You should have a look at his website :
On the left hand side, there is a button "media/video". There you will find 6 very short videos where he explains his ideas.
Roughly, he thinks reverse lymph flow, due to spinal misalignment, causes toxin build up in brain.
What I found very interesting was that my spine did not look so bad as the spines shown in his photographs, but then my husband's spine was like this a few years ago before he got better. And the symptoms fitted.
Also this is consistent with my symptoms worsening after massage, which most probably causes this reverse lymph flow if the practitioner is not very good, or if you have these varicose lymph ducts he speaks of.
Then I ordered the book, thinking it would be a good idea to know more in detail what he proposes as a cure.
While I was reading the book I remembered the yoga exercise that I have been proposing here, an exercise I had learnt years ago, but which I was totally unable to do then. It seemed to me that this exercise was in fact a way to do a kind of Perrin Technique without a chiropractor. From his point of view I could understand the point of all the numbers in the exercise. So I started to practice it every day.
I believe he is right in many ways. I also know we can change our bodies by gentle every day attention.
I do not think having the lymph drained away is sufficient, because if posture is not right, then the problem will come back, and for posture to be right, you need to get rid of the lymph which is where it should not be, but you also need to build muscles and attention that will keep the body aligned, and from this the lymphatic system will eventually change, some parts of it will fade away, new parts will be created (the lymphatic system is plastic and changes according to the body's needs) and lymph will stop accumulating where it should not be. The pressure will be off and everything wil be fine. In time. Virtuous circle.
In fact, I believe he is right, but that without rebuilding the body it is an endless task. Which explains why there are people who do not seem to benefit.
I hope this answers your questions.
There are threads here on PR that have touched the subject :
and more if you do a search.
Best wishes,