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Fueling the engine

I feel like from yesterday the rapid increase in methyl-b12 stirred my system up too much but I appear to be starting to tolerate 3000 mcg better., most of yesterday I just felt completely nuts. I'm also wondering if dividing the dose up throughout the day would be better, the doses also seem to be time sensitive. What I've noticed though is through this is that there is a clear division of different types of energy. Methyl-b12 patches up something almost purely physical but doesn't touch my cognitive fatigue. D3 when it works provides that actual energy I need but under previous circumstances I couldn't get it to work correctly and when I stablize at my new dose level of methyl-b12 (if I don't need to go back down) I want to try it again and some other things under those circumstances. This is unfortunately just a bandage over a much bigger problem but the increase will keep me going for now physically easier. I guess you can use the car engine going with no wheels idea for this situation right now. I'll see how I do at work today, not expecting a horrible one but I'm not looking forward to it either.


How ya doing here 5 hours later?

This is unfortunately just a bandage over a much bigger problem but the increase will keep me going for now physically easier.

Sometimes, ya take what ya can get, even while wanting, even Needing, there to be something more.

To borrow a phrase from Grandfather W,
"It's more than it would be if it were less than it is."
How ya doing here 5 hours later?

Sometimes, ya take what ya can get, even while wanting, even Needing, there to be something more.

To borrow a phrase from Grandfather W,
"It's more than it would be if it were less than it is."

Was gonna make another post this evening but better, the morning was a bit rough but luckily the over stimulation has faded more by now. Like usua we're fine. Interesting though that it's the only B vitamin and this form that does anything to consistently keep at least my physical ability up but if it gets too high I hit hypertension and extreme anxiety but with extreme productivity when it comes to tasks requiring focus with almost no brain power. Maybe it's just raising adrenaline where my body can't on it's own for some reason to a normal point? I can't imagine it's cortisol since I have sky high stress levels on and off anyways as of lately and just being stressed out doesn't do the same thing in the absence of a higher dose of methyl-b12.
the morning was a bit rough but luckily the over stimulation has faded more by now
That's good.
As for the possible causes, it is good that you are keeping track of happenings and potential factors.
I don't know enough to offer any insight on that.
That's good.
As for the possible causes, it is good that you are keeping track of happenings and potential factors.
I don't know enough to offer any insight on that.
I don't expect anyone too, I just like blogging like this since it helps me organize my thoughts on what is currently going on well. Feel free to say whatever on anything! Hope what I'm doing helps others too which is also why I don't give up on myself.

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