Lou Sorry I brought you to blow your cover!!!! Lots of love to boys!!!!!

The exercise is a series, and the numbers should not be skipped. If for a particular number you cannot do the prescribed timing, do what you can but do not skip it. The sequence also should be respected. This is NOT gymnastics, It is not a question of getting muscles able to do the job even though this does happen eventually of course. This is a sequence with several goals, at different levels, and one of those is about escorting lymph which is stagnating where it should not stay towards the outside. There is an itinerary for this lymph, and the different numbers take it at one point and bring it further along, where the next number picks it up etc.
Careful : this exercise is designed to change something in your body and at a deep level, the body is cautious and afraid of change. So it is customary for the student to find it difficult/skip a number by mistake/mix up the sequence/refuse to say the mantra/forget to do it/understand it wrong etc... It is not only a matter of brain fog
It is a good idea to reread the instructions from time to time, in the light of experience to make sure that the exercise is done properly.
After some time, the body understands that it only brings good effects and embraces it heartily. For this to happen, it takes time. It is not a good idea to force the body. Just do it gently at first, for very reduced timings, but every day, until you feel happy to do it.
Don't feel bad
So if I read correctly, for number 1 (which is the same as number 3) it's like this:
you start with the hands in front
SA at the sides,
TA at the back
NA at the sides again
MA at the front.
Asklipia will surely correct me if I'm wrong
I am so happy that you are starting to feel the benefits!!!!!!!!
Actually it is :
1- you start with the hands in front :
2- then
TA at the sides,
NA at the back
MA at the sides again
SA at the front again to start another round.
Lots of good wishes to
