LED red intranasal light therapy


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Would very much appreciate any feedback from anyone who have bought and tried the Vielight Neuro Duo (alpha/gamma).
Hi @robson -- I don't know if this will help, but there's a lot of discussion on LLLT on a tinnitus forum, with several references to Vielight devices. Here's a LINK to a search on vielight on that forum.
Hi @robson -- I don't know if this will help, but there's a lot of discussion on LLLT on a tinnitus forum, with several references to Vielight devices. Here's a LINK to a search on vielight on that forum.
Thanks a lot for the link Wayne. Tinnitus is one of my most debilitating ME symptoms so I'll have a good look.
awesome link. thanks !

830 will go several cm into tissue, depending on the power, here,
  • 200 mW/cm² @10cm
  • 20 mW/cm² @ 70cm
which i do not know enough about to compare to the vielight products. it seems like it is to me, judging by array size and price, but could anyone offer guidance on how to compare to the vielight?

i wonder if there is a potential as a vagal therapy? targeted at the nerve in the neck, perhaps abdomen? is that even possible?

also, on the head, how would it target the brain, what structure? what's a non-(tbi/dementia/alzheimer) model for functional brain support in me/cfs? (e.g., similar to the vielight neuro-gamma unit's targeting of the default mode network).

what do you think about the studies on cingulate gyrus in me/cfs?
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Senior Member
I haven’t read the whole thread so sorry if already mentioned, but what are the general results people have been getting from these devices?
Much improvement from fatigue?
I was considering using both red light and infrared (not at the same time) and trying to apply it to the area around my thyroid... might be easier to penetrate than a skull. However, with my brain fog, haven't quite been able to do the math on mW/c2 and figure out if the affordable red light and infrared devices would meet the doses used in studies

@debored13 did you end up making your own device? I'm interested to know if it has an impact positive or negative?

I came across this thread after seeing a video about a community in Australia that has started making their own red light buckets for people with Parkinson's to wear for up to an hour a day on their head. They seem to have had a remarkable effect in slowing the progress of symptoms. https://goodmenproject.com/featured...y-parkinsons-disease-gives-man-new-hope-lbkr/


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
There is a useful and cheap SGROW unit that has both 660 and 830 (or thereabouts)--a friend bought one, and is pleased with it, and I have on order the Red Light Man's small all 830 unit, which costs $135 Cdn, and looks good for powerful local use. Ari Whitten's "Ultimate Guide" book has much useful info on dosing, and seems pretty good--multiple refs show he has read much of the research, though takes a strongly pro approach. On the advice of this book I bought a Platinum BIO 300 for overall use, and am pleased with it--not too expensive. But one has to be careful using these powerful lights--if I bow my head to get the full force on my scalp, I can feel a bit stunned. One can use either the red light or the NIR or both--separate switches. But I still have ME!

I have also just bought the Konftec Emlas ear thing, to try to treat both HF hearing loss and some tinnitus--too early to tell, but maybe....
Thanks for the tips @Chris. I'm hoping to garner the help of some savvy people in my life to help make a couple different devices for different purposes. Funds are very tight so I might buy an SGROW while I wait but will see. My main hope is that it might help me have some relief from some symptoms, I have learnt to not hope for a cure all in ideas like this. At the very least, it should make my skin look fabulous so that is a pro!


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
A couple more things to remember--all these wavelengths are part of natural sunlight; and the whole picture is changing --of course. There are now some papers claiming better results from wavelengths in the 1,000-1,050 range, and their target is no longer that cytochrome thing in the electron chain, but probably water in the cell--connected with the recent discovery of the 4th state of water--things are shifting as we try to catch up! In the meantime, though, I think the SGROW unit is a good buy.