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Covid day 75

Well since my last few updates I started to suffer from exhaustion and extreme tiredness by about Thursday into Friday. I had to take Fridays off work temporarily. I've probably done that for six weeks to help myself out.

I think that running out of max dose lactoferrin, not having taken any hydrocortisone 5mg for about two weeks at the start of the exhaustion and titrating down and stopping larozotide acetate all have potential to cause the tiredness.

My neck and shoulder pain went away after stopping lactoferrin but came back when I restarted it. Personally I think this is a successful herx so I will be continuing the high dose lactoferrin. I retook it today and energy levels were much better I think.

I also tried low dose amisilpride but I got a very dry mouth from it with quite bad agitation, talking lots and had brainfog. However it makes me feel better after I stop it, I just don't think I can tolerate the side effects. Very bad dry mouth causes me dental issues as well so it's not something I can tolerate for long.

I'd love to restart the larozotide but I think I'm out of the danger zone now with spike protein. It's just too expensive right now to pay for it every month. Which is the reason why I stopped it. I took it for about six to eight weeks and I'm convinced it did help with energy.

I took 5mg hydrocortisone on Friday and felt amazing all day. But had crashed by the following day.

My heart rate also continues to by high and my hrv in the mornings is low.

I do feel loads better from COVID but still struggling with sound sensitivity and this tiredness and exhaustion. Also can't tolerate a monitor. But can tolerate a TV which I don't quite get. Unless it's a distance thing.

I also added high dose nattokinase and I do think that helped me feel better cognitively.


I've been suffering since COVID almost a year ago. I'm a lot better now but I still have issues with screens which I have had since about a month in. I feel like the trigger hasn't improved but the impact has because my gut is a lot better which I think helps reduce the nausea part of the motion sickness feeling I get. Actually I think it's more than that as I would quickly go pale in my face when looking at my phone but now it takes longer for that to happen.

Anyway I wanted to say that I , too, can handle tvs better but than monitors but I haven't fully worked out why.

I think part of it is a distance thing, part of it is to do with the amount of light compared to the surrounds.
I use my tv from about three metres away as my work monitor.

I find glare very difficult too, and it's a lot harder to read in the tv than to just watch tv.

Colours make a difference too - blues are hard so I make everything yellows and greens.

I also find tilting my head forward makes me sick, especially in the mornings. But I'm more likely to tilt my head forward when looking at a monitor or phone than the tv.

And I seem to have mucus over my eyes that affects my vision in the mornings.
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It is a very odd symptom. I've been taking vivomixx for about ten days straight. It gave me kidney stones but it's fixed my screen intolerance. That and just waiting for my body to heal probably reduction in viral load.

Anyway I do think the vivomixx was a big part of it too. I'm still using my laptop screen right now but I can sit at a desk even sitting at a desk was difficult before. But when I use my pc screen for gaming I no longer have any issues.

So I'm really pleased it's gone. But I've taken a lot of things to get where I am. Specifically valtrex I think will have been important. Continued feeding the right bacteria in my gut as well. Specifically f prausnitzii which I've tested for multiple times and it's always chronically low without the right diet. Mainly legumes.

Good luck! Three months now feels much better but not quite back to prior baseline. Close tho.
Thanks. I might try the vivomix. I certainly improved from from two months on the gutsi brand one. I tried that because I found other ones too strong (gutsi has strains that survive the journey better so they don't have to pack so much in). But now my gut is more robust I might be prepared for stronger ones again, so I can get some other strains in there. Maybe I try find
f prausnitzii
Yeah vivomixx did give me symptoms early on but you'll find you'll get that from almost every probiotic. It's just bacterial shift. It takes awhile to go away tho and that's the real downside.

I'm sat here now with strong kidney pressure in my lower back.

You won't find prausnitzii it hasn't been put into a probiotic yet. But I'll be honest it's much easier eating legumes. Just eat a variety throughout the week and your prausnitzii will skyrocket. I've found prausnitzii being high helps LOADS with fatigue. Without it my fatigue is much worse.
Yeah vivomixx did give me symptoms early on but you'll find you'll get that from almost every probiotic. It's just bacterial shift. It takes awhile to go away tho and that's the real downside.

I'm sat here now with strong kidney pressure in my lower back.

You won't find prausnitzii it hasn't been put into a probiotic yet. But I'll be honest it's much easier eating legumes. Just eat a variety throughout the week and your prausnitzii will skyrocket. I've found prausnitzii being high helps LOADS with fatigue. Without it my fatigue is much worse.
I was just reading this: "
Prebiotics such as inulin-type fructans and arabinoxylans increase the number of F. prausnitzii.
Inulin naturally occurs in fruits and vegetables such as chicory roots, wheat, onion, banana, garlic, and leek. Meawhile arabinoxylans are in wheat, rye, rice, barley, oat, and sorghum."

apparently golden kiwifruit too.

source: https://www.gutxy.com/blog/beneficial-bacteria-a-focus-on-faecalibacterium-prausnitzii/#:~:text=prausnitzii%20are%20“oxygen%2Dsensitive%2C,have%20to%20turn%20to%20food!
also, i can't remember where i read this, but somewhere was suggesting that the probiotics that die on the way down, when you supplement, are actually the main cause of the 'die off' symptoms (especially if you have a particularly leaky gut), rather than bad bacteria dying off.
Inulin and phgg won't increase prausnitzii just so you know. Only legumes will work. I just eat them now. It's not as high as I'd like 15% would be an ideal figure.
I'd agree about probiotics causing sibo in a lot of cases. But maybe not all. For me at least I can tolerate it and it works ok. But a lot can't.

Vivomixx definitely works becuase it shows up on a 16s. So it temporarily colonises just fine. Which means you get some benefits for about a week.

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