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Still on most of Joshua Leisk protocol

On pretty much all of the joshua leisk protocol at this point. Glutathione on and off as I can't take it for more than a few days at a time. EGCG once a day 80mg egcg only in the AM to rid myself of brain fog, it also appears to stop inflammation in my neck and head returning, don't ask me how.

I added hesperidin successfully awhile back and I've just re-introduced lactoferrin as well. Lactoferrin isn't giving me any side effects this time.

However I really need to get new blood tests so waiting for a boxing day/new years sale so that I Can get an entire blood workup again. Due to the covid booster rollout and the NHS being under insane pressure my doctor hasn't followed me up for any of my consultations and that was 5 weeks ago. So I won't be able to really get any help with that for several months.

I hope to get through christmas and the new year without contracting covid.

Picked up a virus a week ago, which my gf hasn't got. Her immune system is a lot stronger than mine, but she is always perpetually very warm blooded and I do wonder if that goes some way to her body temp fighting off germs a lot better than mine does. I've done two lateral flows both negative, but unable to do a PCR because christmas post means I can't send it off until the new year. Funny because the government website tells the opposite story, bloody joke as usual. I don't have the energy to drive to a site as ther eall too far away, so can't get a pcr done in person.

Also learnt yesterday that the boosters wane after 5 weeks! They loose 10% in the 5th week, that seems nuts to me. I mean I am glad I get the boosters but I honestly seriously wonder what level of extra protection it will give if the primary protection only lasts say 8 weeks.


As for the protocol still taking everything but not fully recovered from the booster yet. But this is only week 3 of my booster so with the flu vaccine I didn't really feel normal until week 5 and I didn't really get my ability to fight viruses and stuff off properly for 12 weeks after a vaccine. These vaccines are pissing me off though because I relapse with each one and the strength that joshuas protocol gives me takes 12 to 24 weeks to return. I simply don't have a long enough break.

At the same time I'd be lost without Josh's protocol, I mean I don't think I'd be working and I'd be incredibly unwell and probably spending most of my time in bed fully housebound. So thank god he came along when he did! I couldn't manage a 3 to 5 minute walk before his protocol, now when recovered from a relapse I can manage 30 to 50 minute walks - flat out. Quite the contrast!

Not much else to report, like most people in the UK hoping not to get sick anytime soon with Omicron.


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