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Still on most of Joshua Leisk protocol

Happy new year!

I've been feeling rather unwell lately. All my lft tests and PCR tests have been negative but I've seemingly crashed more easily after exertion than in the past. I can't tell if the mRNA booster has caused some issues or whether I'm just at a lower baseline because of colds and viruses over Christmas. I'm kind of thinking it's the latter.

I've got some glycerite lomatium dissectum coming in the post from planetary herbals. Great for colds and flu. Going to start that 3 x a day soon to help with viral clearance as I feel like I'm immune system is getting behind.

But also as a confounding facorr I did another 6 week experiment with oat bran where I've been taking 1 teaspoon instead of 1 tablespoon to ascertain the effects it will have on my neutrophils. If this dose doesn't cause me any major issues then I can use it as a maintenance dose in future. My ideal dose for oat bran is 1 tablespoon per day. 1 teaspoon has an effect but I'm not sure it's enough to iron out the falls in physiological functioning after exercise.

Saying that I did two exercise tests last week 30 mins over 2 days with extra chores and activities on day 1 and didn't really crash until later on day 2. I've never tried 2 consequtive days of exercise before. But learner1 suggested it was worth a try. Anyway I'm quite happy walking 3 x a week.

Also I don't seem to have fully recovered from the mRNA booster yet. I must be 4.5 weeks out now. Certainly feel much more normal but I think even though the side effects were mild I'm still looking at 8 to 12 weeks for a full recovery. Also I think a higher dose of oat bran might be quite important in order to get to that place. Lomatium dissectum will help desk with any viruses and colds over the next few months. As they seem to be out with avengance!

Also I've got hesperidin methyl chalcone arriving. After my experiment with Swanson's hesperidin went well I've decided to buy doctors best chalcone and try that. @WantedAlive had some good results with this briefly in the past I think.

I also think the autovaccines are a really interesting avenue to go down. But not in a financial position now to do those for quite some time.
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me too after a bad flu with taste loss, less stamina and stomach symptoms coming back, eating too much etc, very easily distracted. I do think cold and viruses interact with cfs... i'm generally better in summer when I think about it.

Has there been any progress in figuring out whether any of us have these 'microclots ' or something like that ? I know people were looking at buying microscopes to look but I can't see anything recently on the forum about it.
I don't think there's much progress on that front yet. You'd have to message paused directly tho to find out.

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