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Running on full

Today I was extremely tired largely because of my job and also half from the state of guts which have been very heavy and feeling like they're literally weighing down my brain. This morning though I caught a lucky break when I was let out early from work and got to call out of my other job I was supposed to work tonight. I spent a lot of the day almost falling asleep at my desk just trying to make it to coffee time. As the evening went on I felt a bit better but I got the tuna and decided to make dinner tonight again because I wanted to get it over with. Like I said in the weird food reactions topic it still worked whatever the mechanism is. I have some more tests to run with it from another store but if the benefits stick around I honestly don't know what I'd do with it besides try to find what compound is specifically doing it. Tomorrow morning I have work and I just know it's not going to be a good time but like I said in my last entry I'm looking forward to tomorrow evening. I'll power through it but like today when I get back home I'm probably just going to nod out in my chair the rest of the day, wake up for some coffee, and then get ready to go. The next day I have work that night but I should at least be able to get through it. Getting myself to Sunday will probably at this point feel like reaching a sanctuary as I have no work or anything to do, I'll probably just eat something carby and plain just to help push out this mess and then take a break and run the rest of the tuna experiments much more slowly. One thing for sure is between that I'm going back to vegan for a while to get my guts moving better again and honestly taking a nice break from trying a lot at all besides replacing my supplements with less allergenic versions of them. I'm going to try the new K2 tomorrow morning with no additives actually though I'm not expecting anything at all besides maybe a slight improvement at most in my baseline from ingesting less additives.


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