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insulin resistance

  1. linusbert

    video: Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency, Insulin Resistance & Diabetes

    i found it quite interesting. its explaining thiamine and different pathways related to glucose metabolism especially in context of diabetes.
  2. nerd

    My Keto Experience

    I recently switched to a ketogenic diet and would like to share my experience and draw attention to some aspects that might not be common knowledge yet. I prepared myself for the ketogenic diet. I had MCT oil, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, and the right food available. I use Fora 6 and Ketonix for keto...
  3. Hip

    Is insulin resistance the cause of fibromyalgia? In a subset of fibromyalgia patients, metformin dramatically improved pain

    A new study published in May 2019 finds preliminary evidence that fibromyalgia might be due to insulin resistance: Is insulin resistance the cause of fibromyalgia? A preliminary report The study found highly significant association between fibromyalgia and glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c)...