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Very noticeable improvements in brain fog using Dr Greg Russell-Jones's transdermal B12 oils (which provide a similar dose to B12 injections)


Senior Member
Unfortunately since catching COVID two years ago, and developing long COVID ME/CFS on top of my pre-existing enterovirus ME/CFS, I found B12 stopped working for me.
Hip, to what extent did it work, at its best? Did you ever vanquish your CFS, or come close?

Your original post was Feb 2019, so you have been on the transdermal oils for 5+ years - a good stretch of time for a trial.


Senior Member
Hip, to what extent did it work, at its best? Did you ever vanquish your CFS, or come close?

I found the B12 oils, which provide a systemic B12 dose equivalent to an injection, mainly helped my brain fog, but not other ME/CFS symptoms.

Before ME/CFS, I used to work as a computer programmer. But the brain fog of ME/CFS normally prevents me from doing any coding. However, I found that once I started taking B12 oils once weekly, my ability to program returned to an extent, and I was able to start some computer programming projects at home (just for my own amusement). So this is an objective demonstration that the B12 improved my brain fog.

I may not have noticed these cognitive benefits of B12 oils had it not been for my ability to program returning, and testing this by starting some coding projects. It's good to pit yourself against a difficult cognitive task like this, to see if your performance at the task increases with B12. That way you can objectively measure any improvement.


Senior Member
I found the B12 oils, which provide a systemic B12 dose equivalent to an injection, mainly helped my brain fog, but not other ME/CFS symptoms.

Before ME/CFS, I used to work as a computer programmer. But the brain fog of ME/CFS normally prevents me from doing any coding. However, I found that once I started taking B12 oils once weekly, my ability to program returned to an extent, and I was able to start some computer programming projects at home (just for my own amusement). So this is an objective demonstration that the B12 improved my brain fog.

I may not have noticed these cognitive benefits of B12 oils had it not been for my ability to program returning, and testing this by starting some coding projects. It's good to pit yourself against a difficult cognitive task like this, to see if your performance at the task increases with B12. That way you can objectively measure any improvement.

Thanks Hip. That is pretty clear.

Reaction to the oils seems to be a mixed bag. I have made no inroads on CFS after 18 months. Others say differently.

I'm presently trying the carnivore diet for the CFS, as there are quite a few success stories there...

Florida Guy

Senior Member
I just ordered the Adenosyl/methyl B12 from that doc in oz. If it works for 5 years that will be a success for sure.

Artemisia, I may take you up on it but I have to try it first to see if it works for me. So if you still have it later on I will get back with you

People talk about potassium, instead of pills get a container of salt substitute from the grocery store. Its potassium chloride and tastes almost exactly like sodium chloride (salt)

Another thing I'm going to try is selenium