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Moving On

Last night at my old workplace I put in my 2 weeks, I have abour a few paychecks left to look forward to from them and I'm out of there. It's best that I did though, I barely recognized the place anymore, everyone I used to know that worked there is gone, and the new register system has been making me feel so ill after every shift that minimum wage there simply isn't worth it. In fact going back there last night after a few days at my new place and 3 days in between my last shift at the old place really gave me some sharp contrast on just how sickly the old place was now making me. It was bad before but the new registers radiation output pushed it over the edge for me. Less than an hour in and I was already feeling the familiar brain burny, immune disturbing, anhedonic nonsense that I had forgotten about from my days away from the place. The feeling lasted into the night, the next orning, and I'm still feeling quite a bit of the aftermath now. I don't know how based on this contrast I was even surviving working there weekly for so long but I guess the body has an interesting way of adapting to extreme situations to get you through.

I have one more shift at the old place on thurday night so I suspect it's gonna be one brutal thursday and Friday considering my general energy state from the drain of everything already. My calcifediol should come in tomorrow but I won't have a safe space to try it until saturday. The rest of the week should be the roughest thing I ever went to but it's not gonna be fun until then. Nothing to do now but lay low and conserve the resources, generally what I been up to since getting my new job is financially planning more things to do to benefit my situation once I have more saved. As long as my old job is still really messing me up too I can't enjoy as much right now anyways and instead of enjoying much of what I've really been wanting to lately I just been enjoying whatever is streaming on youtube in the evening I want to see with a side of sleep where I can fit it in.


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