The Resistant Starch Challenge: Is It The Key We've Been Looking For?


Senior Member
I have been doing some reading today. It seems that mucin helps bind to inflammatory lectins found in some foods to minimize their damage to the gut ( Lectins are tied to leptin resistance, with which Lipkin and Montoya have found abnormalities with patients (

RS helps increase bifido strains, right? The bifido strains help produce butyrate in the gut, and the butyrate in turn is associated with higher levels of mucin. If for a reason, bifido strains are lacking in the gut ( , this could be one of the contributing factors to gut inflammation, due to increased damage from unbound lectin.
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Senior Member
@Ripley Does it matter how bolus dose is taken? Some mixed in water and remainder mixed with a banana, for example, that okay?

Not really. Many people use Kefir. I just did mine all in plain water for maximum flushing action so that nothing is attached to the starch granules when they go down the pipe — and they just flush out any bad critters in your small intestine as the naked granules all travel through. If you're going to add some food, I would probably mix it with Kefir if you can tolerate that. But, it's fine to eat some food with it. I usually just have some food a few minutes after the bolus dose goes down.

As for bolus strategies:

Richard Nikoley said:
So, one day I might have 4T morning, 4T night, the next day 4T at night, go 2-3 days with zero, 4T, 6T, etc.

Also, I do about 3/4 PS and 1/4 Plantain flour most times.[LINK]

So... mix it up. Have it with food. Have it with water. Have a lot sometimes. Take a break here and there.


Juice Me Up, Scotty!!!
Murcia, Spain
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Juice Me Up, Scotty!!!
Murcia, Spain
Well, if resistant starch does what that guy talks about, wow! I think my larger concerns are in the small bowell but who knows.


Senior Member
I've been taking 1 tsp of the unmodified potato starch with meals for a week and I've not noticed anything - not even the flatulence some have mentioned. This morning I took 3 tsp with water on an empty stomach, so we'll see.

BTW, I also seem to be getting elevated ammonia symptoms when I'm taking RS, along with mild heartburn.

Are you taking the potato starch or something else? What are your ammonia symptoms, if you don't mind me asking.


Senior Member
I've been taking 1 tsp of the unmodified potato starch with meals for a week and I've not noticed anything - not even the flatulence some have mentioned. This morning I took 3 tsp with water on an empty stomach, so we'll see.

Are you taking the potato starch or something else? What are your ammonia symptoms, if you don't mind me asking.

Yes, PS (2 tablespoons a day) along with a bifido 4-strain probiotic from Walgreen's. Ammonia for me seems to be increased agitation, brain fog. I'm not sure why that would happen unless more ammonia is being generated due to gut bacterial wars, or the PS is simply feeding ammonia-producing bugs as well as or more so than any bifido I might have in my colon.

I'm not giving up on it, but may go easier on it from now. I am noticing some positive things as well regarding mood.


PR activist
Yes, PS (2 tablespoons a day) along with a bifido 4-strain probiotic from Walgreen's. Ammonia for me seems to be increased agitation, brain fog.
I took 4 tbs today, and also noticed some of the same symptoms. I wonder if they could be to hypoglycemia, not ammonia? My blood sugar is always on the low side, and anything that lowers it further usually makes me worse.


Senior Member
I took 4 tbs today, and also noticed some of the same symptoms. I wonder if they could be to hypoglycemia, not ammonia? My blood sugar is always on the low side, and anything that lowers it further usually makes me worse.

Sure. I have no idea. I get a similar feeling when I take lots of glutamine. Would that cause hypoglycemia?


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
Yes, PS (2 tablespoons a day) along with a bifido 4-strain probiotic from Walgreen's. Ammonia for me seems to be increased agitation, brain fog. I'm not sure why that would happen unless more ammonia is being generated due to gut bacterial wars, or the PS is simply feeding ammonia-producing bugs as well as or more so than any bifido I might have in my colon.

I'm not giving up on it, but may go easier on it from now. I am noticing some positive things as well regarding mood.

I think that agitation and brain fog can have a wide range of causes. I tend to assume that the direct cause of my own agitation is too much adrenaline or noradrenaline, which in turn is a general ME sign meaning that am doing something wrong diet-wise or have over-exerted in the previous few days. Brain fog can be a general ME sign, and/or gut dysbiosis (maybe d-lactic acidosis). Some people get it after carb-rich meals, I think.


Senior Member
I took 4 tbs today, and also noticed some of the same symptoms. I wonder if they could be to hypoglycemia, not ammonia? My blood sugar is always on the low side, and anything that lowers it further usually makes me worse.

The first few times I tried more than 1 Tbsp at a time, I felt pretty woozy. I try to eat something or take a little raw honey after anything larger than 1 or more Tbsp at a time just in case it was related to blood sugar. I think chasing it with some foods a short while later, with soluble fiber (and perhaps tiny amounts of insoluble fiber) can help make sure it goes down like a high RS food would and makes its way all the way to the colon without stopping along the way.

But, Richard Nikoley has also hypothesized that taking a bolus dose in the morning and fasting until the afternoon may be another way to go.
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Senior Member
Would that cause hypoglycemia?

The RS can have some hypoglycemic effects when taken in large quantities. For instance, a diabetic might need to reduce their insulin dose after taking RS.

In actuality, you might see a short bump in glucose readings soon after taking RS, but I believe the glucose levels can drop after that bump if you don't have food (not entirely sure, and it may depend on the person). RS will also blunt any glucose spikes after a high carb meal, which is nice.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
Regarding ammonia, actually in the studies I have read, RS decreases the fecal output of ammonia.

But as I said earlier, does faecal ammonia reflect serum ammonia, or could high faecal ammonia mean that more is getting into the blood or being retained in the blood? If it's higher in the blood, it might perhaps be reflected in high levels in urine rather than faeces. Just theorising here, but this paper on d-lactic acidosis says that different anions are excreted in the urine depending on the 'plasma anion gap'.

Without testing, it's very difficult to work out exactly what's happening, as the body has so many positive and negative feedback mechanisms.