaccine, after 3 injection I lowered the dose to 5000 UI daily.
04.06 - improved 1/6 level from baseline and very significantly improved tics.
Originally I started having tics when I was around 7 y/o, then they disappeared and only returned after my ME/CFS unset at age 17.
Because Staph vaccine improved both ME/CFS and tics, this suggests that the "process" that triggers my tics is linked with the "process" that triggers my ME/CFS. I think this process is immune system dysfunction, so I just need to find immunomodulators that target this "process" better, so that I can gain long-term improvements.

The above paragraph is my takeaway from this experiment, I am satisfied with the result as it gives me better understanding of my condition.

I am going to continue taking 1ml of this vaccine every 10 day until in runs out (I bought 2 packs, 20 1ml ampules in total.) Some vaccine ampules have undissolved flakes floating in vaccine, this according to instruction makes them not usable, did anyone notice such flakes in their vaccine?
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Senior Member
I am going to continue taking 1ml of this vaccine every 10 day until in runs out (I bought 2 packs, 20 1ml ampules in total.)

According to Gottfries, it can take a few months for the benefits to appear.

Some vaccine ampules have undissolved flakes floating in vaccine, this according to instruction makes them not usable, did anyone notice such flakes in their vaccine?

I seem to remember that a few ampules had a few tiny bits in them, but that was only after being in my fridge for over a year.


Senior Member
According to Gottfries, it can take a few months for the benefits to appear.
in total my 2 packs of vaccive will give me around 3 mounts of supply, I might buy one more pack...
I seem to remember that a few ampules had a few tiny bits in them, but that was only after being in my fridge for over a year.
Then it seems my vaccine supplier messed something up, I'll buy from other place.
Do you know why the original Staphypan Berna can’t be reproduced? I ask the gottfries clinic, but didn’t get a response.


Senior Member
Do you know why the original Staphypan Berna can’t be reproduced? I ask the gottfries clinic, but didn’t get a response.

It is a tragedy, but due to new GMP regulations governing the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, the old process for making Staphypan could not be updated to satisfy the new regulations, so they stopped making it. And yet this was probably one of the best ME/CFS treatments available.

More info in this post.


Senior Member
Update: I stopped taking the vaccine after 14th injection (3.7 month), I don't think it will work for me, even if I do full 6 month course. Plus there is allot of other immunomodulators I want to try and I didn't feel it was worth buying one more vaccine pack...

9) 07.07 - 9 injection (no effect)

10) 17.07 - 10 injection (no effect)

11) 27.07 - 11 injection (no effect)

12) 06.08 - 12 injection (no effect)

13) 16.08 - 13 injection (no effect)

14) 26.08 - 14 injection (no effect)

I did obtain small improvement (1/6-1/8 of a level on 3-level ME/CFS scale) from bee venom therapy starting around 04.08, I know this improvement is from bee venom therapy becouse it's been more than a month since last injection and I still have this small improvement. Plus during first 6-8 "bee stinging" sessions I was able feel substantial decrease in me/cfs symptoms after each session.
Does anyone know if the vaccine is available OTC in Russian (physical) pharmacies? Any other meds or vaccines I could try that are available OTC in Russia?

I don't think I could ever get the vaccine shipped here without it getting taken away by customs and me getting slapped with charges but if it's available OTC in Russia, I hope someday I somehow could muster up the energy to actually travel there to get it.


Senior Member
Does anyone know if the vaccine is available OTC in Russian (physical) pharmacies? Any other meds or vaccines I could try that are available OTC in Russia?
I don't know if it's OTC in Russia, but from what I heard in Moscow physical pharmacies are more tightly controlled and less likely to sell without prescription, however in any other city physical pharmacies are more likely to sell without prescription, If customs in your country are as strict as you say, then perhaps you could order it from online pharmacy inside Russia or other country...


Senior Member
I don't think I could ever get the vaccine shipped here specialize in getting drugs to countries which have strict customs. See their list of countries here.

MOSPharma do not show the Staphylococcus vaccine on their website, but they are run and owned by, who do stock the vaccine here. So if you emailed MOSPharma, they would probably be able to send you the vaccine.

RUPharma are also able to dispatch from Lithuania (within the EU) if you ask them.
15 specialize in getting drugs to countries which have strict customs. See their list of countries here.

MOSPharma do not show the Staphylococcus vaccine on their website, but they are run and owned by, who do stock the vaccine here. So if you emailed MOSPharma, they would probably be able to send you the vaccine.

RUPharma are also able to dispatch from Lithuania (within the EU) if you ask them.

Thank you so incredibly much! Thank you too Hipsman!
Dear all! Someone just told me about this vaccin a couple of days ago, and I really want to try it.

However, due to COVID vaccin production, the facility where the vaccine is produced, temporarily shut down the production of the Anatoxin Staph vaccin.
The adsorbed version is already out of stock. (It should be back in stock in October, they told me. But it's a long time to wait)
The less effective one, ANATOXIN STAPHYLOCOCCUS PURIFIED version, is still in stock.
And I wonder, should I concider trying it instead?

Has someone tried it? Is the effect still there, albeit less?
Is the protocol the same?

I really hope someone could give an input on this :ill:


Senior Member
Has someone tried it? Is the effect still there, albeit less?

Prof Gottfries himself tried both versions of the Russian Staphylococcus Anatoxin vaccine, and told me by email that the adsorbed version of the vaccine (which contains an immune stimulating adjuvant) is stronger. He said in an email the weaker vaccine "had some effect but it was not strong enough."

I also tried both, and did not notice any effects from the non-adsorbed vaccine, but quickly obtained substantial improvements in my ME/CFS and especially brain fog from the adsorbed version. See this post.

Regarding how the Russian vaccine compares to the original Staphypan, he told me: "Is it as good as Staphypan? Still I don´t dare to give a clear answer. I am still working four days a week in spite of my age (89 years) but I feel more tiered than I used to."

So it seems that the Russian vaccine is not quite as good as Staphypan, but nevertheless may allow ME/CFS patients to work when they otherwise would not be able to (at least it did in Gottfries's case).
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@Hip Exciting news! There's a new, cGMP compliant Staphylococcus aureus toxoid vaccine in development called IBT-V02 by a company called Integrated Biotherapeutics Inc. It's reportedly in the late preclinical stage. It seems to contain most of the toxins that the original Staphypan vaccine contained.

IBT-V02: A Multicomponent Toxoid Vaccine Protects Against Primary and Secondary Skin Infections Caused by Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus causes a wide range of diseases from skin infections to life threatening invasive diseases such as bacteremia, endocarditis, pneumonia, surgical site infections, and osteomyelitis. Skin infections such as furuncles, carbuncles, folliculitis, erysipelas, and cellulitis constitute a large majority of infections caused by S. aureus (SA). These infections cause significant morbidity, healthcare costs, and represent a breeding ground for antimicrobial resistance. Furthermore, skin infection with SA is a major risk factor for invasive disease. Here we describe the pre-clinical efficacy of a multicomponent toxoid vaccine (IBT-V02) for prevention of S. aureus acute skin infections and recurrence. IBT-V02 targets six SA toxins including the pore-forming toxins alpha hemolysin (Hla), Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL), leukocidin AB (LukAB), and the superantigens toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 and staphylococcal enterotoxins A and B. Immunization of mice and rabbits with IBT-V02 generated antibodies with strong neutralizing activity against toxins included in the vaccine, as well as cross-neutralizing activity against multiple related toxins, and protected against skin infections by several clinically relevant SA strains of USA100, USA300, and USA1000 clones. Efficacy of the vaccine was also shown in non-naïve mice pre-exposed to S. aureus. Furthermore, vaccination with IBT-V02 not only protected mice from a primary infection but also demonstrated lasting efficacy against a secondary infection, while prior challenge with the bacteria alone was unable to protect against recurrence. Serum transfer studies in a primary infection model showed that antibodies are primarily responsible for the protective response.

The main components of the Staphypan® vaccine are:

Alpha toxin
Enterotoxin A
Enterotoxin B
Toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1)
Cell wall antigens

Another exciting aspect of this is that the level of neutralizing antibodies induced by the Staphypan vaccine correlated with the clinical effect. Which means that if this more modern vaccine induces a stronger serological response, then it has the potential to have even more potent effects against ME/CFS compared to Staphypan!
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