Yesterday was not as great, after a horrible morning, exhausting day at work, and more exhaustion later there wasn't much left energy wise for me to do much of anything but sit and wait till it was time to go to sleep. I did get in the new methyl-b12 capsules though and they work just fine. No bad reaction to them at all and I took 3000 mcg which I hope will stay ok. Last night I actually did find someone selling in supplement form one of the vitamin D end products in the body calcifediol and bought some. There is very little in the of peoples experiences from it scattered about the internet but from what people have said it's been largely positive which gives me some hope. One person reported a migraine later but that was it. In the mean time there's not much I can do but just do my thing and wait. It's extremely early as I'm up for work right now and doesn't feel like today will be amazing since last night I had extra running around to do but I can just go through the motions. The emotional component of feeling trapped where I am has been especially brutal in the mornings when I ironically have the least to work with. I always wake up feeling worse and sleep just does the bare minimal to keep my body online. Funny how inactivity works so well but sleep is even more exhausting. Overall right now what's keeping me going is keeping my eyes on my goals and nonreactivity to the pain.