Staph vaccine to treat CFS??


Senior Member
the non-adsorbed version is back in stock in Russia. That is, i think it’s the non-adsorbed one. It only says “toxoid purified” on the package while the adsorbed toxoid is marked as unavailable on pharmacy websites.

That's interesting. Have you seen this vaccine for sale at any international Russian pharmacy site?

I tried both the adsorbed Russian Staphylococcus vaccine (which contains an immune-stimulating adjuvant), and the non-adsorbed version (which has no adjuvant).

I never noticed any major benefits from the non-adsorbed vaccine, but had a major near full remission from the adsorbed version on several occasions.

Prof Gottfries himself tried the adsorbed version, and said it had similar effects to Staphypan (which he still has in stock in his fridge), but that he felt a bit more tired on the Russian vaccine, so from his perspective the Russian vaccine was not quite as effective as Staphypan.

I suspect that if the Russian vaccine is back in stock, both versions will soon become available.

It may be worth contacting in a month or two, and asking if they can get hold of the adsorbed Russian vaccine. Rupharma was the Russian pharmacy I originally contacted regarding the sourcing the Russian vaccine, and they were able to get it for me, and thereafter they listed both versions of the vaccine for sale on their website.


Senior Member
That's interesting. Have you seen this vaccine for sale at any international Russian pharmacy site?
i haven’t checked any international online pharmacies. it’s only recently appeared on the domestic ones, like last week or so.

i hope the adsorbed vaccine will become available eventually, i’ll keep an eye out for it.


Senior Member
the adjuvant is ~1 mg of aluminum hydroxide per 1 ml, i wonder if it can be supplemented if need be…


Senior Member
the adjuvant is ~1 mg of aluminum hydroxide per 1 ml, i wonder if it can be supplemented if need be…

I would suspect not, because I think the antigens in the vaccine may be specially deposited onto aluminium hydroxide particles (since that is what "adsorbed" means, adhesion of one substance onto the surface of another substance).


Senior Member
the one currently available is the non adsorbed version. i’m considering giving it a try anyway

Just noticed that on, the non-adsorbed vaccine says "currently not being supplied by the manufacturer", and the buy button is not there; but it seems that the adsorbed vaccine is available to buy (as there are no signs saying not available).

A few months ago, the adsorbed vaccine webpage also said "currently not being supplied by the manufacturer" — here is the Wayback archive of the adsorbed vaccine page from earlier this year.

So my guess is that have the adsorbed vaccine for sale. It might be worth emailing them to confirm though.

EDIT: Seems that this is not the Staphylococcus vaccine at this URL, but a DIPHTHERIA-TETANUS vaccine, which is the wrong vaccine. See post below.
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Just noticed that on, the non-adsorbed vaccine says "currently not being supplied by the manufacturer", and the buy button is not there; but it seems that the adsorbed vaccine is available to buy (as there are no signs saying not available).

A few months ago, the adsorbed vaccine webpage also said "currently not being supplied by the manufacturer" — here is the Wayback archive of the adsorbed vaccine page from earlier this year.

So my guess is that have the adsorbed vaccine for sale. It might be worth emailing them to confirm though.
It seems like rupharma unfortunately reused the URL, because that's not the staphylococcus toxoid vaccine:

ANATOXIN DIPHTHERIA-TETANUS PURIFIED ADSORBED - causes the formation of specific immunity against tetanus.


"And the last enemy to be destroyed is death."
New Zealand
Ordered two and signed up for "scheduled reshipping" for 15% off, but plan to cancel that in 6 days, possibly before the product even arrives. This med that breaks up staph biofilm and this new hyped up probiotic are going to be tested to see what happens. Might start autovaccining too.
Did you end up trying the mb40? Any effect?


Senior Member
It seems like rupharma unfortunately reused the URL, because that's not the staphylococcus toxoid vaccine:

Well spotted! I am glad you noticed that, because I was too brain fogged to see that it was a different vaccine.


Senior Member
ok folks so the adsorbed vaccine is coming in the first quarter of 2024! i’m excited to try it
Can you give me the clifnotes version of the use of this vaccine in ME / CFS. I don’t have the brainpower to plow through 40 pages of posts covering 13 years of discussion at the moment!!! Much appreciated!

(I’m curious bc I had 2 MRSA infections Post my initial onset of mono in 2006, and when undergoing CIRS treatment we did some test and if I recall it showed I had a ton of staff in my nasal passages).


Senior Member
Can you give me the clifnotes version of the use of this vaccine in ME / CFS.

In the 1950s in Sweden, Prof Gottfries was hit with ME/CFS during the Asian flu pandemic. A few years later he started experimenting with bacterial vaccines, and found if he injected a Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine called Staphypan, it dramatically improved his ME/CFS. He found he remained in near remission from his ME/CFS provided he repeated the Staphypan injection once every month.

Prof Gottfries told other ME/CFS patients about his discovery, and lots of patients in Sweden also found this treatment worked for them. Decades later, Gottfries published some clinical trials showing the efficacy of Staphypan for ME/CFS.

Then in 2005, the manufacturer stopped making Staphypan. No replacement could be found, so Swedish ME/CFS patients who had been in remission from ME/CFS became ill again (except for Prof Gottfries and a few others who stockpiled a lifetime's supply of Staphypan in their fridge).

When I read about this Staphylococcus vaccine treatment, I spent many months Google searching in multiple languages to try to find a similar Staphylococcus vaccine made somewhere in the world. Eventually in 2015 I came across this Russian Staphylococcus alpha toxoid vaccine manufactured by Medgamal.

It took some time to get hold of, but when I finally did get my hands on it, I found that I went into near remission for about 7 to 10 days each time I injected it. So it seemed to be working for me.

I also told Prof Gottfries about this Russian vaccine, and he then got special permission from the Swedish authorities to import and test it. As a test, he started using the Russian vaccine instead of his usual Staphypan. From his observations, he told me that he thinks Russian vaccine works for ME/CFS, but that its benefits are weaker than those of Staphypan.

In my case, I got near remission and this incredible mental clarity and energy on two occasions after injecting the vaccine; but then when it came to the third occasion, it unfortunately stopped working for me. I tried it again many times, but I could not get it to work anymore.

Of course, ME/CFS patients know it is not unusual for an effective treatment to mysteriously stop working (just look at Abilify for example). So although it stopped working for me, it may continue to work indefinitely for other ME/CFS patients. So that's why it may be worth trying it.

An index to all the relevant posts on buying and using the Russian Staphylococcus vaccine is here.

The Russian Staphylococcus vaccine is temporarily unavailable, but will be back for sale in the first quarter of 2024.
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Senior Member
In the 1950s in Sweden, Prof Gottfries was hit with ME/CFS during the Asian flu pandemic. A few years later he started experimenting with bacterial vaccines, and found if he injected a Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine called Staphypan, it dramatically improved his ME/CFS. He found he remained in near remission from his ME/CFS provided he repeated the Staphypan injection once every month.

Prof Gottfries told other ME/CFS patients about his discovery, and lots of patients in Sweden also found this treatment worked for them. Decades later, Gottfries published some clinical trials showing the efficacy of Staphypan for ME/CFS.

Then in 2005, the manufacturer stopped making Staphypan. No replacement could be found, so Swedish ME/CFS patients who had been in remission from ME/CFS became ill again (except for Prof Gottfries and a few others who stockpiled a lifetime's supply of Staphypan in their fridge).

When I read about this Staphylococcus vaccine treatment, I spent many months Google searching in multiple languages to try to find a similar Staphylococcus vaccine made somewhere in the world. Eventually in 2015 I came across this Russian Staphylococcus alpha toxoid vaccine manufactured by Medgamal.

It took some time to get hold of, but when I finally did get my hands on it, I found that I went into near remission for about 7 to 10 days each time I injected it. So it seemed to be working for me.

I also told Prof Gottfries about this Russian vaccine, and he then got special permission from the Swedish authorities to import and test it. As a test, he started using the Russian vaccine instead of his usual Staphypan. From his observations, he told me that he thinks Russian vaccine works for ME/CFS, but that its benefits are weaker than those of Staphypan.

In my case, I got near remission and this incredible mental clarity and energy on two occasions after injecting the vaccine; but then when it came to the third occasion, it unfortunately stopped working for me. I tried it again many times, but I could not get it to work anymore.

Of course, ME/CFS patients know it is not unusual for an effective treatment to mysteriously stop working (just look at Abilify for example). So although it stopped working for me, it may continue to work indefinitely for other ME/CFS patients. So that's why it may be worth trying it.

An index to all the relevant posts on buying and using the Russian Staphylococcus vaccine is here.

The Russian Staphylococcus vaccine is temporarily unavailable, but will be back for sale in the first quarter of 2024.
@Hip you are a gem…thank you truly!

Is there any theory on why it works? Is it only effective in folks that have some kind of staph overgrowth? (I just checked my most recent gut Zoomer test and Bam! Staph overgrowth in my gut). Or some other mechanism?

EDIT: sorry just looked at the thread you linked and all the indexed posts (including possible mechanisms of action) — wow that index is so helpful!!!

I have a PCP who is willing to and supportive of me trying lots of things — I can imagine her reaction when I email her about this lol! I always tell her “hey, I’m not about to go down to the Amazon and inject myself with frog poison or anything”…but she might look at a Russian vaccine as me getting closer to that edge haha!
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Senior Member
One idea that I had, to make the Russian Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine more like Staphypan, is to mix this vaccine with another Staphylococcus vaccine, this Russian Staphylococcus antifagin vaccine.

An antifagin vaccine is one containing substances released from bacterial cells by heating.

The Staphypan vaccine contained both Staphylococcus toxoids as well as Staphylococcus cell wall parts. I suspect the cell wall parts may act as an additional adjuvant, possibly increasing the antibody response to the toxoids.


One idea that I had, to make the Russian Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine more like Staphypan, is to mix this vaccine with another Staphylococcus vaccine, this Russian Staphylococcus antifagin vaccine.

An antifagin vaccine is one containing substances released from bacterial cells by heating.

The Staphypan vaccine contained both Staphylococcus toxoids as well as Staphylococcus cell wall parts. I suspect the cell wall parts may act as an additional adjuvant, possibly increasing the antibody response to the toxoids.

There's one adsorbed Russian vaccine called СПСА-вакцина® Вакцина стафило-протейно-синегнойная адсорбированная (SPSA-vaccine) that contains Staphylococcal toxoid in addition to other antigens:
Pseudomonas aeruginosa toxoid (unspecified type)
Staphylococcal toxoid (unspecified type)
Polyvalent Proteus antigen
Staphylococcus cytoplasmic antigen

I don't know if it's available though.


Senior Member
I don't know if it's available though.
the СПСА vaccine is only sold as veterinary medicine in russia and the other one is out of stock (i’m only talking about local russian pharmacies here, idk about the sites like rupharma)


Senior Member
microbial medicine has so much unexplored potential. did you know that one of the earliest effective cancer treatments was using heat-killed bacteria? it was discovered in the 19th century before chemo and radiation. but the pharmaceutical industry chose not to develop it until almost a century later because they were too preoccupied with making drugs from petrol at the time. yet another example of how capitalist drug development primarily serves the pharma industry rather than sick people.

imagine something like this happens with Gottfries’ findings. I don’t understand why his research is ignored not only by the industry but also by current CFS researchers. are there any significant flaws in his clinical trials?


"And the last enemy to be destroyed is death."
New Zealand
did you know that one of the earliest effective cancer treatments was using heat-killed bacteria?
That's interesting, do you have a source for that? Would be interested to read more.

I don’t understand why his research is ignored not only by the industry but also by current CFS researchers.

It might be in part that researchers have specialities and there's only so much one researcher can look at at once. There's not enough researchers to go around in order to cover a broad range of avenues.

It could also be the bystander effect, researchers, who have a lot of work already, thinking "if there's anything to this someone else will check up on it."

There are other historical reasons why infectious agents and related treatments have suffered from lack of research attention in western medicine too.
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