Very noticeable improvements in brain fog using Dr Greg Russell-Jones's transdermal B12 oils (which provide a similar dose to B12 injections)


Senior Member
England, UK
I think it's fair to say that the Greg Russell-Jones B12 protocol - the transdermal oils + the transdermai iodine/selenium.molybdenum mix + oral B2 - have cured my pretty bad 3-year case of chronic fatigue.

I am also much more able to eat foods with oxalate, histamine & salicylate (OHS) in them than I was 6 months ago.

There have been numerous other improvements as well.
That's wonderful news! I have to say I have had no improvement re histamine and oxalate problems, so I must still be missing one or more pieces of the jigsaw.


Senior Member
Yes I am pretty sure it's because of the protocol, as I tried 2 or 3 dozen other things in the last 2y & none of them did much.

I don't know where I was on the scale. But I was sleeping 11-12h/day & often found it hard to focus (brainfog). I went thru cycles of worse & better weeks.


Senior Member
That's wonderful news! I have to say I have had no improvement re histamine and oxalate problems, so I must still be missing one or more pieces of the jigsaw.

I'm not fixed yet with OHS - but am definitely improved. The days of fanatical eating & ridiculously restricted diets are behind me.


Senior Member
I don't know where I was on the scale. But I was sleeping 11-12h/day & often found it hard to focus (brainfog). I went thru cycles of worse & better weeks.

The scale is described in the link. In short:

Mild — an approximate 50% reduction in pre-illness activity level
Moderate — mostly housebound
Severe — mostly bedridden
Very severe — totally bedridden and need help with basic functions


Senior Member
Could anyone link me, or add me, to the Facebook group that discusses this protocol? I guess the group owner has made the "functional b12 deficiency" group hidden because it does not come up in a search.


Senior Member
Could anyone link me, or add me, to the Facebook group that discusses this protocol? I guess the group owner has made the "functional b12 deficiency" group hidden because it does not come up in a search.
hey could you send me your name on Facebook by private message and I'll ask the admin ?


Senior Member
England, UK
The group isn't 'hidden' - it just won't appear in a search when the group is archived. That happens for 3 or 4 days of the week (definitely archived at the weekends), so if you can't find it one day, check the next and you will eventually find it!


Senior Member
This is what Greg Russell-Jones' B12/B2 protocol yielded me in the six months from Jan 1 till June 30:

(Slight update at the end.)

(You don’t realise how much things have changed till you sit down & do a list.)


OCD (songlines going round my head): constant before, now zero

Anxiety: 20% less

General mood: 20% higher

Anhedonia (was occasional): Gone

Mental processing, memory: Not changed (yet?)

Autism: Social skills tons better. Am highly social, no longer introverted.

(I’m a mid-range adult autistic)


Itchy eyes
: gone (after several years)

Blurry eyes: no change

Morning eye crust: gone


Physical energy
: 3-4 years of chronic fatigue is gone

Exercise tolerance is fine now—no PEM

Muscle weakness: Gone

Somatic sense of anemia (part of CFS): Now gone.

Sleep: Still 9.5h (but down from 12h six months ago)

Food reactions:

Reactivity to oxalate & salicylate
: 70% less

Reactivity to histamine: 20% less

(I can eat almost anything I like now, other than too many ferments. No more neurotic diets.)


Orthostatic Intolerance
: Gone

Kidneys: No longer ache (The aching was during my Month 4 crash, & felt like a huge detox)

Tongue: No longer furry! Pinkest it’s been in years

Psoriasis: No better

Fine bodywide tremor: This seemed to be a ‘symptom’ of building the B12 levels. Lasted ~2m. Now gone.

Strained hypothyroid voice: now gone

Heart arrythmias: Still have plenty—if anything more than before. (Was a bit paranoid that this is COVID vaccines. Tho on reflection it is likely my potassium getting tanked with rising methylation. Coconut water fixes it instantly.)

Peeing all night: Unchanged

Slow urine stream: Unchanged

Facial colour: huge change: from pasty to pink

Weight has gone from 63 to 66 kg in 6m (very pleasing as I have always been way too skinny)

Hunger has reduced somewhat (which means the propensity to weight gain isn’t a prob)

Insomnia: Unchanged—still quite a lot

Blocked nose at night: 75% less

Tinnitus (mostly from salicylates perhaps): ~60% reduced

Foot paresthesia (been there for decades): 90% gone

Libido: Much higher

Small benign cyst on the back on my neck has reduced in size 40%

As of Aug 4 most of the above was still in place. I had a week of PEM just now, after a massive stress episode. However my previous PEM in April lasted 25 days; & before that serious stress could lay me out for weeks or months. Now gone.

I'd say that banishing the CFS + making oxalate, histamine & salicylate foods eatable again are the big gains in terms of being able to resume a normal life.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
It's frustrating when I first took it I got huge benefits for about four years and then it just stopped working and gave me brainfog instead. I also don't seem to get the same PEM buffering effects.

But I'm glad it's working for you. Wonder if b12 effects mast cell degranulation and mast cell histamine release. Could explain why you can now tolerate those foods.


Senior Member
I don't know why it might have stopped working for you. You could write to Greg Russell-Jones & ask him, if you haven't done so.

My histamine tolerance is a bit better, but nothing dramatic. The main food changes are oxalate & salicylates. No, I don't know the science well, so can't explain the mechanism, sorry.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Well I did try every up or was it downstream metabolite in the past and every single b vitamin made my brainfog significantly worse. So yeah I'm not sure really. Oh I've spoke to Greg he can be super rude and aggressive so yeah I'll pass.

It is possible that NAC has stripped some minerals that my body needs to convert the b12 or use it. But my b12 is also quite healthy now so that may not be relevant.


Senior Member
This is what Greg Russell-Jones' B12/B2 protocol yielded me in the six months from Jan 1 till June 30:

This is excellent news. Well done. I'm currently on about 6 months too, to no avail at all. But more importantly: have you done the full months with Dr. Greg RJones' oils, or have you switched to other forms in the meantime ? of maybe tablets for Molybdenum, or Selenium oral drops.


Senior Member
This is excellent news. Well done. I'm currently on about 6 months too, to no avail at all. But more importantly: have you done the full months with Dr. Greg RJones' oils, or have you switched to other forms in the meantime ? of maybe tablets for Molybdenum, or Selenium oral drops.

I've done the whole period on the full protocol - B12 as the transdermal, iodine, selenium & molybdenum as transdermal, + B2 twice a day orally.

I've used the protocol before (on & off from 2016), so possibly I had a head start.

You can always email Greg if you have problems.

Also, there is now a Facebook group you can join, which discusses the protocol - with many happy customers + quite a few with partial or no results like you:

Understanding B12 Deficiency


Senior Member
Well I did try every up or was it downstream metabolite in the past and every single b vitamin made my brainfog significantly worse. So yeah I'm not sure really. Oh I've spoke to Greg he can be super rude and aggressive so yeah I'll pass.

It is possible that NAC has stripped some minerals that my body needs to convert the b12 or use it. But my b12 is also quite healthy now so that may not be relevant.
No clue, sorry. But there is a pretty good Facebook group on the protocol now:

Understanding B12 Deficiency

Greg generally distinguishes between blood levels of B12 & brain/organ levels. The latter are much more important, & may bear no relation to the blood level. (They also can't be measured - only inferred by observing progress with symptoms.)


Senior Member
I've been on the protocol for a while. A few months on the cofactors and was on the full dose of B12 for a few weeks but developed worse fatigue. Was told to reduce the B12, which I did, but fatigue has continued. Who knows if worse fatigue is from the protocol or not.

It seems important to get tests regularly while on this protocol but what if you're bedbound? Home thyroid tests are inaccurate. Just frustrated. Was really hoping it would help me.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I get terrible brainfog from all b vitamins now for what it's worth. And I've tried all the cofactors. I seem to get bad brainfog from methylfolate as well.

Anyway I figure it just means I don't actually need any.

If I could find one good treatment for brainfog I'd be thrilled. I still haven't found one after eight years.


Senior Member
I've been on the protocol for a while. A few months on the cofactors and was on the full dose of B12 for a few weeks but developed worse fatigue. Was told to reduce the B12, which I did, but fatigue has continued. Who knows if worse fatigue is from the protocol or not.

It seems important to get tests regularly while on this protocol but what if you're bedbound? Home thyroid tests are inaccurate. Just frustrated. Was really hoping it would help me.
I don't think it works for everyone. On the other hand it can be slow. After 12m, it has helped me with food allergies (which are gone) but not fatigue.

The consensus on what fixes fatigue (if you just google "How I cured CFS" or something like that) seems to be brain training + dissolving old traumas & the like.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
If I could find one good treatment for brainfog I'd be thrilled. I still haven't found one after eight years.
Hi @godlovesatrier -- Have you considered Methylene Blue? This LINK will take you to the post with the following information. MB gives my brain a consistent "lift" every day. I've also found Huperzine A to be quite helpful. -- Best!


6) It's [Methylene Blue] neuroprotective, and has been shown to improve just about any kind of brain dysfunction or disorder, including traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). This article Methylene Blue: Benefits, Dosing, Where To Buy, And More! says MB can increase serotonin and dopamine levels, so caution would be in order if a person is currently taking anything to increase those neurotransmitter levels, such as SSRIs or l-dopa. Even herbs or supplements that can do the same should be considered. The following is from the above linked article:

How Methylene Blue Works In The Brain

Methylene blue works in the brain by crossing the blood-brain barrier. Once it’s in the brain, it can reversibly inhibit MAO-A. This means that methylene blue can prevent dopamine and serotonin from breaking down, leading to increased levels of these neurotransmitters.1​

Dopamine and serotonin are essential for cognitive function since they play primary roles in memory, focus, learning, mood, and many other aspects of brain health. By increasing levels of these neurotransmitters, methylene blue can provide significant benefits to cognitive performance and overall well-being.​

In the body, Methylene Blue can help you when there is a problem with how the body’s cells use energy. When the body does not work right, it can’t make enough ATP, which might cause issues like too many free radicals. But methylene blue helps the cells use energy more efficiently and lowers free-radical production.​