The Resistant Starch Challenge: Is It The Key We've Been Looking For?


Senior Member
hi Ripley

I can see how taking all 3 of these could get quite pricey for a number of people, including myself. Since many of you know more about probiotics than I do, if I wanted to try one of these, which one would give me more bang for the buck so to speak...the Prescript Assist?

I'm happy to admit that I really don't know. And, as @dmholmes pointed out (via Tim Steele), above, don't take probiotics if you are severely immune-compromised.

My instinct is to favor fermented vegetables and use SBOs if you know your immune system is strong enough to take them. Although, supposedly people with immune-compromised immune systems haven't had adverse effects with SBOs.
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Senior Member
Scotland, UK
Just wondering how many people here are FUT2 non-secretors? The gene FUT2 is responsible for producing fucose which is basically food for beneficial bacteria in the gut. 20% of Caucasians are non-secretors (including me) which means we're resistant to some infections such as norovirus and HIV however we're more likely to have a poor diversity of bifidobacteria.

The gene to look for is rs601338 - if you are AA then it means you're a FUT2 non-secretor.

I generally consider myself healthy and have no gut problems but my parents are far from healthy. So I've been experimenting myself before getting them to take any RS and so far I've found that there's been a lot of activity in my gut, laxative effects etc. Something is happening, so it looks like FUT2 non-secretors need more prebiotics in the diet than most people.

FWIW, both of my parents are AA for this gene.


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
I'm happy to admit that I really don't know. And, as @dmholmes pointed out (via Tim Steele), above, don't take probiotics if you are severely immune-compromised.

My instinct is to favor fermented vegetables and use SBOs if you know your immune system is strong enough to take them. Although, supposedly people with immune-compromised immune systems haven't had adverse effects with SBOs.

What do you consider severely immune-compromised?
I imagine that the majority of us suffers from some degree of immune abnormalities.
Would you consider having positive ANA, presence of antibodies (anti Scl, anticardiolipine etc...) - mild numbers, low gammagloblins G and A a case that requires beeing low on probiotics?


Senior Member
What do you consider severely immune-compromised?
I imagine that the majority of us suffers from some degree of immune abnormalities.
Would you consider having positive ANA, presence of antibodies (anti Scl, anticardiolipine etc...) - mild numbers, low gammagloblins G and A a case that requires beeing low on probiotics?

I feel very uncomfortable with the advice being dispensed in this thread as if it were coming from a GI expert. I sincerely appreciate and welcome the advice from @Ripley, but it needs to be explicitly said that everyone is experimenting with probiotics on themselves at their own risk. We all need to make our own decisions, and consult a medical professional if desired. Of course, a medical professional won't have the first clue about how to advise, but at least there will be someone to sue.


Senior Member
I feel very uncomfortable with the advice being dispensed in this thread as if it were coming from a GI expert. I sincerely appreciate and welcome the advice from @Ripley, but it needs to be explicitly said that everyone is experimenting with probiotics on themselves at their own risk. We all need to make our own decisions, and consult a medical professional if desired. Of course, a medical professional won't have the first clue about how to advise, but at least there will be someone to sue.

Exactly. I am not qualified to give any medical advice. You should consider me as nothing more than a layman who has read a lot about RS. I have no real expertise in this area and I'm quite confident that most of you have more expertise than I do. Proceed at your own risk.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Reporting in: I think the RS finally bit me--I worked very, very slowly up to 1 1/2 tablespoons and have been taking that much for about a week. Today felt fluish, generally crappy, no appetite....Time out for a couple of days I think.



Senior Member

It seems that H&B have it as Potato Flour. I bought some and it seems to be the right one. Otherwise Amazon and iherb.


Senior Member
I am working my way up to PS, and yesterday took 1 Garden of Life SBO and a small serving of kimchi. I woke up this morning feeling as if I was hit by a truck, sick feeling in the head and all. I was wondering during the night how much of a part NO plays in the picture, because I had read that NO can be the cause of migraines.

I have this awful feeling of remembering only small incomplete pieces of information and being overwhelmed and too scattered to be able to figure things out.:confused: There's quite a few smiley faces that would work for this morning.:meh:


PR activist
I had a bit of sauerkraut today, and it made me feel awful. Headache, muscle ache, brain fog, fatgue, anxiety, etc. I don't think NO is part of it; I do not react like this to other things that increase NO. I wonder if it a detox reaction, or some kind of intolerance (histamine, lactid acid)?

I have also been taking some RS with bifido before bed for a while, and seem to tolerate it reasonably well.


Senior Member
I had a bit of sauerkraut today, and it made me feel awful. Headache, muscle ache, brain fog, fatgue, anxiety, etc. I don't think NO is part of it; I do not react like this to other things that increase NO. I wonder if it a detox reaction, or some kind of intolerance (histamine, lactid acid)?

I have also been taking some RS with bifido before bed for a while, and seem to tolerate it reasonably well.

Okay thanks for the input about the NO.

It's hard to tell if the reaction is for a positive or negative reason, isn't it? I'm going to hope it's the reaction that vegas talks about(endotoxin released from breaking down gram negative bacteria) and that I simply overdid it.

I feel like my brain is empty. I can only do things like laundry, where you put your brain on automatic.

How do you do with regular cabbage and other vegetables in that family? I'm trying to decide if the fermented vegetables are either extra effective or contain plant chemicals that cause problems, such as sulfurophane. I don't see how such a small amount of cabbage in my kimchi could contain enough plant chemicals for that to be the cause, though. I had bad reactions to Bubbi's sauerkraut so many times and just backed off thinking it was a sign that it wasn't good for me.

The kimchi is delicious.


PR activist
How do you do with regular cabbage and other vegetables in that family? I'm trying to decide if the fermented vegetables are either extra effective or contain plant chemicals that cause problems, such as sulfurophane.

I do tolerate them fine unfermented, it's definitely the fermentation that does it. I had about 2 tbs of sauerkrat, maybe I overdid it, too. Could be the endotoxins, as you say.


Senior Member
It's hard to believe how potent the right probiotics and resistant starch can be.

It's a strange feeling, I feel like an airhead. This might be the reaction Vegas spoke of that he got from eating natto.

I don't know much about histamines, maybe someone else will have some input on that. It would be good to find a work around for the bad effects.


Senior Member
I have just started reading this thread, but once I told KDM my brain fog was unbearable. he said, "that's lactic acid"


Senior Member
I was eating sauerkraut and kimchi for a while, but kimchi is spicy....isn't that bad for us??