I've been reading alot.... and forgetting more, about the microbiota, and how it effects...everything in the body. My desire is for an answer like, this is all good, or this is all bad. Not so. All of these microbes can become toxic when overgrown.
So it's balance again. Colon PH is another number to balance. From what I've read, most problems in the colon are from too high a PH. But, ulcerative colitis often presents with a low, acidic PH. I think the colonic PH to aim for is between about 5.9 - 6.4.
The main goal is too consume the best 'gut chow' for producing SCFAs, mostly butyrate, and RS2 looks to be the the best for that. ( not to be antagonistic, but I've even read about excessive butyrate production in some diseased states
With the provision of RS2, we should be able to bloom the beneficial microbes, if we have them. They should then crowd out the baddies, or, better the proportion of microbes.
I read sometime back that some researchers think that even H. pylori is ok if not too high. (?) Proprortions again?
Proper PH is needed everywhere, and , high stomach PH can be deadly. An acidic stomach can really take out pathogens. Most of my life has been plagued with low stomach acid. I did have alot of GERD and upper GI problems until I began taking HCl. ( I've since been diagnosed with central adrenal insufficiency, and I take cortisol in physiological amounts. Cortisol stimulates the production of HCl.) For the most part, I make enough stomach acid, but sometimes a pathogen sneaks in. This can cause nausea and vomiting, and may precipitate a crisis. I've learned to avoid a crisis by, not only increasing the cortisol, but also, taking salt tablets. The Chloride in the NaCl is very acidic. It must be killing pathogens pretty well, because, taking it when I'm about to go into crisis has kept me out of the ER for 3 yrs. now.
Although I haven't taken conventional antibiotics for ~ 14yrs., I have treated infections with high dosages of Goldenseal tincture. ( I've been making it for about 6 yrs.) One of its active ingredients is berberine. It's been very effective, but I believe I've taken out alot of friendlies with it.
I've always tried to replace beneficial microbes with probiotics and naturally fermented foods and drinks, but I'm not sure that I've taken or grown the needed ones. I've had side effects from having higher amounts of some probiotics. This has also happened when I've drunk extra raw goat milk kefir that I make.
These side effects have lead me to suspect that I've been consuming too much lactobacillus, and possibly too little bifidobacteria. They are all acidic, good and not good, but disproportionate, I suspect.
With this RS2 experiment, side effects and all, I'm more than glad to experience this. I've feel I've found a major cause for a delay in my recovery. I will be one of the slower ones to improve, understandably, because I'm in kind of a mess, healthwise.
adreno , It looks like the other probiotic you have taken could be beneficial in your case. Your test shows that more lactobacillus bacteria would be good. I would also recommend more naturally fermented foods. ( I see you eat some pickled foods.) Since L. plantarum has beneficial properties, I don't think it would be problematic for you.