I can tell you what he has in his gut, lots of pathogenic gram negative organisms. See my post above, you need to cut back further. Once the Bifido counts come up, they are going to stay up, depending upon the organism supplemented, the concentration supplemented, and the various environmental factors. In this regard, don't think of it as a one time supplement, but something that will have lasting immunomodulatory properties. A new homeostasis will eventually come about. The endotoxins will suppress the immune response, there is always counter-regulation.
Some phosphatidylserine, not sure how heavy he is to recommend a dosage, Omega 3, and epsom salt baths might help with the mood. Don't give up on the RS, just stop it for now. In the longer term, dietary changes, will most certainly help. Do it while the kids are young enough to accept and not hopelessly addicted to simple carbs.