This abstract lists a number of bacteria that have been found in calcium oxalate stones.
my former diet was very high in oxalates (sweet potatoes, broccoli) and collagen supplementation, bone broth and excessive protein which the later was shown as an issue in my genova OAT. Far too much protein I also have overgrowth in candida and 2 of those 3 bacteria (K. pneumoniae, S. aureus) in my CDSA result. Overgrowth of citro, strept., b. fragilis. No E. Coli, Lacto. growth which I'm trying to resolve by raising bifido and taking prebiotics/GOS.
I also have ankylosing spondylitis from K. pneumoniae overgrowth and it's tough walking since I can't walk straight or lift my head.
I have very high uric acid, oxalates in most of my joints. My kidneys/lower back was hurting so bad much a few days ago which was aggravated by high dose p5p/b6 and/or acetyl carnithine. I've never taken b6 in high dose or much at all aside from a multi. So the abrupt change probably caused a reaction. I cured/relieved my Calcium oxalates/kidney pain using mg citrate/glycinate, b vitamins, arginine, lemon/acidic juices with oil, taurine. Have no idea what is going on or what I'm doing/ or what pathways I'm pushing. If I'm excreting uric acid from my kidneys. I need to salvage purines. Don't know if I'm detoxing or just mobilizing something and worsening my root cause.
Everything seems to lead back to dysbiosis, specifically candida and opportunistic bacteria which survive the toughest of treatments. I've been following Grace Liu and heisenberg which have helped the most along with diet/low oxalates and b/mineral supplementation. Liu's blog and people heisenberg are really great and what I enjoy reading. Although I warn those who are intolerate to some of the bacterial strains and inulin/RS2 is something I'd avoid. prebiotics like GOS, acai, aronia and arabinogalactan have been well tolerated. Trying to raise bifido, which should raise E.coli. And just help improve growth of Lacto. Prescript assist has helped the most. And d lactate/histamine free probiotics. Once things settled down and I felt like I could tolerate histamine, ammonia through detoxing or degrading, I added farmhouse sauerkraut brand and that helped somewhat. Then B. infantis and L. plantarum. Also L. rhamnosus, reuteri. I'm just focusing too much on everything especially reducing gut irritating foods, oxalates, paleo and bacterial strains. Low-moderate fructose/starch. Making my own fermented foods. For L.G., Thorne's l glutamine has helped whereas NAG significantly worsened my symptoms.
So many issues along with my severe psoriasis, arthritis, silver/copper toxicity, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, MAOA, COMT for fibro,ABC
rs2231142(A;A) for gout, MTHFR c677t (+/-), joint damages in my neck, fingers, wrist, knees, feet and a crazy amount of anxiety, IBS-c, leaky gut/food sensitivities, hypothyroidism, insomnia, very high cortisol, CRP, sigA, inflammation, EOS, inability to concentrate, unwanted moodiness/anger and depression. I still get brain fog, ammonia and histamine reactions from probiotics and prebiotics from the night before. I sometimes wake up late with brain fog from ammonia and herx. I'm also trying to get rid of ammonia, peroxynitrite, NO as well. Used to have cfs.
Anyways, I have to compile some questions, ideas, concerns to tell me functional Dr within a week and I don't know where to start, what to prioritize. I can't talk to my doc whenever i want because of policy. so this is it. It's causing stress and anxiety thinking what to say or what treatment to try. I'm new in a lot of areas.
If anyone wants to check out my thread to help, appreciate it.