LED red intranasal light therapy


Senior Member
LED 633 nm trial - Day 32

I did not use the LED yesterday nor today. My leg looks normal today but is still very itchy and a bit painful inside.
The other calf is also a bit painful.
The rest is as usual, exercise, swim etc.

I do think that the red LED stimulates sympathetic activity. Dr Perrin says that sympathetic activity is the last thing you want when you have to recover from ME/CFS.
Sympathetic activity will stimulate the movements of lymph vessels and thus push lymph along and crowd it in places where it is already stuck.
A bit in the same way massage does that. In fact massage was enjoyable but never made me really feel better, while yoga did make me feel better in the long run.

No doubt though that it is easier to modulate using the red light that it is to direct a massage therapist! And if we get the same effects we would get with increased methylation, at least the liver does not have to process extra supplements.

I must say that today the mind is very clear. I did an awful lot (the guest is still here). I suppose I got rid of something in these horrible bee stings.
I am trying to be kind to myself.:)

Not much to report today, so it may be time for this warning : I am not a doctor and am not advising anyone to do as I did! Just reporting on my personal way to Hell!
Hoping for the best and wishing all of you a very nice day!
Lots of love


Senior Member
southeast US
Good to see you here, Mr. GreenTea.

As DB said, reference to Jung had nothing to do w/yoga, but to coincidence with a deeper meaning, not random.


Senior Member
LED 633 nm trial - Day 33

I did not use the LED today. I did not sleep well at first (maybe the full moon? Talking too much with the guest?) but after midnight I enjoyed deep sleep until 6:30. This morning the leg was nearly normal, a bit of itchiness left, but I had a vague headache. So I thought 'detox' was not complete. Plenty of energy though.
I think the headache was due to the fact the guest yesterday wanting to be helpful brought 2 huge organic and ripe avocados, which I turned into guacamole on the spot with a lot of raw garlic (recipe available if you want). We enjoyed that with little polenta cakes my DH made. I think that amount of raw garlic is very useful to kill stuff and I think this is what happened in my sinuses, hence the vague headache.
Anyway, this morning plenty of energy and something strange happened.
While I was sunbathing on my stomach after my swim, a cat came and slept between my legs, with the two forward paws on my buttocks, and the head on my sacrum. For about 15 minutes.
This place is full of wild cats, impossible to approach. This particular cat is black and white and huge, very beautiful and furry, a kind of King Cat and all are afraid of him, humans and other cats. He has scratched several people who tried to stroke him.
While he was doing his reiki on me (I suppose this is what it was?!?) I felt suddenly extremely happy and at peace with the world and whatever may come to me. Maybe KingCat has healed whatever burn happend with the bee stings detox?

Then the cat left.
I turned around. After a while I started dressing, and a monk came up to me. He goes to swim at the same time as we do so I know him by sight and we say Good day to each other without further talk, and he knows we are not of his persuasion. He is more than 80 years old I think, quite tall. He said : "I saw you doing your gymnastics and I want to say I am proud of you. God only helps those who help themselves! My daughter, may you be blessed and may you be able to do your exercises for many years to come!"
Of course I gave thanks.
However this is not really normal. Monks here don't talk to ladies, especially nearly naked as I was, and if they do, they do not do his in front of many other bathers who all know each other and can gossip and criticize.
I had been doing the exercise as most days near the water.

Something strange again is happening.

For the moment, no mosquitoes. I was daydreaming while swimming and I thought maybe this no mosquito armour is just a tiny example of iron shirt? Maybe it starts with mosquitoes because they are tiny and after a while you can deflect sword blows, just a matter of scale so to speak? Maybe ME/CFS is a problem with the iron shirt?
I can deflect mosquitoes, but the big cat is not afraid and stuck to me! Why? Too big to be kept at bay?
Maybe all those old bathers know what is happening and don't tell? Maybe I am an infant in this survivors/magicians bathing place? They watch me and know what's coming and nudge me gently when I need nudging?

Lou, I am so happy I helped you understand a small part of your past with my bee experience. I am sure that anything that happened and we did not thoroughly understand weighs upon us along our life. Which is why I am so hooked on knowing why.
Blasts from the Past. Now for me they are like special treats I long for.
Curiosity was considered a very bad sin until Renaissance. After that it was OK.:)
Also it was nice reading your post welcoming Mr_GreenTea. So nice to make room for him. I have so much to learn. It is not enough to grow a generous heart, it must be shown to radiate.

All the best to all, boys and girls.:):hug::)


Senior Member
southeast US
Hope everyone hasn't given up on this. It's still helping me, no cure, but overall positive results to this point.

I slept better after not using the light for several days. But the sleep was also better (maybe seven uninterrupted hrs. each of last two nights) than before I even heard of the red LED light, so it appears that for those it helps that tweaking the timing and duration of use is pretty important.


Senior Member
I stopped for the moment because I am getting every day some manifestation of detox. The bee stings have stopped and I got very red patches that sting only for a few seconds. This has now changed and I get a feeling of a burn with no red patch. This now happens all day long, in the timings of sympathetic activity (I check and it is at right nostril breath time).
My backbone is changing quite rapidly.
I have plenty of energy.
I have now enough energy to do a second exercise in the evening, a short one for spreading the colors evenly.
I have done this for about a week and now I have enough energy to add a third one for the eyes which I have done for two days now.
These extra exercises are not physically demanding, but I never had before enough stamina to even consider committing to more activity and concentration.
Sleep is fine. Also there is a big change in the light. The sun is late rising! I welcome this autumn coming, while before I would dread the end of summer. I love this summer and I am going to love this autumn too!:)
I think the LED helped me to trigger all this.
I am not using it now as long as things improve every day.
Lots of good wishes!


Senior Member
southeast US
Madie, it would be interesting if after stopping the light your sleep bumped up a notch better than before using it. How is it; better, worse, or not much difference?

If your answer would include the present quality of sleep as well, that'd be helpful, too.


Senior Member
I'm testing out sleep meds at the same time, so the issue is confused by my (negative) reactions to those. But it looks like sleep was relatively good the first night after use (8/9, 3 wakings with one 4-hour stretch of sleep), but by the 3rd night I was waking too many times to count. I experimented with using it/not using it, and with nose/belly until 8/19 and then stopped completely. I'm still waking all night.

I'm in a worse place than when I started using the LED.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I started out with 5 mins every 72 h, and for now I'll stay with that dose.

My sleep was good before and hasn't changed.

Best to All xx

Interesting. I wonder what it is about "us" that makes us respond so differently? What is being affected?



Senior Member
I'm not sure! Could be a redox state thing.....something mitochondrial/respiration related?
It's possibly one of those things, like exercise, best not promoted in anything close to the same doses for PWME as for people who are "just" unfit?
I'm not noticing any negatives or positives with sleep or energy but I do have a BIG pimple on my chin. (Nice!!) :)


Senior Member
Pimple on the chin = the nadis of the head are clearing!:thumbsup:
Perrin's Technique without Perrin.

For the moment, I still have detox : today three small pimples on my backbone on top of my (ex)dowager's hump. Nothing spectacular but it is still going on, so no LED yet.
Today I completed 90 days of my exercise:). I am going for the 120 days as I feel there still is progress to be gained. The backbone looks perfectly alright BUT my left shoulder is still higher that the right shoulder and I feel a change for the better when doing the exercise.
Also since I added the exercise for spreading the colours at night, the way I swing my arms has subtly changed, so something new is bound to come out of that.
My neck is thinner and stronger every day! Some days after pimples I feel the thyroid crush thing, but it does not last more than a couple of hours at a time. No more gurgling in the ears.
I used to have horizontal wrinkles on my neck and they have nearly disappeared.
Very little spitting left.
Good luck to all! :)


Senior Member
Still getting detox, so I did not use the LED. I am on day 94th of my exercise. Today a couple of big pimples just over the left jaw joint + one on my left upper gum over a desensitized tooth.
The mind is very clear. Eyesight is slightly better.
I came upon this : http://www.independent.co.uk/life-s...nise-treatment-of-blood-pressure-8796801.html
Not that I would recommend the procedure to anybody though!!!!

I think this is all related to the same problem of heat trapped in the head, as the Dr Zamboni hypothesis on MS.
Something is not right with the flow from the head on the left side especially.
I certainly am getting better by addressing this problem. And I have several ideas for what is causing this. It is coming nicely together.
Lots of love and good wishes to all! :):)


Senior Member
Okay, trying again.

Took a break from the light and exercises for some time, due to general exhaustion/overload of toxins and grief for my friend.

Interesting that you mentioned release of heat, Asklipia, because a major new symptom is intense heat that seems to begin in the liver and spreads all through the body. Never in my life have I had hot--or even warm--hands, until now. My whole skin is hot to the touch and the spine has that fevery/nervy feeling.

Since I don't get fevers any more, I wonder if it isn't an atypical fever presentation from awakening innate immune system. I am treating it as a hormonal issue, but I'm not certain that is entirely correct. I feel more that it is a sudden immune thing. There is no sweating, just dry, intense heat. It is entirely separate from the general atmospheric heat intolerance that is ongoing in warm weather. My ice vest and assorted ice packs have become my constant companions.

I did have several episodes of the phantom-insect-bite phenomenon, which I have never experienced before. I am glad it was mentioned here or I would have maybe felt a little nutty. :alien:

My sleep has been terrible--quite clearly because of the feverishness.

So I used the light in my nose today and it immediately cleared the sinus. Nothing works this well for allergy season (there are at least two major seasons here in the desert) so my creeping desire to return the light has been interrupted--if the sinus fix holds it will be worthwhile just for that.

I'm not being very scientific about this, I know, but hope that there is a kernel in my own experience that can be beneficial to others.


Senior Member
Okay one more quick update. Having used the light intranasally this morning (and yesterday on the navel) I just did the exercises for the first time in many days and almost immediately upon finishing broke out in an itchy rash in a wide band around the thorax. There is also a prickly sensation.

I always forget to mention too that when doing the exercises, usually about the time of the twisting one, I notice an unpleasant taste in my mouth. This indicates to me that they are indeed releasing ick.


Senior Member
southeast US
leela Nice to see you back and also good to hear something positive about the little contraption I may have gotten too many people excited about.

Was actually beginning to feel a bit low about it, especially the expense people risked, and that only Ask and I had really gotten any noticeable benefit.

I am really sorry about your friend.