I am thinking that one of the possible reasons for bad side effects from LPS is that it is inducing fibrin production which is causing circulation problems. I think a systemic enzyme might be really helpful.
Thanks for your thoughts on that Violeta.
LPS has come up quite a bit in discussions in the ancestral health community over the past couple of years. Lots of tie-in with metabolic syndrome.
The aloe vera juice helps. It seems very calming to the gut. Thanks for the link to that study. I knew it was bifidogenic, but that seems like a very nice potential bonus! I just use the Lifestream brand - 20mls on an empty stomach 2 - 4 times a day...depending on how often I remember. I'll keep taking it until the bottle's finished anyway and see if I still feel I need it.
I think (!) I was able to determine that in itself the PS doesn't cause me problems.
I'm managing between 2 and 4 Tbsp every day, but since adding more solid food back in I am getting more of a reaction..of course that could have been going to happen anyway. It feels like yeast die off or similar, nothing acute. On the down side I am experiencing swollen glands and foggy/heavy feeling in the mornings. I'm usually relatively bright and active in the mornings so this is a definite change. I'm alternating between evening and morning doses for the PS and taking it as far away from food as possible.
...From the Free The Animal comments I think people are running into the most discomfort when they eat the starch with certain foods? Later on, after enough shift has taken place, I'd hope that wouldn't be so much of a problem?? I'll have to see in due course.
Sleep is rock solid and dreams are BIG. I'm more tired than usual in the evenings and I'm needing to get to sleep earlier. I've been sleeping about 9 hours...right up to the alarm clock. (Usually up at sunrise or just before.)
...I think this may due to dealing with some extra toxic load. Sometimes if I eat something that doesn't agree with me I get headaches or joint pain, but I've experienced none of that so far.
My blood sugar seems more stable....no jitteriness if I miss a meal - which I'm tending to do right now because I'm (a big sissy and...) keeping potentially problematic combinations at a respectable distance!

I'm eating plenty, just less often in order to accommodate the RS, if that makes sense. Feels OK to me right now.
Probiotics - I'm taking L rham and B bifidum in coconut milk, and some coconut kefir and sauerkraut. I forgot to mention...last week when avoiding solids I took S boulardii capsules 2 x per day.