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J'aime nager dans le froid style Wim Hof.. 🏊‍♀️🙃
Asking for help: does anyone know a probiotic or prebiotic or just anything that helps to eat more meat, liver, fish or any protein-rich food in general (including plant-based)?

(details: Digestive enzymes have no noticeable effect in me. Seed Synbiotic DS01 helps a bit. Bitters increase appetite and generally do good, but they don't help with eating more protein-rich foods. Symptom-wise, I may get sleeplessness, diarrhea, loss of appetite, pulsation, feeling of warmth and sweating in bed if I try to increase protein-rich foods. Supplementing aminos is no option because this completely kills my digestion. Gastroscopy and colonoscopy never found a thing, pancreas elastase is perfect, but sIgA is almost always low. But everything I try in order to increase sIgA (lactobacillus plantarum 299v, NMN, resveratrol) caused sleeplessness, pulsation, less appetite, less tolerance for eating enough). My Shannon index (gut bugs diversity) is often mildly lowish, but I did succeed to increase it to normal several times and even then I cannot eat more protein-rich foods. I eat fiber (raw potatoes containing resistant starch + chicory roots containing inulin). My difficulties of eating enough meat, fish or plant-based protein did not come with keto, but they came with an EBV, which later on made me develop ME, from which keto rescued me and made me tolerate some fish again; today having still neuropathic POTS, which forces me to be in bed most of the day, except 2 active hours in which I do sports almost as healthy people would (fast walking and Wim Hof training). EBV is confirmed by PCR to be not detectable both in duodenal biopsies, nor in blood, and by the usual serum tests confirmed to be no more active.)
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Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
Asking for help: does anyone know a probiotic or prebiotic or just anything that helps to eat more meat, liver, fish or any protein in general (including plant-based)?
Betaine hydrochloride supplements help support healthy gut function and safely restore normal gastric acidity. Normal gastric acidity liquefies meat, which is then mostly absorbed in your small intestines.

1. It might help to learn to drink between meals so you're not diluting stomach acid when digesting food.
2. Start with whatever fatty meats agree with you. Have you tried egg yolk? Dairy cream in your coffee?
3. Do not fear fat or salt. If no longer eating highly processed food, maybe not be getting enough.