Dr Markov CBIS Theory of ME/CFS - General Discussion

hi Civicko -
you will need to enable conversations invites in your profile

are you undergoing the Markov Treatment at the moment ?
What about now?

No, not yet, but I'm inclined to think that I have a streptococous overgrowth so it might be worth trying.


"And the last enemy to be destroyed is death."
New Zealand
I began the fourth and final 10 injection course within the second 6mo cycle of treatment last week.

The first intradermal gave me a reasonable red inflammatory reaction, but unlike last cycle, the subcuts of this polyvalent vaccine are so far no longer giving me a large red swelling. There is only a barely noticeable invisible swelling and bruise.

Last time this lack of visible reaction only happened on the very last injection (the largest dose). So this progression suggests to me that my body is getting quicker at clearing the antigens. It could also be that it's getting better at ignoring them haha, but one would hope not.
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Dear ME/CFS-patients on PhoenixRising,

Markov clinic, Kiyv, Ukraine, and Dr.-med.Igor Markov inform you that despite the current known events in Ukraine, the remote (per Email/messengers/etc.) ME/CFS-for-CBIS (Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome) full diagnostics and treatment with anti-ME/CFS-CBIS autovaccines, individually for a patient prepared from autostrains of bacteria, isolated&idendified in urine cultured on dip slides, and delivered to a patient,
have been continuing as before.

Please welcome Markov clinic:


Senior Member
Would interest me likewise.

Is there already an overview, who has improved to what extent?


..and we built castles in the Sky.
Chronic bacterial intoxication is a posibility I kinda suspect being prevalent in me aswell. So this is kinda interesting.

If its as easy as getting a urine culture and doing an autovaccine From that is doubtful however. What if the bacteria sits Not in the urigential tract?


"And the last enemy to be destroyed is death."
New Zealand
@MonkeyMan as far as I know I am the only forum member still actively trying the treatment. Some other members have done a single 6-month cycle but stopped due to various reasons. At least 2 of those had temporary symptom improvements, but no full remissions. However, since the full treatment protocol is usually 4-6 cycles over 2-3 years, I'm hopeful that we just need more people to try for longer.

If there are others who expressed interest in trying the treatment and went ahead but have not posted, I am also interested to hear from them. (Please! :) )


Here's my update from August which I wrote in the private thread:

Update: I'm still doing treatment and my third vaccine cycle is currently being shipped to me.

I finished my last cycle mid March so it's been about 5 months off and though I could have restarted after ~3-4 months, Dr Markovs prescription did suggest a wait of 3-6 months before next cycle so not sure whether to record that as any time off or not. Probably to be consistent with last time will mark July as no treatment, because I would have restarted in July if not for long shipping times to get my dipslides there and get the vaccines back.

I'm not sure exactly when it happened but I have definitely been doing more than last year, although my brain does feel slightly more derealised right now because of overdoing it, I have been able to do a lot more daily cognitive activity than in previous years before my brain shuts down completely.

Actually it doesn't usually shut down the same any more with the same sort of brain fog, I just get "long" pem where I generally feel more derealised and less "conscious", instead of my brain becoming so fogged that I can't think. Which can still happen if I concentrate too much but less rapidly. Which makes it harder to pace because the punishment is not as obvious or rapid-onset.

But I think overall considering how much I have been doing I do have relatively more energy on average than last year. I don't know if this is relevant to the treatment or not.

I'm not sure it's a full or half level change but relatively it feels like something. Physically I'm still bedbound all day but do go out to the kitchen on a rollie stool and have been making my own fried eggs when my Mum is gone. I've also gone to the back door a couple times to put the cat out.

My absolute limits are still not much, like I was washing my earmuffs in the kitchen sink and it became painful pretty quick and my arms/wrist muscles literally fatigued to exhaustion before I could finish washing them.

But I don't know, I think there is some difference from before it's just maybe a 5% to a 7% so not a full half level I don't think.

And it is hard to tell because my energy levels fluctuate anyway.

Then again, there are other symptoms which have gotten worse, like myoclonic jerks which only showed up in the last ~year.

My sense of smell is still much improved.

Since then I have started the 3rd cycle. No big changes but I did seem to get a decent energy boost for a few days after the most recent injection group. E.g. I found myself able to work on my tax returns for a lot longer than usual, without hitting a brain fog wall. The energy boost has subsided somewhat now after I overdid it :/


"And the last enemy to be destroyed is death."
New Zealand
(Second part of the update from August)

These are some of the reasons I know the vaccines are acting in a positive way against ME/CFS however:

1. After the 8th polyvalent vaccine in last cycle, I woke in the night and it seemed like all my life memories had come back and I could remember things much more easily. Then I couldn't sleep and the next morning woke up head "hungover" feeling crashed again as usual. Prior to this experience, the same evening, I had experienced diarrhoea and a sense of stomach burning/stomach ache (on the day after that vaccine. The same thing happened last cycle). This ease of memory recall did not return again.

2. The feeling of being able to "see in 3d" the world again returned again for some mornings after the end of treatment, but then went back to how it was before. (To be precise it is not that my eyes changed, I can see in 3d, but brain is sluggish so usually feels derealized). In other words, derealization temporarily improved noticeably. [This happened again in October around the same time I got the "energy boost"]

3. My sense of smell which returned after the previous treatment cycle is still good. My nose is definitely clearer on average than it was before.


Senior Member
Thanks Atlas.
Unfortunately, my conclusion is: Markov's approach is virtually useless, at least for most patients.
Amsterdam, NL
Maybe it’s just a simple that the auto vaccines create a feverish immune reaction,
That can shortly reverse the low hypometabolic state our mitochondria and immune system are in.
- just like many patients have experienced improvements after a strong immune reaction (high fever) to an infection (Covid, bacteria) or Sometimes the Covid-vaccine
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