LED red intranasal light therapy


Senior Member
This is a bit worrying, because I always thought that cats knew best.

I intended this as a joke, although it was true; he left the room the first time I turned it on. But last night he laid down right beside me and purred for the whole 25 minutes. I covered my nose! Not sure if the light might be bad for him to look at.

If anything, my sleep has been worse since starting this. I haven't been perfect about controlling other things that might affect sleep (cocoa, dairy), so it's not a perfect test. But I'm going to switch to the morning for a few days and see if it's energizing for me, while I clean up my diet.


Senior Member
LED 633 nm trial - Day 23

The day before yesterday I did not use the LED. I was tired all day long and I thought I might have overdone it. All day long my upper left molars were hurting and I seemed to have an abscess there. I slept very well but not too pleased about the tooth problem., which lasted into yesterday.

Yesterday evening 7 pm I used the LED in my left nostril. I slept fine. This morning the left eye is puffy not too much though. The tooth is fine now. A sharp pain under my left armpit. Nothing is visible and it feels as though I had cut myself with a razor, which I did not.
EDIT Little Bluestem : it could have been the tooth problem leaving through the armpit!
One pimple over the lowest rib in the front left side.
Today I have good energy but not fantastic. 11 am = Climbed the mountain, did the exercise, had breakfast, cleaned fish for lunch, answered all email. Now I just want a glass of wine and a book. More tasks are waiting but I feel it would be better to keep them for tomorrow.
This includes answering knackers323 's question about the Perrin Technique which requires a concentration I do not have right now. Sorry :(

This could be because yesterday I had too much to do. Or it could be the LED summoning more energy than what I can really create?

When doing the exercise today, at number 5 I felt my back is now in a new position, more like when I was younger, and this makes number 5 harder to do again, when I had reached a point where I was just breezing through it.
Maybe all this detox brought about the change in my back, or the reverse? Anyway, it is change for the better, and is tiring as such.
When climbing the mountain I found I did not have to spit so much. Maybe LED + exercise have emptied the lymph nodes at the back of the heart? It took more than 80 days of the exercise to bring me to this no spit point!!!!!! Let's hope this lasts.

Lots of good wishes to all!
Please report on your LED adventures!


Senior Member
Guests, hmmm? I wonder if they are male or female. How old are they? Now that Asklipia is feeling so much better is she carousing half the night with a bevy of boytoys?
:lol: :p :whistle: :rolleyes: :sleep:

I seem to attract guests these days like a honey pot attracts bees!!!!!!!!
Boys and girls!!!!
In fact, part of my day now is spent trying to avoid more guests!!!!!!
This only happened with the LED I think.


Senior Member
I will report this:
The first three days I alternated nostrils. Those days were emotionally demanding days, so I cannot discern what if any was the effect of the light.

Last night I was inspired to use it on the navel. I went in to a relaxed, trance-like, almost euphoric state during the 25 minutes. However, this may be a spot to use it during the daytime, or at least several hours before you wish to sleep, because I was quite energized afterwards, and awake until an absurd hour. (I regret not taking the opportunity and go look at the Perseids at their peak--totally forgot.) However, once I *did* fall asleep (three?) I woke *far* fewer times than usual. So better sleep was had once it came.

I think exploring the navel as an option is worthwhile. In that one article it was mentioned that in 20 minutes the entire blood supply passes by there, and the light allegedly gives it a boost. We shall see!

ETA: I forgot that during the navel treatment there were non-painful threadlike sensations into the lower abdomen (where I have fibroids) that lasted for some time, and then dissipated. Then later a sharp electrical pang in my left big toe, that came and went also for a couple of minutes.

[Thanks to all for the loving vibes and wishes. My friend is holding his own, and making some small movements, but
it still remains to be seen which direction he goes. I have a good feeling though, and just sending him love galore.]


Senior Member
Another update:

I just realised that yesterday, out of the "blue" (haha), I felt compelled to dig my bottle of Lugol's iodine out of the depths of my home pharmacy. I have never even used it until now. I did the skin patch test and it absorbed within two hours,
indicating I am low. Then later, a friend who has never come out here wanted to come visit (Asklipia! it's contagious!)
and she spontaneously started talking about treating her low thyroid!

So just now, as I was applying a therapeutic dose to my skin, thinking about how iodine has all kinds of healing and anti-microbial properties besides helping out the thyroid, I realised....this medicine is RED!


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

So how did you use it on the navel--just hold it and point it into the navel? Or clipped to your navel ring? :p

It still seems to keep me awake longer but I also get headaches after a few minutes up the nose? Anyone else get headaches? Any ideas on that?

Best wishes for your friend and for you too. :hug:



Senior Member
So how did you use it on the navel--just hold it and point it into the navel? Or clipped to your navel ring?
Haha! Just the thought of a navel piercing makes me shudder!:alien:
I just kind of rested it in there, and put a small towel over it to hold it in place.

I had a migraine for a day before I started using the light. No way to tell if the light helped or exacerbated it. Though I didn't take any Rx, and it quit after three days....often they will go for five if I don't medicate. Personally I think the exercises are helping a lot in the headache dept.


Senior Member
I haven't had any headaches, but it's doubling the number of times I wake up in the night. I tried using the light early afternoon yesterday, which didn't help. I'm skipping today. I'm definitely trying the navel technique next!


Senior Member
LED 633 nm trial - Day 24

Yesterday evening 7 pm I used the LED in my right nostril. I found it difficult to sleep and I woke up very early. Feeling perfectly fine and energetic, with no rashes or pimples, vision is less blurry. I too think the LED does not particularly help my sleep, on the contrary. I slept quite well before using it, and it seems not so well since I have been using it.
I think it may be used to change my circadian rhythm. But why change it is it is fine?

The LED however, gives me a lot of energy. I am starting to think that it would be a better idea to use it at another time of day. Which time may very well depend on each individual's circadian clock.
From today I shall be using it at 5 pm.

I think the nodule in my right hand (or what's left of it) might be disappearing.

My back is getting a new shape! The left shoulder is starting to come down, a sign of less lymphatic build-up. I hear nice noises in the vertebrae!!!! All this thanks to the exercise, but I doubt I could pursue it so enthusiastically if I were not using the LED.
I don't hear very well this week. Most probably more lymph going the wrong way.
I am hopeful!


Senior Member
So just now, as I was applying a therapeutic dose to my skin, thinking about how iodine has all kinds of healing and anti-microbial properties besides helping out the thyroid, I realised....this medicine is RED!

I am glad you are attracting friends leela!!!

I have been thinking about this red connection. Most of you would know than in India, ladies wear a red dot on their forehead, as well as a line of red colour in the parting of their hair on top of the head? This would ensure more red light penetrates the skull towards the brain.

And if you look more closely, traditionally they would dip their fingers and toes into henna and wear a henna spot inside the hand (generally left hand). Thus the tips of toes and fingers will be red, an ancestor to our painting of the nails in red, and the soles of the feet and left palm would be red too.

I imagine that this would be a way to ingest more red light, because I strongly suspect that the (red) light not only travels in blood (through its action on red cells getting smaller and the Bohr effect), but also travels in lymph. More lymph than blood in the palms and the soles. The sides of the nails is where lymph comes out (think of how hounds can smell the footprints of other animals). More blood running over the hands and feet, normal if you do not want to bleed to death by walking on thorns.

If light travels in the lymphatic system, this is huge for us. More research needs to be done but I have guests again!!!!!!!
Please someone do it.
Much love and blessings :):hug:


Senior Member
Hello Asklipia, what does Perrin say about posture, the position of the neck and cfs? Thankyou
You should have a look at his website :
On the left hand side, there is a button "media/video". There you will find 6 very short videos where he explains his ideas.
Roughly, he thinks reverse lymph flow, due to spinal misalignment, causes toxin build up in brain.

What I found very interesting was that my spine did not look so bad as the spines shown in his photographs, but then my husband's spine was like this a few years ago before he got better. And the symptoms fitted.
Also this is consistent with my symptoms worsening after massage, which most probably causes this reverse lymph flow if the practitioner is not very good, or if you have these varicose lymph ducts he speaks of.
Then I ordered the book, thinking it would be a good idea to know more in detail what he proposes as a cure.

While I was reading the book I remembered the yoga exercise that I have been proposing here, an exercise I had learnt years ago, but which I was totally unable to do then. It seemed to me that this exercise was in fact a way to do a kind of Perrin Technique without a chiropractor. From his point of view I could understand the point of all the numbers in the exercise. So I started to practice it every day.

I believe he is right in many ways. I also know we can change our bodies by gentle every day attention.
I do not think having the lymph drained away is sufficient, because if posture is not right, then the problem will come back, and for posture to be right, you need to get rid of the lymph which is where it should not be, but you also need to build muscles and attention that will keep the body aligned, and from this the lymphatic system will eventually change, some parts of it will fade away, new parts will be created (the lymphatic system is plastic and changes according to the body's needs) and lymph will stop accumulating where it should not be. The pressure will be off and everything wil be fine. In time. Virtuous circle.
In fact, I believe he is right, but that without rebuilding the body it is an endless task. Which explains why there are people who do not seem to benefit.

I hope this answers your questions.
There are threads here on PR that have touched the subject :
and more if you do a search.
Best wishes,


Senior Member
southeast US
I've been busy last couple of days and only had time to skim the new posts. Sorry to hear some are not getting positive initial results. Hard to figure. Hate to even bring up the oft-used 'detox', an easy explanation, but I suppose it could explain things. I mean, even getting a bad tooth pulled could be tabbed 'detox', but only a masochist would really appreciate the rather rough treatment.

Chronic insomnia is an insidious, horrible and life altering problem, and I truly hope there hasn't been false hope given to sufferers of this plague. Can only say it's helped me; better sleep from the beginning but not better sleep every night, just better function even when I don't sleep well. Also this: had a very long day yesterday, up and going before crack of dawn (it was a gorgeous sunrise), busy all day, and totally worn out by bedtime. So, leela I tried the belly button thing, just put it there and let bed cover hold it, and probably in less than five minutes (did not intend to fall asleep while using it) I was out like a light and slept like a log.

Hmm, slept like a log, what does that even mean? I don't know if that's just a regional saying, but it describes pretty well my experience, as I 'think' I hardly moved the whole night and woke up after daylight with Vielight still in bed with me (yep, she's sorta my honey, now). Never thought I'd end up with a redneck (or nosed) woman, but we're getting along, I'd say, very well.

Did anyone else read Asklipia's link on sun gazing? Amazing! How many, be honest, are at least giving a thought or two to trying that?


Senior Member
Going off tangentially, but I just read this, having intuitively gone for my disused bottle of Lugol's iodine the other day:

fascinating! towards the end, it says something that reminded me of the article about the red light and the navel:
Every 17 minutes, every drop of blood in our body flushes through
our thyroid, and if our thyroid has an adequate supply of iodine, blood-borne
bacteria and viruses are killed off as the blood passes through the thyroid.


Senior Member
LED 633 nm trial - Day 25

Yesterday afternoon 5 pm I used the LED in my right nostril. After that, I still had a lot of energy, so I did another yoga exercise that was on my mind. I have decided to devote ANY extra energy felt from the LED to doing something good for my body. In fact, part of the problem has been that every single time I felt better, I embarked on grand schemes which would be beneficial in many ways, to others and to myself, but not directly through building a better body.
Like : making more money, repairing the house, cleaning up the cellar, taking new students, listening to friends complaining about their lives, trying to understand where the world is going to, learning a new language etc, etc...
Obviously, now I am in a period of my life when this is seriously needed, to repair the damages inflicted by this illness, and by my taking refuge in my thoughts and abandoning the refinements of inhabiting my body in detail.

When I went to bed, I slept immediately and deeply for 8 hours. Like a log :) Lou.

This morning, just a tiny pimple at the back of the neck on the right side.
Plenty of energy. It is 9 am and I have already climbed the mountain (I do sun gazing there when I reach the top!!!). I don't know yet what the day will bring guests wise :) ????? but coming back I met a neighbour who talked to me briefly and who had never talked to me before in 7 years!

leela I think this iodine thing is a good idea:thumbsup: . Iodine is supposed to help fluidify lymph, so I am going to try putting a drop of Lugol's on the nodule in the day to help it on its way out. Nodule which this morning is changing a bit, getting larger and flatter. What's left of it that is.
Love and Light to all


Senior Member
About the exrecise :
I just felt when doing the 1st and 3rd numbers, uttering the mantra clearly, how the A at the end of the words made me open the jaw wide, and helps me pump the lymph along the neck!!!! Amazing! No mumbling ever from today :)