Dr Markov CBIS Theory of ME/CFS - General Discussion


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@Hip I seem to recall you saying you have had a recurrent UTI since becoming ill. How often was it you said this occurs? Have you noticed anything on this front?

I used to get UTI flare ups very often, but nowadays I hardly ever get them, maybe only once or twice a year. So I can't really use this the gauge the efficacy of the autovaccine treatment.

Years ago my recurrent UTI would flare up once every two or three weeks. During the flare my urine would have a terribly foul smell for a few days, and I would be much more tired than usual, but it would clear itself up on its own. This went on for many years, and nothing seemed to help much.

UTI antibiotics like Bactrim would help shorten a flare-up, but did not stop recurrence. When I started taking prebiotics with probiotics, that seem to reduce the flare-up frequency a little, but did not cure.

The treatment which final almost cured my recurrent UTI was silica from horsetail herb. This is an old Roman treatment for UTIs, and it works by modulating glomerular function. After noticing that my UTIs were less frequent on horsetail herb, I decided to take this herb continually for a year. At the end of that period, I found my UTIs had almost ceased to appear, and this gain in urinary health has remained for a decade now.

Taking horsetail for a year also coincided with a major improvement to my ME/CFS half way through that year. I suspect however that the improvement in ME/CFS was due to something else I started taken at the time, high dose selenium, rather than horsetail. But it may be worth trying horsetail, for those with UTI issues.


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
The treatment which final almost cured my recurrent UTI was silica from horsetail herb. This is an old Roman treatment for UTIs, and it works by modulating glomerular function. After noticing that my UTIs were less frequent on horsetail herb, I decided to take this herb continually for a year.
How or what form of horsetail herb were you taking @Hip ?


Senior Member
How or what form of horsetail herb were you taking @Hip ?

I don't remember the brand, as it was a decade ago, but looking at my notes from the time, I was taking 600 mg of horsetail daily for a year.

It is the silica in horsetail which works in the kidneys glomeruli, but too much silica can actually be toxic to kidney function. One article I downloaded at the time says that a safe dosing level for silica is 9-14 mg per day, and 20 to 30 mg is safe for short periods.

I just Googled, and apparently horsetail standardized extract contains 7% silica.


Senior Member
Well this is all getting interesting, I got a few questions - is anyone using off the shelf bacterial vaccines or would that seem like a waste of time considering the purported treatment can take 2 years ? are you all using the services of the Dr Markov ? how much does it cost and how much would it cost if it took 2 years ? Could CBIS be related in some way to any of the observations made in other studies e.g. complex V problem, circulatory dysfunction ? Has the clinic been affected by the Ukraine vs Russia war ?


Senior Member
@Hip - i hope you are in the 93 percent as well.

Up until last saturday, the treatment for
Me had been a failure and i had actually become worse overall. And had become worse before starting treatment. It was getting bad bad.

I was texting my friend about missing their wedding at 10 am. By 12:01 pm, i felt a bit different. Over the next couple days i just felt a bit better. So it came on fast and out if the blue for me. I hope it’ll come on for you too like this.

@Reading_Steiner - it cost me about 1 to 1.2k, maybe more i need to tally.

but it could be less i think. I overspent some, being one of the first i did stuff that wasn’t optimal.

I also had heavy bacteria infection, i think that bumped my cost up with the doctor.

Yes substantially, from the war. Pray he is ok.

Yes i am/was. I have 4 section of bact treatment. 2 auto vax and 2 staph vax, i think. No longer with war obv. That counts as one round.

Also i want to hype dr markov(or his brother is who i mostly talked to) bedside manner. Even after the war broke out they checked on my health, how it was going etc. they seem like genuinely good people. Obv its the treatment we care about, just wanted to mention that as well.

And i think he is right about the inclined, elongated, tilted forward capital N as the pattern to expect with improvements.
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Senior Member
That does seem to happen with cfs in general though, one day your feeling useless than the next day suddenly can do some stuff again, or vice versa. I remember you seemed to be consistently ill last year ... and your still feeling relatively ok now a few days on from that unusual level of activity ?

I was on the fence before but now i'm starting to feel like its worth investigating further, they say it will take a month for them to make the cell culturing plate items for me though, from one of the UK companies in that document that Hip created.


Senior Member
Sorry, but there is no evidence to support any of this “Dr.” Markov treatment for MECFS. It’s unfortunate that this has gone on for 47 pages. This is preying on desperate people.
Have you been sleeping under a rock for the last 8 months of this discussion?

Or didn’t you even bother to collect the data and catch up on our previous discussions about the legitimacy of this?


Senior Member
Sorry I haven’t followed this so closely but it truly is interesting. So even if you mostly have problem with virurses getting these autovaccines for bacteria infections can help? I really hope he is okay and can continue his work after the war....


Senior Member
That does seem to happen with cfs in general though, one day your feeling useless than the next day suddenly can do some stuff again, or vice versa. I remember you seemed to be consistently ill last year ... and your still feeling relatively ok now a few days on from that unusual level of activity ?

I was on the fence before but now i'm starting to feel like its worth investigating further, they say it will take a month for them to make the cell culturing plate items for me though, from one of the UK companies in that document that Hip created.

Basically i don’t fluctuate, just feel line shit all the time and basically canstant decline. Except i started taking ivermectin, that saved me prob.

I dont think i have had any big issues from my splurge. I think what is happening, possibly, is what dr markov talks about. You have these huge wellness spikes, then come back down low again, all the while slowly increasinging your baseline to theoretical cure. I’ll post a picture. I hope this is what is happening anyway. In a bit of fog of war at the moment, but i THINK i am heading in the right direction.

I have come back down from a 3 to back to a 1.75 to 2 maybe. Although this is kind of hard to guage. I feel kind of shitty again but have this general vague feeling i’m slowly improving.

Obv the wellness spikes are extremely noticeable, but like he said those don’t last.

I can see why this would take years.

@elvira - his claim is it works for nearly everybody with cfs.

@bread. - yes hipsman, and now I’m hesitantly saying it might be working for me as well. Thats my general feeling. It’s a strange process.


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Senior Member
Basically i don’t fluctuate, just feel line shit all the time and basically canstant decline. Except i started taking ivermectin, that saved me prob.

I dont think i have had any big issues from my splurge. I think what is happening, possibly, is what dr markov talks about. You have these huge wellness spikes, then come back down low again, all the while slowly increasinging your baseline to theoretical cure. I’ll post a picture. I hope this is what is happening anyway. In a bit of fog of war at the moment, but i THINK i am heading in the right direction.

I have come back down from a 3 to back to a 1.75 to 2 maybe. Although this is kind of hard to guage. I feel kind of shitty again but have this general vague feeling i’m slowly improving.

Obv the wellness spikes are extremely noticeable, but like he said those don’t last.

I can see why this would take years.

@elvira - his claim is it works for nearly everybody with cfs.

@bread. - yes hipsman, and now I’m hesitantly saying it might be working for me as well. Thats my general feeling. It’s a strange process.

So we can't get in this until the war is over etc right.?


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