leela, Thank you for the encouragements! I was starting to feel that no one was interested, as it seems to be the case with more or less everything I propose, because it does not follow the lines of what other people think.
Lou, Thank you for the encouragements too! Yes I am using the Vielight LED 633 nm.
I suppose I am noticing the effects more than you do. Whether or not they are more intense really I don't know. This may be because I might be in better shape at the moment than you are. When you are not overwhelmed by symptoms it is easier to detail them. It may be due to the other things I do.
It is also easier to report because at the moment a part of the general feeling is very much what I experienced with thiamine supplementation (
dannybex and
merylg), but without the excitatory feeling that made me stop that. Also there is a localized part in the effect, which of course I did not get with thiamine. Both certainly affect stimulate the sympathetic response.
LED 633 nm trial - Day 6
Yesterday I did not use the light. In fact I was very lazy all day long, I felt this deep urge to do nothing to allow repairs to go on. In the night I did not sleep well though, it could be because the temperature was very high (32°C in the house) and this may have impacted the nervous system. But I did not feel too hot. It was just swimming around in bed and dreaming without sleeping.
This morning the nodule is slightly flatter again. I think the effect of the LED application lasts for more than 24 hours. I notice that doctors who use red laser application do not do this everyday, but at the maximum no more than every other day. I thought that this was to avoid stress on the tissues because the laser is so much more powerful, but now I wonder. I have decided to persevere on this rhythm for the moment. Every other day.
Since I have nothing much to add, here is a link that seems to tilt the balance towards LED against laser :
I am sorry but I find it difficult to summarize it! I leave this to you if you feel like it

Be well!