Thanks, Asklipia
Got any other ideas for anti glutamate relief? Are broths the only way? Not sure I could even find a pig's foot, much less cook up that brew you describe. I can barely cook coffee.
Nice to see you here, you always add much to the discussion!
Thanks @
Lou for the kind words!
Unfortunately all my solutions are utterly D. I. Y.
Not that I have not tried otherwise. This just delayed our recovery.
We are now condemned to a healthy 17th century princely life. Without the servants though, that's a problem. We could fork out for a couple, but nowadays none are available accepting that kind of life or even fit enough to help in a big way.
All hope is not lost because I suppose that if enough people get sick in the near future (no doubt whatsoever about that

), a solution will be found. Maybe just in time for when I turn 80? So that we may put down our tools.
To add something to the resistant starch discussion:
Yesterday afternoon for high tea : Pirates' Pancakes
In a big bowl:
- 100 g brown or white rice flour
- 100 g chestnut flour
- 2 big eggs
- 60 g of real sugar
- 2 vanilla pods (slice, scrape the inside to add to the mix, keep the empty pods for another recipe)
- 330 g of real milk (if possible organic and full fat) this is around a third of a litre
- the rind of a whole (organic) lemon/ half orange grated
- a small glass of real rum (made from cane juice, not from cane wood like most of what is sold as rum). For example
- 60 g of real butter that you melt in the pan that will be used for cooking. You pour it in the mix but the pan will be oiled.
When the mix is ready, leave it for 15 mns before making the pancakes (one small laddleful of mix in the hot pan, spread it around by moving the pan, wait until you see the edge is dark brown then turn your pancake over for cooking the other side).
What can go wrong :
- if you are not careful mixing well the ingredients slowly one by one, you could get flour lumps

- if your pancakes are not cooked enough you may get stomach upset or a bloated feeling - hiccups!;
- you drink the rest of the bottle of rum while making the pancakes;
- you go sugar-crazy and add jam, honey etc on top. NO;
- neighbours are attracted by the smell and you get to eat only one pancake if that.
You should leave 4 in the fridge for the next morning's breakfast (for two people), when the starches get even more resistant if I understood well. To get them doubly resistant you could even warm them up (NOT in a microwave, but in the same pan which you left unwashed during the night exactly for that purpose). It must be so because it feels RIGHT.
Be well!