Supplements and Drugs That Reduce or Prevent PEM (Post-Exertional Malaise)


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
But what about the numerous studies on oral sodium bicarbonate supplementation improving exercise performance? This article says "over 30 different studies have been published on sodium bicarbonate loading prior to exercise. "
That is very interesting! I've been trying taking a teaspoon full of sodium bicarbonate right after my pilates class and do think it helps but next time I'll take it before and see how that goes.
List of Supplements and Drugs Which Can Reduce PEM

Several supplement and drugs appear to be able to reduce or prevent post-exertional malaise (PEM), by either preventing PEM from physical or mental exertion occurring in the first place, or helping to relieve any PEM that has already appeared.

PEM can be caused both by physical exertion, and also by mental exertion (such as hectic social activity). The mechanism of mental exertion-induced PEM may be different to the mechanism of physical exertion-induced PEM.

The PEM reducers (aka "PEM busters") on this thread were compiled from other forum threads detailing ME/CFS patients' experiences with supplements and drugs they observed reduced or eliminated their PEM.

PEM Reducer Supplements and Drugs

The following are the supplements, drugs and other treatments that ME/CFS patients have found reduce PEM:

Creatine hydrochloride — 2 grams.
Citrulline — 1000 mg.
Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) — 5 grams.
Co-enzyme Q10 — 800 mg to 1800 mg (this is a very high dose of Q10).
Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) — 2 grams (half of a level teaspoon).
Citrate supplements — 3 grams.
Catalase — 600 mg (taken after exercise).
D-ribose — 5 grams, three times daily.
Cold therapy — such as a cold bath.
Cannabis — taken just as PEM begins to appear prevents PEM from fully manifesting; see the Cannabis section below.
Mestinon (pyridostigmine) 10-180 mg daily— helps some patients entirely avoid PEM.
Corticosteroids — taken before exertion can completely prevent PEM; see the corticosteroids section. below.

You can try one or more of the above supplements and drugs during PEM itself, or in advance of any physical or mental exertion that you suspect is going to trigger PEM, and see if they relieve or prevent your PEM.

Most experienced ME/CFS patients know roughly how long their PEM periods tend to last for, so will certainly notice if a supplement can dramatically shorten the severity or duration of their PEM.

PEM Shielders vs PEM Relievers

A PEM reducer supplement or drug may fall into one (or both) of the following two categories:

PEM shielders — help prevent PEM from occurring in the first place. PEM shielders only work properly when taken as a preventative medication before you engage in physical or mental exertion.

PEM relievers — mitigate the severity and duration of PEM only when taken after the exertion has occurred, where the PEM may already have begun to manifest.

It is important to know whether a supplement or drug is a PEM shielder or a PEM reliever, because the former only work when taken before the exertion, and the latter only work when taken after the exertion.

As an example of the difference, @hamsterman found that the corticosteroid drug prednisolone 20 mg is an excellent PEM shielder for both physical and mental exertion, but found that such corticosteroid drugs do not work at all as PEM relievers.

Whereas @hamsterman found that BCAA, Q10, creatine and baking soda work more as PEM relievers, rather than PEM shielders.

Though @TravelChimp said in this post that creatine works for him as both a PEM shielder, as well as a PEM reliever.

And @SOC said Q10 works both as a PEM reducer when taken at a one-off very high dose of 2400 mg (two 1200 mg doses on the same day), but also found Q10 had some mild PEM shielding effects when taken at a dose of 800 mg daily.

Note that this study found 3000 mg of Q10 daily for 8 months was safe.

Cannabis appears to be a good PEM shielder/reliever, when taken just as the first signs of PEM appear. See the Cannabis section below for more details.

Some ME/CFS patients find Mestinon (pyridostigmine) taken in doses of 10-180 mg daily eliminates PEM from physical exercise, see here. Dr David Systrom has a clinical trial of pyridostigmine for ME/CFS.

Nothing however seems to be quite as powerful as corticosteroids for total PEM shielding.

Biochemical Theory of PEM: How the PEM Busters Work

The above PEM reducer supplements and drugs were discovered by various ME/CFS patients on this forum, who observed that a supplement or drug they were taking had anti-PEM effects.

Interestingly, many of these PEM buster supplements —namely creatine, citrulline, BCAA, Q10, bicarbonate and glutathione — are shown in studies to inhibit exercise-induced lactate. See the athletic exercise performance studies in this post. So lactate inhibition may be the mechanism of action of these PEM busters. Lactate inhibition probably does not apply to D-ribose, Cannabis or corticosteroids, which likely reduce PEM by other mechanisms.

D-ribose may work by helping to replace ATP molecules that may be lost during significant exertion: in the theory of PEM proposed by Myhill, Booth and McLaren-Howard (briefly explained in this post), it is suggested that PEM is caused by the loss of ATP molecules that occurs when ME/CFS patients exercise.

According to this theory, you only get over PEM once the body re-manufactures the lost ATP molecules, which can take many days or weeks — hence why PEM can last for days or weeks. D-ribose speeds up the process of re-manufacturing the lost ATP molecules, thus curtailing the duration of PEM.

Myhill, Booth and McLaren-Howard's theory also proposes that a build up of lactic acid during exercise exacerbates and worsens PEM (since lactic acid requires a lot of energy to clear from the body); so that might explain why the above supplements which reduce exercise-induced lactate are PEM relievers: they can help ME/CFS patients get over PEM more quickly.

Their theory suggests that lactic acid is not the initial cause of PEM (that's due to a shortage of ATP molecules which deliver energy), but lactic acid build-up from exercise further compounds the energy shortage problem of PEM, because to clear lactic acid by converting it back to glucose, it requires considerably more energy than was originally gained from the conversion of glucose to lactic acid.

Patient Accounts of The Anti-PEM Effects of The Supplements

This post details how D-ribose powder, at the standard dose of 5 grams taken three times daily, consistently curtails PEM from its usual 3 or 4 days, down to just 12 to 24 hours, for ME/CFS patient @arewenearlythereyet.

This post details how for ME/CFS patient @SOC, a very high one-off dose of 2400 mg of co-enzyme Q10 (taken as two 1200 mg doses on the same day) dramatically eliminated a PEM period with 24 hours, a PEM that would normally have lasted 10 to 14 days. The patient also found that 800 mg of Q10 taken daily noticeably raised their PEM threshold (see this post). Cheap sources of bulk Q10 powder are found on

This post details how regular supplementation with creatine monohydrate 10 grams daily increased energy, and allowed ME/CFS patient @TravelChimp to do much more physical exercise before the PEM was triggered; in other words, this patient found the creatine raised their PEM threshold. Not only that, but when they did get PEM by overdoing it, they noticed their PEM was reduced in severity as a result of the creatine supplementation.

Note that creatine hydrochloride 2 grams daily may be a much better form of creatine to use than creatine monohydrate, as creatine HCl does not cause stomach aches or fluid retention (as the monohydrate form can), and also is much more water soluble and absorbable in the gut, and so you only need to take around ⅕ of the dose (so 10 grams of creatine monohydrate = 2 grams of creatine hydrochloride; ref: 1).

Here is a thread detailing the anti-PEM effects of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). @Mary says later in this thread that BCAAs reduce her PEM duration from 2 days to 1 day. It may be the isoleucine in BCAAs that is responsible for the bulk of the anti-PEM affects, as isoleucine significantly increases glucose uptake. See this post.

Here is a thread detailing the anti-PEM effects of sodium bicarbonate, catalase, glutathione and others. In the thread, @Mya Symons says that sodium bicarbonate taken just before exercise, and 600 mg of catalase taken just after exercise, has the best anti-PEM effect.

Citrate supplements (such as sodium citrate or potassium citrate) may be an alternative to sodium bicarbonate; see @Mel9's post below. I would think you need to use doses around 3 grams or so (the sort of dose used for alkalizing). Citrate has the advantage that you can take in on a full stomach, and it will not reduce stomach acid levels (bicarbonate is best not taken when you are digesting food).

Here is a post detailing the anti-PEM effects of cold therapy (cold baths or swimming in cold water). @helen1 finds PEM symptoms decrease significantly after cold therapy, especially nausea and weak legs, and finds it is most effective if you catch the PEM early.

Studies on these PEM Buster Supplements

Athletic performance studies which demonstrate how these PEM reducing supplements also generally improve exercise performance are given in this post. These studies are also listed in Cort's excellent resource about PEM reducers found here.

These athletic performance studies found that the very same supplements that ME/CFS patients on this forum have found prevent or relieve PEM also reduce the recovery period after athletic exercise in healthy people. Several of these studies found that the athletic performance-enhancing supplements work via neutralizing exercise-induced lactate circulating in the blood, and this is probably one of the mechanism by which they reduce PEM.

Cannabis as a PEM Shielder/Reliever

Several ME/CFS patients have reported that Cannabis is a good PEM shielder/reliever: they find if Cannabis is taken just when the first signs of PEM appear, at the first PEM "danger signals", then Cannabis will prevent the PEM from fully manifesting.

Cannabis seems to prevent PEM caused by both physical or mental exertion. Patients report that when they have done too much physical or mental activity, and start to sense the "danger signals" that PEM is about to appear, taking Cannabis pulls them out of the danger zone, so that they can escape PEM before it manifests.

Interestingly, some ME/CFS patients report that moderate doses of Cannabis do not produce any high at all. This observation is interesting in itself, as Cannabis will normally get people high; but the fact that in ME/CFS, moderate doses of Cannabis often do not cause any high is intriguing. And this is good news for patients who would like to benefit from the anti-PEM effects of Cannabis, but do not want to experience a high just in order to gain these benefits.

To help ensure only moderate doses are taken, Indica Cannabis may be the best choice, rather than Sativa Cannabis. Indica has less of the THC that gets you high, and more of the CBD which acts to counter some of the effects of THC. Whereas by comparison, Sativa has more THC and less CBD.

Of course, the legality of Cannabis varies from region to region, but this option of using moderate dose of a mild Cannabis like Indica to prevent PEM is another useful addition to the list of medications that reduce PEM.

In terms of why Cannabis has this anti-PEM effect, this article says the THC and CBD active principles in Cannabis can affect mitochondria: cannabinoid type 1 receptors (CB1) are found on mitochondria, and THC is an agonist of the CB1 receptor, whereas CBD is an antagonist of this receptor. So maybe that is how Cannabis helps avoid PEM, by modulating mitochondrial function.

Corticosteroids as Potent PEM Shielders

Corticosteroids such as prednisone, prednisolone and hydrocortisone are reported to be potent PEM shielders. When normal doses of these corticosteroids are taken around one or two hours before any physical or mental exertion, they can totally prevent any PEM from later appearing.

But these drugs were found to be useless if taken after the exertion. That is, they do not help if you are already experiencing PEM from a previous period of exertion.

Note that it is normal doses of corticosteroids (eg, prednisolone 20 mg, or hydrocortisone 80 mg) that can prevent PEM, not the low doses (eg, prednisolone 5 mg, or hydrocortisone 20 mg) that some ME/CFS patients take daily.

And note that normal doses of corticosteroids should only be used occasionally in ME/CFS, perhaps as a maximum of once a week. If normal doses are used every day on a long term basis, this can lead to worsening of ME/CFS (possibly because the corticosteroid Th1 immune suppression may allow any underlying viral infections to proliferate).

Examples of ME/CFS patients using corticosteroids to prevent PEM:

▶︎ @Patrick* found that prednisone at a dose of 20 mg taken a just before a mentally exerting event (such as socializing) was effective at relieving ME/CFS symptoms. Sometimes he would take another 20 mg later in the day. Other ME/CFS patients have vouched this works effectively and reliably (though others report ill effects from this corticosteroid drug). Note that this dosing is only used as a one-off, not regularly every day.

▶︎ @hamsterman found hydrocortisone at a one-off dose of 80 mg (or alternatively and equivalently prednisolone 20 mg) taken 30 minutes before a mentally or physically exerting event very effective for preventing PEM due to physical and mental exertion:

Correction: @hamsterman told me he was actually using prednisolone and not prednisone as he stated in the quote above. The former takes effect faster.

Note that @hamsterman said he has the autoimmune disease Crohn's, which causes has extreme fatigue, though thinks he may have ME/CFS as well.

▶︎ @gregh286 found prednisone will block PEM from appearing.

How long for the corticosteroid PEM shield to kick in? Prednisone takes around 2.6 hours for the drug to reach peak levels in the bloodstream, whereas prednisolone is faster, taking only around 1.3 hours. Hydrocortisone takes around 1 to 2 hours. Ref: 1

So when taking any of these corticosteroids in advance to prevent PEM from a physical or mental exertion you are about to perform, give these drugs enough time to kick in before starting the exertion, else your PEM shield will not be in place. CAUTION: note that there are also timed release versions of prednisone, which only slowly release the drug into your system over several hours, so it might be best to avoid these.

What is the dose equivalence of different corticosteroids? Difference corticosteroid drugs have different strengths: hydrocortisone 80 mg = prednisone 20 mg = prednisolone 20 mg = methylprednisolone 16 mg = triamcinolone 16 mg = dexamethasone 3 mg = betamethasone 2.4 mg. Source: here.

How long does the corticosteroid PEM shield last? In terms of how long the "PEM shield" lasts, the plasma half-life of prednisone and prednisolone is 3 to 4 hours, and the plasma half-life of hydrocortisone is 2 hours. So once your "PEM shield" is active it will last for say one or two half-lives, ie, your PEM shield may last about 4 to 8 hours for prednisone and prednisolone, and last around 2 to 4 hours for hydrocortisone.

When taking prednisone 20 mg, @hamsterman found its PEM protection lasted for as long as 8 hours; but when he tried exercising 13 hours after his prednisone, then he crashed. So for a single 20 mg dose of prednisone, around 8 hours would seem the limit of its protective effects. Of course you could take a second 20 mg dose at the 8 hour point, and get another 8 hours of protection.

Efficacy of the corticosteroid PEM shield. This is how effective @hamsterman found a one-off dose of prednisolone 20 mg to be at completely eliminating PEM from a major physical workout at the gym:

Note that @hamsterman was using prednisolone and not prednisone as he stated in the quote above. Interestingly enough, after doing this intense cardiovascular exercise once weekly for a year, courtesy of the PEM shielding provided by corticosteroids, @hamsterman was able to completely cure his POTS (see here). But his ME/CFS has not improved through exercise. POTS is known to responds well to exercise, whereas ME/CFS does not.

Corticosteroids may lead to major problems if taken daily for weeks in a row. If corticosteroids are used every day on a long term basis of weeks, this can lead to worsening of ME/CFS, perhaps because the immune suppression from the corticosteroids may allow any underlying infections to proliferate (corticosteroids reduce the antiviral Th1 response, reduce T-cell function, and increase the antibacterial Th2 response).

See the warning in this post, which cautions against using prednisone for any extended period of time, and warns that the PEM protective effects do not work for the whole day, they seem to wear off after about 6 to 8 hours. Prednisone is a strong drug, and has sometimes caused adverse events in ME/CFS patients.

Dr Chia says two ME/CFS patients who took prednisone daily for two weeks remarkably improved; but when they tapered off they got much worse, and ended up in the hospital. He believes it such extended use of corticosteroids allows enterovirus to proliferate.

The mechanism by which corticosteroids provide a potent PEM shield may relate to their effects on energy metabolism and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Mitochondria possess a glucocorticoid receptor, and that receptor regulates oxidative phosphorylation. Refs: 1 2
The DHT blocker supplements in that product all look good. These DHT blockers are often used by men with male pattern hair loss, since high DHT is often the primary cause of this type of hair loss.

But as you say, you would only need to be concerned about addressing raised DHT if you took creatine on a long term basis.

@Hip any views on LDN as PEM shielder or reliever?

That is very interesting! I've been trying taking a teaspoon full of sodium bicarbonate right after my pilates class and do think it helps but next time I'll take it before and see how that goes.
@Sushi how was your experience with sodium bicarbonate before and after exercise....did it help in reducing PEM? Also, what about people having hyperPOTS? @Hip your views would be highly appreciated...



Senior Member
Dr Chia finds LDN in around 10 to 20% of patients improves ME/CFS, which may improve PEM too. But I don't think LDN specifically targets PEM.

Hip, is your list of PEM supplements updated to the current day and time based on experiences?


Senior Member
I used to do calisthenics as a workout, I've missed it so much.I quit it on December because my body couldn't handle it anymore.I've tried restarting some times those 10 months, I don't remember details, but I must have been crashing because I couldn't continue any time.One period I was really trying I was only able to do one workout every 10 days.

My neurologist agreed that trying again would be a good test to see if it is actual me/cfs.I really had hopes I wouldn't have PEM, I am at the peak of Wellbutrin and I thought it is the best time to test it.Wellbutrin had been quite helpful 2 years ago, but I was quite better and even then it stopped working after a few months.
Sunday to Monday I only manage to sleep 5 hours because of recent increase in dosage (150mg to 300mg).Monday I was quite good for that duration of sleep.Monday night I do a light workout, it was normal for my standards, definitely not too much for my muscles.No aerobic at all.
Tuesday I was worse than Monday despite sleeping longer, but not very bad.I was relieved for a moment.
Wednesday, I was clearly worse.Woke up very tired, brain fog, eyes red and burning.
Thursday I woke up after 9 hours of sleep even worse.This day is the worst.I took a HRV measurement too this morning, I didn't notice a significant change.I need to do this everyday, it's useless otherwise.

I will definitely take a look at ways to prevent PEM because I desperately want to be able to exercise again.I

I will repeat the experiment next week to be sure I experience PEM.Actually I am thinking of going for running 2 days in a row to see what happens, I am sure I'll regret it.

Edit:I forgot to add that I did a small creatine loading the days before I attempted working out.2 days 15 grams, 2 days 10 grams, one day 5 grams and then preworkout:
3.5 grams creatine
8 grams citrulline malate
1-2 grams cordyceps
2-3 grams beta alanine

I started feeling sore in my muscles very soon after I finished the workout and from my experience that means it's gonna be painful the next days as I've found that the peak of soreness is at 36 hours after.So I was taking l-glutamine (5g) for a couple of days and it probably helped.
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Senior Member
For me, PEM manifests quickly after taking a break from activity, but If I don't do a break to go though PEM, then it starts by itself after around 2 hours of activity. For example after my mourning routine + breakfast (about 1 hour of activity) I can either tell my body to calm down and lay in bed (so that I can go through about 1 hour PEM period, after that I feel refreshed as if I didn't do the activity) OR I can continue with activity for 1-2 hour more, but It comes at a cost of significantly increased PEM time.
I have tried just 150mg of Q10 from, but didn't notice improvements and had bad digestive side effects.
I had periods of no PEM from exercise for around 3-5 days with 1.5g EPA/DHA fish oil a day and my nasal irrigation method (did not take Fish oil at the same time)
But each time the effect wore off after a few days of starting Fish oil/irrigation.


Senior Member
According to my experience and my doctor, PEM from aerobic exercise comes almost immediately while from anaerobic it can delay (24+ hours for me).

Also, are bulkpowders products any good?It's the only place I found cheap Creatine HCL.I had one cheap supplement (creatine monohydrate) and didn't want to spend too much on it.From what I see kaged muscle's is considered the best (who knows really), cost is around $0,35 per gram while bulkpowder's is aroung $0,03 per gram.
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Senior Member
Weed has actually caused me alot of PEMs too though. Sometimes the body isn't ready to go super high. I notice after the intense PEM I can smoke as much as I want and feel the effects of it stopping PEM. I think it depends on useage and tolerance as well. I've had it with caffiene and it causes a hyperexcitable feeling that feels like your body is in overdrive and you feel like you're getting a fever. Have no idea if that's a PEM but it causes me to be wiped for two days after. Talking alot with weed and coffee causes this Everytime for me.


Senior Member
Yesterday night I was in my baseline symptoms (at night I am mostly well) and while a bit tired I decided to do my hardest workout 2 hours after taking 1 pill of Medrol (16mg methylprednisolone).I confirm that it protects 100% from PEM and although I should wait another 24 hours to be sure because that's when the peak is, the way I felt after working out but most importantly the way I felt this morning when I woke up is very improved.I even think it brought my inflammation lower than my baseline, when I am not working out, not just preventing PEM.

I will probably keep this to 1 pill per week for that type of working out, which is quite harsh for the body (pull ups using rings, dips using rings and a few other calisthenics exercises).

So far I am impressed.I need to start working to improve my aerobic capacity because I never to aerobic exercise and I am very out of shape.I feel it will balance a bit my fatigue and help with mild POTS issues.


Senior Member
So far I am impressed.I need to start working to improve my aerobic capacity because I never to aerobic exercise and I am very out of shape.I feel it will balance a bit my fatigue and help with mild POTS issues.

In a way, it makes sense. Cortisol raises blood sugar, aka glucose, and raised blood glucose gives you a direct and immediate energy source. I'm thinking you might get the same affect by using Cortef, aka hydrocortisone.


Senior Member
In a way, it makes sense. Cortisol raises blood sugar, aka glucose, and raised blood glucose gives you a direct and immediate energy source. I'm thinking you might get the same affect by using Cortef, aka hydrocortisone.

They are similar drugs, I'm theory it should do the same , it's also what hip says.I will only limit this to once a week max, I don't want to cause any more troubles than I already have.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Yesterday night I was in my baseline symptoms (at night I am mostly well) and while a bit tired I decided to do my hardest workout 2 hours after taking 1 pill of Medrol (16mg methylprednisolone).I confirm that it protects 100% from PEM and although I should wait another 24 hours to be sure because that's when the peak is, the way I felt after working out but most importantly the way I felt this morning when I woke up is very improved.I even think it brought my inflammation lower than my baseline, when I am not working out, not just preventing PEM.
That seems like an odd and possibly dangerous solution. I get 4 times that as a precursor to my IVIG treatment to avoid allergic reaction and brain swelling. The effect lasts for over 24 hours. My doctor prescribed dexamethasone got the couple days after that, before I switch back to my normal tiny dose of hydrocortisone. None of these help with PEM.

Medrol will suppress your immune system which may not be wise in a COVID world, and certainly will reduce inflammation but at a cost to your adrenals.
I will probably keep this to 1 pill per week for that type of working out, which is quite harsh for the body (pull ups using rings, dips using rings and a few other calisthenics exercises).
That sounds very challenging. I've done well with lifting weights.

Vigorous exercise as you described creates a lot of oxidative stress which is hard on one's mitochondria. I've found preloading with glutathione and taking glutathione and BCAAs after a strenuous workout helps me avoid PEM, or if I've forgotten, they can pull me out of PEM.
So far I am impressed.I need to start working to improve my aerobic capacity because I never to aerobic exercise and I am very out of shape.I feel it will balance a bit my fatigue and help with mild POTS issues.
If you're out of shape, it might be prudent to increase activity gradually rather than the workout you describe above. Weightlifting, yoga, and brisk walking is s great start, then you can add beyond that.

POTS does make aerobic activity difficult. Have you tried Huperzine A to assist with acetylcholine? It's allowed me to do z lot more than before. Other things to look into are fat vs carb burning and production of epinepherine.


Senior Member
That seems like an odd and possibly dangerous solution. I get 4 times that as a precursor to my IVIG treatment to avoid allergic reaction and brain swelling. The effect lasts for over 24 hours. My doctor prescribed dexamethasone got the couple days after that, before I switch back to my normal tiny dose of hydrocortisone. None of these help with PEM.

Medrol will suppress your immune system which may not be wise in a COVID world, and certainly will reduce inflammation but at a cost to your adrenals.

That sounds very challenging. I've done well with lifting weights.

Vigorous exercise as you described creates a lot of oxidative stress which is hard on one's mitochondria. I've found preloading with glutathione and taking glutathione and BCAAs after a strenuous workout helps me avoid PEM, or if I've forgotten, they can pull me out of PEM.

If you're out of shape, it might be prudent to increase activity gradually rather than the workout you describe above. Weightlifting, yoga, and brisk walking is s great start, then you can add beyond that.

POTS does make aerobic activity difficult. Have you tried Huperzine A to assist with acetylcholine? It's allowed me to do z lot more than before. Other things to look into are fat vs carb burning and production of epinepherine.

Thanks for your suggestions.I will try BCAAs again.I have tried huperzine A along with alcar, vinponcetine and quercetin.I didn't find it add anything noticeable to the small benefit alcar provides (seems to lower my brain inflammation, helps a bit with fatigue and possibly lower my already minor POTS).

With the right supplements described in this post I can handle this type of exercise with minimal side effects on top of my baseline effects.But I have to take all of them.I think the 2 most helpful are creatine (everyday) and baking soda before exercising.
Medrol clearly sent me way past my baseline symptoms.

I like this exercise and the benefits give me a satisfaction I am missing from my life, because it is extremely easy for me to make muscle.All of my bodybuilding friends call me a mutant.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Like I said, Medrol nay help, but it's not a sound strategy for anything but an emergency. The price is too high to pay in impact to your adrenals and immune function.

I like exercise, too, and it has helped me throughout my battle with disease. The key is to support the body and compensate for any depletion of resources or damage exercise causes.

Creatine, BCAAS and baking soda can be useful. But oxidative and nitrosative stress should not be underestimated - I encourage you to investigate mitigating them as a part of your solution set.


Senior Member
Is there any one specific thing that I could try safely and easily? I do use the sodium bicarbonate at times, but wonder which of the other 6 would be worth trialing? And then add another one to it later?

this is also an impressive list of supplements.
I wanted to add something about

I'm an advocate for cold therapy. It was my first "biohack" that I was extremely and immediately aware was helpful.
I tried cryotherapy more than four years ago.
At the time, I was close to considering a home health aid or worse, getting a room in an assisted care facility. I was mostly bedridden and very beset my pain and unable to move. (There's so many categories of "bedridden" in my experience). Anyway, it wasn't looking good.
I tried cryo ... those first two minutes were a brief glimpse that maybe, just maybe I had a shot at getting some sort of life back.
It took 3 months of near daily Cryo for me to figure out that it was 3 Cryo sessions in 1 day that made the most benefit. (About a year later,, research was published they indeed 3x a day induces special cold shock proteins). I was most delighted that that research aligned with my own experiences.
It was quite something for me to be subjected to those freezing temperatures. I was extremely sensitive to the touch and had been for years.... it set in about the end of the first year of this disease.
Chemical, light, touch extreme sensitivities.

And definitely a cold shower or the typical cold water immersion therapy which I loved and would do regularly before this disease were not an option.

I did 3.5 years of cryotherapy. After those first three months, we built our own cryotherapy machine at home. Those big tanks of liquid nitrogen were something to arrange.
I haven't done Cryo for more than a year.
I've been in a horrendous 18 month journey to reclaim a very crashed nervous system and brain. It's been my most severe ME episode, I hope, ever.

I shared my story about cold shock proteins at one of the ME Stanford conferences-- in the heels of some scientists reporting how it isn't heat shock proteins, a presentation patients only scientists were privy to.
And I shared about Cryo with a researcher before he presented about brain temperature.

It was my main reason for pursuing my "hot" brain. After several months of many 3x a day home sessions, I finally had the feeling and then subsequent boost in real and normal physical activity.
(But I also did PEMF - coincided with this)

Cryotherapy was immensely useful. I could however not take it during my severe episodes where I'd lose full language to just stuttering and crying talk and also go to barely shuffling versus walking.

I'm definitely no scientist and how I understood proteins back then is a lot different than how I do know. Learning about protein folds and proteins as signaling activating in the context of corona virus has really opened up my mind again to exploring Cryo and sauna again when I'm stronger. I used to crash from combining the two or just from sauna. Now, I crave heat but my IR sauna is gone.
I did try cold water immersions, but just could not take them nor did they offer long term benefits in my physical prowess like Cryo did.
Sorry for the bold. I tried numerous times to turn it off.


Senior Member
Thanks for your suggestions.I will try BCAAs again.I have tried huperzine A along with alcar, vinponcetine and quercetin.I didn't find it add anything noticeable to the small benefit alcar provides (seems to lower my brain inflammation, helps a bit with fatigue and possibly lower my already minor POTS).

With the right supplements described in this post I can handle this type of exercise with minimal side effects on top of my baseline effects.But I have to take all of them.I think the 2 most helpful are creatine (everyday) and baking soda before exercising.
Medrol clearly sent me way past my baseline symptoms.

I like this exercise and the benefits give me a satisfaction I am missing from my life, because it is extremely easy for me to make muscle.All of my bodybuilding friends call me a mutant.
How interesting that it is very easy for you to build muscle. And that you have this disease. Did you have this before you got ME? Did you ever get a muscle biopsy or do lactic acid threshold measurements?

"They found that a single dose of CBD significantly increased blood flow to the hippocampus, a brain structure that plays a role in emotions, learning, and memory. They also noted increased blood flow to the prefrontal cortex, an area in the orbitofrontal cortex that’s used to process social behavior and decision-making. "

I can't tolerate CBD anymore, but this was interesting.