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Neuropathy??? Second post for day 19 covid

I dont like when i get brand new symptoms. Having a burning sensation throughour lower half of body.

Minor: Stabbing eye pain which may be return of my recurrent virus but the burning is brand new. Concerned. New neuropathy from covid?

Maybe i shoukd stop blogging since i dont think will end. This is now the start of complications and end of covid. So maybe will twke it to three weeks, which is tueday and then fo back to just posting normally. Grear. Now neuropathy added. I have no readon to think vit B deficieny

Wonder if this is direct t covid invasion, autoimmune reaction triggered by covid, or something else

Now i get to look up covid neurooathy and dont want to. Im so tired of this. Not much can so to fix.


i just did a quick search, i think its not worth to do research for now as findings are contradicting.

one metastudy claimed there are no cv19 neuropathy effects at all, but can happen due to medication.

another claims that its quite common as covid tends to damage nerves and so symptoms can occur for 2 weeks until 3 month.

so basically you are right, could be damage to your nerves. but it seams to heal. at least i guess for the non chronic sick, how it is for us idk.

you say you do not have vitamin deficiencies or you do not think it relates to that.
i still would suggest to get a load of vitamins like B12 not for deficiency reasons but because those help to regenerate nerves.
especially a good source for cholin, maybe eggYOLKS if that is possible?
i suppose your nose problems fall into that same category.

i take my weekly vitamin B12 and vitamins + vitamin D shot. i hope that makes a difference.

"Stabbing eye pain" -> like a knife piercing through your eye to back of the skull?
i do get these when my upper neck muscles are tight. this is usually for me due to prolonged bad position of my body and head. like reading too much and bending head forward.
the same muscles also seam to make a tight feeling in the nose/sinuses and other areas.

if you switch to not daily blogging about this. maybe you can give updates about those symptoms in like 1 and 3 month? or even monthly? i'd be interested.
@linusbert ooh thank you so much. Cant say enough thanks because normally i do lots of this kind of investigating for myself and others but am just not up to it right now. So this helps tremendously

Will follow the link. Do you mean that in studies that report neuropathy/nerve damage from covid, it tends to repair/go away eventually ? (For normals, i agree we tend to be special cases) That would be good to hope for. Ive never been a fan of meta studies by the way and i tend to discount their conclusions

Will try to reply more letter- getting ready for the likely useless infectious disease televisit.
@linusbert waiting for the ID doc to show ip

Read the link. Not clear how long the followed folks for and maybe i will go to original atudy tgo i think summary enuf to say yes theres feports of perioheral neuropathy

On b vitamins for nerve repair, good point. ill see if can put in link for trxas transdernal vit B patch. I use their gaba and melatonin patches and like them. Downdr is the B patches are intended for under methylation absd i am an over methylator

I suppose anothr possibility is its increased my gain on neural reaponsiveness- but this seems very specifically peripheral Woukd be nice to know how covid is mediating nerve danage. Also interesting i did not get this until about day 19 - but perhaps im only now feeling effects of covid as my systems start to wake up and make themselves known.
under methylation absd i am an over methylator
i never understood this methylation thing. if i check symptoms i am basically under and overmethylating at the same time.

i somehow belief this methylation theories to be unpractical or even wrong. i still think methylation can be an issue... but the common theories of under- and overmethylators and genetics, i do not get.
maybe its different for homozygotes.

whats a ID doc?

Will follow the link. Do you mean that in studies that report neuropathy/nerve damage from covid, it tends to repair/go away eventually ? (For normals, i agree we tend to be special cases) That would be good to hope for. Ive never been a fan of meta studies by the way and i tend to discount their conclusions

they suggest for normals it goes away after that time. but i guess all this is very vague.
i also dont trust meta studies. they always seam to be a bit sketchy.

many post covid / long covid problems come weeks or even month later. thats what i gathered from some reports. no studies for that.
i read from people who got very mild infection but then a pretty bad post covid stuff going on for month.

i used to dismiss covid as milder than flu... and while it may be true for the infection phase... this post covid stuff is really scarry. since i lost my smelling temporarly i am alerted.
it feels covid is like a common cold with a pretty bad and random doom component.

On b vitamins for nerve repair, good point. ill see if can put in link for trxas transdernal vit B patch. I use their gaba and melatonin patches and like them.

patches i didnt try yet. i also do not find these on german market.
what vitamins for nerve repair are best? b12? b1?
can i use folic acid instead of folate? maybe with methylb12. but i think folate turns me upside down.
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