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(trigger warning contains sexual topics)

It's been a rough week and this morning I woke up feeling pretty crappy but I also had to "relieve the urge" yesterday and my POIS is in full swing but not as bad as its been for some reason likely related to me playing around with methyl-b12 and the D family of compounds which I have noted before is a direct modulator of my POIS symptoms as I remember before a dose of D3 giving me a POIS episode without any sexual involvement at all. Libido for once is normal for me and it seems like on the calcifediol rebound I get more of it but didn't take any this morning as I wanted to do something else with vegan D3. Not long before typing this I took 1000 iu of the vegan D3 drops in just MCT oil and the results are as per usual strange. Post 2 doses of calcifediol the side effects aren't as severe. I got more headachy and calmer what what occurred from the calfidiol at the higher dose with a bit less sexual functioning. The only other change was increasing my methyl-b12 but what I'm going to do now is take the 1000 iu D3 tomorrow now and see what happens. Did calcifediol create some buffer zone that allowed me to work D3 in again? I just don't know and will have to keep going and find out. If I get stable and feel better at this dose eventually I'm going to try reducing the methyl-b12 back to the old 2000 mcg baseline to see what happens. Maybe the increase in methyl-b12 allowed the overriding of something that allowed this to happen and once I'm over the hump I can reduce the methyl-b12 again as I also don't like it being this high since 3000 mcg makes me feel more emotionally flat even though it overrides the physical effects of PEM under previous conditions without the D3 tolerance. Post that I'm not sure what will happen, maybe it will be better if this works out and I decrease to 2000 mcg again. There is obviously some weird interplay between these factors going on I can't figure out. In fact I may reduce it tomorrow morning with the 1000 iu vegan D3. Since the mood and sensory clarity/brightness boost only occurs post calcifediol and directly upon supplementing D3. The antogonism of the VDR by binding from the calcifediol is probably what that dull sleepy but calm feeling I get from it is and also is connected to the libido/sexual functioning hit which I now am thinking might be a result of the conversion of liver processed D3 being converted to calcifediol by some strange mechanism I don't have any idea on. I'm also curious on the speed of processing to various D forms in the body which I can't find any information on.

On the rest of today I don't really know what is going on but it's my day off and so is tomorrow. I'm also praying my schedule at my other job isn't bad this week but I'm not holding my breath on it as I suffer through this week and my final week next week with it. My last 2 paychecks from it that'll probably total around a tiny 200 dollars at most. Since I'm saving more than I ever have anyways I mind as well just blow it. Honestly with working more plus dealing with all this super complex health nonsense money is just a joke to me, you never entirely have enough anyways and as long as you can support yourself it's alright. I've worked so hard over the years before I hit severe over last summer building savings up and for what? To feel too ill too even be happy about it and lose a ton trying endless thing to help myself to the point of making nearly nothing after the fact some pays? Right now my focus is largely on rebuilding my life but things will be very grindy for a while as I try to work out the D3/B12 mystery. The only thing to do right now is let go and go with the flow and where it takes me. At least tomorrow I have a decent break and hopefully things won't go wrong with the D3 and B12 reduction under the elevated tolerated (if this tolerance remains) D3 dose post calcifediol.


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