LED red intranasal light therapy


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I'm in the club!

But started with just 5 minutes -- low and slow is the safest approach for me.

Last night I slept better than usual but then I was more tired than usual, so it is not a fair trial. Today I'll try 10 minutes--wow, pretty daring for me.



Senior Member
Yes, Sushi, good instinct to go slow. Even with my 30 second - 1 minute range (though neckrolls are delightful, as Madie noted, for the full timing) I have gotten a lot of detox. Stuff is really stirred up, and cranky.


Senior Member
I'm in the club!

But started with just 5 minutes -- low and slow is the safest approach for me.

Last night I slept better than usual but then I was more tired than usual, so it is not a fair trial. Today I'll try 10 minutes--wow, pretty daring for me.


Yay!! You mean the red LED club?
I'm next. ;)


Senior Member
LED 633 nm trial - Day 21

Last night 7 pm I used the LED in my right nostril. I slept well. This morning previous pimples are nearly gone. The nodule is very flat but hasn't changed. Vision is a little less blurry. Sharp pain in the left jaw.

The LED is really helping with energy. Most probably it is bettering glucose utilization/lowering insulin resistance. I get more done in my day, more situations arise, and more friends turn up or write to me, I have even lost a small fungus I had for years in my back, it just fell off yesterday. Could be that the blood is less sweet as a consequence of this lowering of insulin resistance.

Apart from that, there is a strange effect on time.
- Part of this could be because of the extra energy/more glucose available thing = In the same amount of time I can do 140 movements of my exercise instead of 108 previously. Meaning I have the extra energy to move faster, but it is also that my internal time is running faster.
- My sunbathing hour is running very slow!!!!! When I check my watch thinking 30 minutes have elapsed, I find that it was only 15 minutes. This has happened several days in a row now, and is getting worse so to speak. This I cannot see yet how it would be related to more glucose available. It is not tiring to lie down in the morning sun after a good swim. I get double pleasure now in the same time frame :).
- My watch is running fast. Now this is not new, I had this problem in my youth that I could not wear a digital watch because they would not work properly on me. Only a nice heavy mechanical watch could do (yes, that can go under water as well - it is what you think). But this acceleration of the time in my watch has rarely happened with this one (which I have been wearing for the last 45 years).
And it was serviced only 8 months ago. It now is 10 minutes forward after roughly 10 days. That is, this is the second time in this 21 days trial that I have to put it back 10 minutes.

I suppose this is happening because the LED is affecting the circadian and ultradian clocks. This is coherent with Western science as well as with Yoga.

The thing is, if red light makes the internal clock go faster, does blue light slow it down? Is that Chronic Fatigue of ours a slowing down of our internal clocks?

This is very powerful stuff. I think that being careful in the use of the red LED is imperative.
Tonight will be a day off.

May I remind you of one of my former posts?

And arx gives a very interesting reply
The shock comes when you get sick, when all those years of be it unconscious and conscious desires are no longer in sync with reality, because your capabilities aren't the same when you thought those things. Your mental resources come down considerably, and you have to build life again in sync with whatever you have now, not what you had. I think this is the hardest part.

Could it be that this red LED light is bringing me back in sync?
Lots of love to all :hug:
TAKE IT EASY!!! When you own a mechanical watch you know it has to be rewinded delicately.


Senior Member
Hi Asklipia, great update.
(I hope the circadian people I usually hang out with read that!)
Someone using this therapy in neuro patients mentioned recently - whatever gets messed up with too much blue light, i.e.the melatonin cycle shortening, and jumping forward..resulting in all circadian hormone cycles getting out of sync, red light therapy will help put right.

This is pure speculation (!) but I wonder if it's helping in some way with thiamine transport, given both your experience with the mosquitos leaving you alone and a feeling of improved glucose utilisation??
I'm currently using 1800 mg thiamine daily for a slight improvement in steady energy and that's not something I want to do long term, even though I'm enjoying some benefit.



Senior Member
This is pure speculation (!) but I wonder if it's helping in some way with thiamine transport, given both your experience with the mosquitos leaving you alone and a feeling of improved glucose utilisation??
Hi Anne,
What I am reporting is personal experience but I think you are right.
I have not found much related to thiamine and red light. Maybe because I do not know how to look? Also my mind is rushing in many directions and the red light has brought so many social interactions! :) I am trying to keep this mind in check, not to let it rush forward more than I can act upon. I need help for all of this.

There are a number of studies linking (in plants, but they do not put humans under red lamps that often, do they?) light and gene expression. Many report about blue light.
Which could point to the opposite happening with red light but not being reported because this is not the aim of the study? That red light would help thiamine but no one has bothered about that yet?

What I do know is that blue light affects flavins, and riboflavin in a big way. Photolysis of the B vitamins. This points to a big cause of B2 deficiency and explains partly why we did so well on B2.
I know that B1 helps the SNS and B2 the PNS.
So stopping blue light and taking B2 was not enough. To restore the SNS I need red light. I do not want to take anymore vitamins as I feel more than fine now. In fact, looking at all our friends, I find us much healthier.

But I want to go to the root of all this.
I want to know. And I want to heal the wounds I have suffered in this war.

I have guests! Please go on with the speculation!



Senior Member
Lou, is it OK to take your thread sideways for a minute and ask people about correcting blue light? What bulbs would I buy (USA) to have one "safe" room to experiment in? And is there a fooproof way to fix my Mac? I don't watch tv.

I haven't gotten any sleep benefit so far - in fact I woke up every hour last night - but I'm feeling distinctly more sociable. That's unusual; I'm a bit of a hermit.


Senior Member
southeast US
Lou, is it OK to take your thread sideways for a minute and ask people about correcting blue light? What bulbs would I buy (USA) to have one "safe" room to experiment in? And is there a fooproof way to fix my Mac? I don't watch tv.

I haven't gotten any sleep benefit so far - in fact I woke up every hour last night - but I'm feeling distinctly more sociable. That's unusual; I'm a bit of a hermit.

madietodd Sure, Madie, that's a good question re the blue light. BTW, I'm not in charge of anything here, just glad some are benefitting from this therapy.


Senior Member
Hi all, I've been misreading posts like crazy, sorry. I've had a terrible shock, (beloved friend in coma with brain bleed) so experiencing a crash within a crash. My vielight came friday, but I can't report yet because my system is in shock so
I don't know what's what. I can tell you my nose lights up like Rudolph though :p


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi all, I've been misreading posts like crazy, sorry. I've had a terrible shock, (beloved friend in coma with brain bleed) so experiencing a crash within a crash. My vielight came friday, but I can't report yet because my system is in shock so
I don't know what's what. I can tell you my nose lights up like Rudolph though :p

So sorry to hear about your friend--take care of yourself.

There is indeed a "Rudolph factor!

Is anyone doing half the time in one nostril and half in the other?



Senior Member
Oh, Leela, I'm so sorry. Yes, take care of yourself.

My cat won't be in the room with me when I've got the LED going. I look that bad.


Senior Member
I did 10 minutes yesterday which gave me a headache! Anyone else getting headaches? Also sleep was worse than usual but I am not using it a bedtime.
I think the use of red light must be linked to a special time of day, if only because we have a circadian rhythm problem on the one hand, and on the other the rays of the sun giver out more red light in the evening. So it very well may be that the effect of the red light on sleep is linked to its use in the evening before bed time.
Headaches might be because of extra lymph in the area, I have pimples and no headaches? Or maybe linked to using the LED at the wrong time?

Is anyone doing half the time in one nostril and half in the other?
I think this is a very good idea, Sushi. Many laser devices have a forked end and are used in both nostrils at once. Please report on your experiences. We are all learning here.

Good luck :)


Senior Member
I can tell you my nose lights up like Rudolph though :p
Leela I am so sorry for your friend. I send lots of love that way. I place you both in my heart like on a nice red velvet cushion and hope for the best.

As to the nose problem, my husband remarked that my nose was perfect! He said that the light inside illuminated it beautifully and that he could see that the bones were exactly where they should be and that he could not see any veins like on the nose of many other people!!!!!!
Beauty is really in the eyes of the beholder!