Thank you for the update. Such good news! I am so happy for you.

We haven't had any tests done. But noticed the same thing you did : dumping when starting Oxalobact again after a week or so of not taking any. Dumping now is very rare and does not last for more than a week or so.
We certainly had an oxalate problem, and it seems very much improved.
In fact everything seems very much improved. I would never even think we had a chronic problem. In fact nothing points to anything really wrong.
We only took one a day but last month we upped it to two. I suspect they might be starting to be too old?
The oxalate problem seems to have disappeared. But at the same time as Oxalobact we also take handfuls of various probiotics. Some of which triggered dumping in the past. Now nothing happens.
Something has been fixed.
And I suspect a lot more is happening quietly. Perfect nails, thick fast growing hair.
The strange thing is, now when in presence of someone who is sick, I get very dark moods, which I have identified as an attack on my immune system. I actually feel in my mind that something is trying to invade me. It gives me a kind of cold black anger, extremely mental. And after a couple of days it disappears and I did not catch their flu/cold/whatever virus.
The mental part is strange. This is not emotional anger. Rather a murderous cold blood feeling.
Our thoughts are not our own. I now realize this.
Good luck to all!