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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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My Journey

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User Blogs
it's been 5 days on and today off of osha root. I could have survived a full week but after an initial herx of pain all through my jaw and head with abdominal cramps at random and a background of terrible fatigue that turned into largely just some abdominal pain now and then plus the fatigue I...
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User Blogs
The past few days have been up and down. I learned I wasn't able to tolerate the gluconate or citrate types of potassium so I decided to try the bicarbonate version which is the type found in food and was alright with that and it's been helping with my energy while keeping me a bit more level at...
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User Blogs
Today I woke up already somewhat exhausted and it was the second day off the round of activated charcoal I gave myself and day 3 of propolis. It seems to be sitting well with my and consistently keeping inflammation low so until it tells me otherwise I'm keeping in my supplement stack. Pretty...
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User Blogs
Yesterday I went from extremely high strung energetically to more stable but far lower energy than I'd like after just a partial amount of anthocyanin that I thought might help with inflammation and my guts but the result we're mixed. I was extremely tired within 10 minutes of taking it, seemed...
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User Blogs
Today I woke up somewhat rested, sleep wise last night wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The morning and work was also better than I expected. My mood was better today and something was generally more connected in my brain though I can't really specifically describe what I mean by that...
3 min read
User Blogs
It's always seems like every time I have an extended amount of days off I always find myself in some kind of trouble. Today I was pretty peaceful when I woke up and actually did sleep through the night for once but it was one of those nights where I was going to sleep for hours too long if I...
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User Blogs
Last night I starts ultra low dose activated charcoal, I take a fraction of a 1/4th teaspoon and have a gulp. Even this is proving to be pretty intense for me. Sleeping besides a brief period of delirious dreaming in my freezing cold floor futon was nearly impossible. In the morning I woke up...
Just a warning as I get into a variety of topics on here including sexual one's related to my health or other life events, was going to add more to my about page here but I can't find out where you go to edit that. Anyhow in the past few days after introducing vitamin K2 I've been able to...

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