LED red intranasal light therapy


Senior Member
Asklipia Actually, your article may hold a clue to peoples' varying response rates. It stated the average wavelength of cell tissue in the human body is between 600 and 720 making 660 the mid-point. So, for example, if my cell tissues resonate closer to one of the start or end-point numbers and yours resonates very near or at 660 perhaps better resonance with the 660 LED light (this supposed to be 633 nm) makes the difference.
Brilliant hypothesis. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: And there are a host of implications to this. What determines the resonance of the cells? Is there a genetic/epigenetic link? Does it change with age? Is there an optimum resonance for optimum health? How to adjust this to optimum? How to measure this? Please someone help.

LED 633 nm trial - Day 7
Yesterday 7 pm I held the light in my right hand.
I slept only for 6 hours, the heat outside is intense.
Upon waking I found the nodule flatter. Now it is really obvious that it is flattening, it cannot be my imagination playing up.:D I also have a small pimple on the back of my right hand.
Apart from this, a pimple appeared in the middle of my right cheek, and though I did not touch it, it is bleeding. Another one appeared in my left armpit, and this hurts.
My gums seem to be emptying too. They are less cushy if it means something.
Something is definitely happening in the production/distribution of lymph.
I am curious of other peoples' experience because I am working on the lymphatic system with my exercise and I do not know if this is the effect of the exercise maybe? Or maybe both LED and exercise and this is why I experience faster results than Lou?

This morning vision is a tiny bit less blurry again!!:):):)
Lots of love to all!


Senior Member
southeast US
We with me/cfs have an innate hardy nature, I think. We're ill --some of us severely--, we don't get a great deal of help from mainstream medicine, we're winging it much of the time looking for that magic pill, therapy or device that will give us our life back. Have any of you thought back on a period of feeling better and couldn't remember what you were doing that might have caused this?

It's happened to me more than once and so one good day after starting the LED light treatment I decided to write it down just to have a record, thinking the light would about sum it up. I wrote:

July 24, 2013 ------Things doing recently when I started feeling better-----

1. LED Red intranasal light (I was just before placing a period after light and changing Things to Thing when I thought:)
2. Coconut oil
3. Align probiotics
4. Ten days after taking Lufenuron
5. Slacked off on vits.
6. Taking copper and manganese every 2-3 days, zinc twice a week

So much for nailing things down! That is why I've been hesitant to report more specifically on the LED light. I do think it is helping. Better sleep for sure, and even when I don't sleep a full night I still function better the next day. That, in itself, is a pretty extraordinary thing for many of us with insomnia issues.

Beyond that, I had one especially good day. Loads of energy and lots of good will toward everybody I met that day ( it's a shame this illness robs some of us of this basic human aspect so often; it felt good to be so friendly, and I learned again how much we miss when we're not). The dull, glazed look in my eyes from bad sinus was replaced with a bright and clear look. That was nice, enjoyed that for a change.

There is one more specific thing I've noticed and it has something to do with what Asklipia mentioned as well. The last three or four days there's periodically been this pulsing sensation at the right back side of the base of my skull. I don't recall ever having that before and wouldn't have a clue as to its meaning if Asklipia hadn't noted the same symptom, lymph drainage. Hopefully, this is another good thing happening.

I plan to keep using the light and will report at intervals (Asklipia , please keep up the daily updates, I think we're all enjoying those).


Senior Member
Beyond that, I had one especially good day. Loads of energy and lots of good will toward everybody I met that day ( it's a shame this illness robs some of us of this basic human aspect so often; it felt good to be so friendly, and I learned again how much we miss when we're not).
Thank you for posting Lou. I am so happy for your result! I have a very good feeling over all of this.
Here is my grain of salt for today :

LED 633 nm trial - Day 8

Yesterday I did not use the LED, as I had decided to stick to the one day on/one day off schedule.
I slept very well. Upon waking, I found the nodule even flatter. Yesterday's pimples had not disappeared (maybe a sign that I had bitten off more than what my liver can chew?). Also I had a big rash on my left hip (not painful), a big pimple on the left of my left breast and a sharp pain under my jaw, near the right ear area.
Vision is a bit more blurry.

This seems a lot of detox to me, so I shall not use the LED today again, making it a two days break.

There is an intriguing new sign : mosquitoes are not interested in me anymore! I spent most of my life with a crown of mosquitoes over my head. This is supposed to be a sign of B1 deficiency. Even when taking thiamine, I could not make them leave.
Now they just fly around, pretty disgusted and prefer to bite someone else!

I am more and more convinced that this illness is my path to discover the Secrets of the Universe!!!!!!
As you may notice, I am in a very positive and good mood, never mind the details.
Lots of love to all!
Be well!


Senior Member
LED 633 nm trial - Day 9

Yesterday I did not use the LED, as I had decided.
This morning all the former pimples and rashes have disappeared. But I have a new rash on the inside of my left knee, and a big pimple under the left arm. The nodule is quite flat and cannot be called a nodule anymore, it is just a small thick patch. Vision is a little less blurry.

One interesting observation : every day I do my exercise with a timer, but I also count the movements (partly to help pass the time, but also because I like to know how many are necessary, for when I am somewhere doing nothing but without my timer and I can use this free time to get this daily duty out of the way).
I am more than 70 days into this exercise and doing it very easily now, no real physical effort involved. Yesterday evening I found I could do around 12% more movements in the same time. This can only mean that suddenly something is happening to my physical coordination, something good happening to my brain!!!!!
Of course it could be the effect of the exercise, but then why so suddenly and after such a long time? 12% is quite a jump.

What is happening to my brain is also happening in my life : lots of old friends getting in touch, and for once as Lou sid more goodwill to dispense.

Tonight I shall try the LED again.
Lots of love to all! :hug:
Be well!


Senior Member
LED 633 nm trial - Day 10
Yesterday 7 pm I held the light in my right hand.
I slept well and when I woke up, most of the pimples and rashes had gone. I had just a small new rash on top of my left pinkie. The eyes are not puffy. No change in vision and no change I think in the nodule.
As though I hadn't used the LED.

All day long yesterday was a bit special, there was a lot of stress with a malevolent guest. It did make me sad, but not overwhelmed. Looking back it felt like the doors of hell opened over my paradise and that I just managed to shut them back and safely bolt them! But it looks like all this stress has "used up" my light (in advance)! That is, the light in the evening was just enough to bring me to my life today without any bad lasting consequences from what happened yesterday.
Today is quiet and happy again.

I shall try the LED tonight to see if there is any progress.
Be well!


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
This seems to be red intranasal LED, relatively inexpensive and available in the UK. I guess it must be somewhere from 620 - 750 nm, but no idea of the intensity. Lots of good reviews for allergy relief anyway!

I wonder if someone in the UK could call and find out what the output is? This is very inexpensive compared to the one available in the US if it is comparable.



Senior Member
The Bionase is 630nm.
They claim "This is the optimal wavelength to achieve the desired effect of treating Allergic Rhinitis symptoms." So perhaps it is not really comparable with the Vielight.
The Vielight is 633 nm, not very different as to the wavelength.
But is seems to be a laser device. From the site http://www.syrolight.com/bionase
there is no mention of laser. But on a site in Brasil it is stated that this is a laser light.
http://www.suplementosaqui.com.br/p...nose Fototerapia Rinite Alérgica Laser 630 Nm

The prices of LED lights can vary widely depending on the nm they produce, because they are made from rare earths. Maybe to get 633 nm is difficult?
The questions are : how much variation in nm can be expected in a LED light? And how much variation from the ideal wavelength would seriously compromise results?


Senior Member
Hi Asklipia, yes perhaps the 633 nm is specialised. It's a shame there's not wide feedback on the Vielight yet. We'll have to keep a close watch on our brave trailblazers here! :) Good spotting with the bionase.
Re the Lloyds pharmacy one my husband found the following...which suggests two wavelengths are used...o_O
The Lloydspharmacy Hayfever Reliever uses phototherapy to relieve the symptoms of hayfever. One wavelength promotes increased blood flow circulation and the second wavelength (red light therapy) suppresses the cells that release histamine and reduces inflammation.

I asked him if he'd make one like the Vielight, he's exceptionally handy like that, but he seems to think for the cost of quality components and not knowing the exact specs, it's just as well to buy the real thing.

Best, Anne.


Senior Member
LED 633 nm trial - Day 11
Yesterday 7 pm again I held the light in my right hand. I felt the "boiling blood" effect.
I slept well and when I woke up, most of the pimples and rashes had gone. I had a couple of new rashes on top of my left hand and my right eyebrow, as well as the back of my neck. The eyes were smarting and very puffy. No change in vision and no change I think in the nodule, which is now a harder patch still visible.
Today I feel some "detox" effect, I am a bit tired and want to just do nothing!!!! I had to push myself to do my exercise.:(
Maybe I have been laughing too much (reading Nigel Barley's Island of Demons).

Histamine, yes, but I am sure it is not the whole story.
Sorry I don't have much more to report. Research is such, mostly made of uneventful days....

Thank you anne_likes_red for contributing to this thread!
Lots of love to all! :hug:


Senior Member
southeast US
I think this thing is working. Beside the other benefits I've already mentioned there's a new one I'm almost certain is attributable to the LED light. The problem is not ME/cfs related (though a more properly functioning immune system may have overcome it a long time ago), but it's been beast to beat back.

The problem began (perhaps only coincidentally) after dental work maybe a dozen or more years ago. My left jaw began swelling at the least bit of stress or strain. Practically every day. ENT ruled out tumor and said it most likely was a problem with a sweat gland, perhaps a benign cyst. A major nerve nearby that could possibly be severed made it too risky for surgery so I was left to deal with it best I could. It usually doesn't last long but most every day something will cause it to swell. And it prohibits me from exercising as much as I'd like. It got beyond annoying a WHILE back.

So, I need to be more alert to what may be happening. It just occurred to me today after some pretty heavy work that my jaw is much better. The same amount of stress on it before the LED light would have definitely given me trouble. I think this sweat gland problem is a difficult one to treat or alleviate without surgery so this may be one more piece of evidence of what this device can do. I sure am hoping that's the case.

And I hope we can find a source for a less expensive version of the light. Others need to give this a go!


Senior Member
The problem began (perhaps only coincidentally) after dental work maybe a dozen or more years ago. My left jaw began swelling at the least bit of stress or strain. Practically every day. ENT ruled out tumor and said it most likely was a problem with a sweat gland, perhaps a benign cyst. A major nerve nearby that could possibly be severed made it too risky for surgery so I was left to deal with it best I could. It usually doesn't last long but most every day something will cause it to swell. And it prohibits me from exercising as much as I'd like. It got beyond annoying a WHILE back.

So, I need to be more alert to what may be happening. It just occurred to me today after some pretty heavy work that my jaw is much better. The same amount of stress on it before the LED light would have definitely given me trouble. !

I am so happy for you Lou!
I have had the exact same problem in my left jaw for years.
I do not think though that this happened in consequence of dental work there. I think that the dental work was needed BECAUSE there was a problem of lymphatic flow in that area and that the teeth had problems as a result. I think this is all how my ME/CFS started years and years ago. I say HOW not WHY.

It is the left jaw because the lymphatic system is not symetrical. Babies are like that but eventually a lot of the lymphatic system on the right side disappears. The lymph is pushed behind the heart from the lymphatic system into the veinous system, to be carried by the blood to the liver which will process it. When it is stuck there behind the heart (many possible reasons) it can flow in the wrong way towards the brain. Along that left jaw and into the teeth.

I struggled with this for years and was slowly but surely restricted in my actions and efforts to get better becaus anytime I did something my jaw would swell and hurt. If I pushed more, I would get brain fog, etc... It was a downwards spiral.
Doing Bains Derivatifs (http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/bains-dérivatifs.15574/) emptied my jaw in a week. It is a solution that for me was very helpful but is not for everyone and it did not help me past a certain point. Now in retrospect I realize I was emptying all the lymph in the intestines (maybe a parasympathetic effect or a central way effect), a good way to alleviate the problems of lymph stuck around the jaws, but it was not priming the sympathetic lymph pump behind the heart, so was not solving the problem.

At the moment I feel that the red LED is acting on the lymph distribution in a sympathetic way. And without excitotoxicity it seems, at least for the moment. So far, so good!

LED 633 nm trial - Day 12

Yesterday I did not use the LED, as I had decided.
This morning all the former pimples and rashes have disappeared. No detectable change in the nodule.
Lots of good wishes to all! :hug:


Senior Member
southeast US
Asklipia said, "I've had the exact same problem in the left jaw for years." As a guy that used to work for my Dad said, "This is getting 'mystcurisor and more mystcurisor'. I have wondered for such a long time what was going on with my left jaw, it's amazing I may have finally found out here when several doctors either didn't know or took the convenient road most traveled --'round up the usual suspects'; benign tumor, cyst, or something's just getting clogged up in there. 'Yep. Thanks, doc. So there's nothing else can be done?' Doc says, 'Actually, there is, leave a hundred-fifty bucks on your way out.'

Thank you, Asklipia, so very much. I would ask how you tracked all that down, but that would probably take this thread too far astray. Guess we'll just leave that a good mystery.

Do you happen to think those pimples may be some kind of toxins wishing to leave an all-of-a-sudden uncomfortable environment?


Senior Member
Do you happen to think those pimples may be some kind of toxins wishing to leave an all-of-a-sudden uncomfortable environment?

Well, for one there are different types of pimples there so they may have a different origin.
- slight rashes that disappear fairly fast after a few hours;
- big pimples that hurt a bit on the first day and then stay on discreetly for a couple of more days;

It could be toxins due to the death of something which finds itself in an uncomfortable environment:
- more oxygenation due to the "boiling blood" effect. Some things will not like all that extra oxygen.
- irradiation of the blood. That light might not be liked by some of those "things".
- and both ways : I feel the Bohr effect going on, which brings about a dilatation of the smaller blood vessels, so this means blood is reaching in bigger quantity places which it could not reach before.

It could also be a sign of an overloaded lymphatic system due to cell regeneration on a grand scale. If this is happening too fast, the left-overs of the replaced cells clog up the drains.
I am not sure yet.

Three questions for you Lou if you don't mind :
- Do you also see these pimples?
- Which nostril do you use for the LED?
- Do you use it every day?

LED 633 nm trial - Day 13

Yesterday I did not use the LED. I had meant to, but some friends came and there was a lot of rejoicing over very good wine until late in the night. I confess I completely forgot my red light experiment as I went to bed deliriously happy in the warmth of my heart.
This morning I am perfectly fine after a peaceful sleep. All that social activity does not seem to have tired me in any way. :):thumbsup::)
I suspect both the appearance of the friends and the good feelings yesterday and this morning may be LED related.
The nodule is now not only flat, but also entirely painless. If I press strongly on it, it is not in the least unpleasant.

I am very hopeful.
Lots of love to all :hug:


Senior Member
southeast US
Hi Asklipia,

In answer to your questions:

1. I haven't had the pimples, almost wish I had if it's a good sign.

2. I alternate the nostrils. You think that's best?

3. I may have forgotten a couple of times since getting the light, otherwise I've used it at bedtime.

That was good news about your enjoyable night, hope things continue to progress!


Senior Member
2. I alternate the nostrils. You think that's best?

Hi Lou! I hope you are well! I do not know if alternating the nostrils is best, but at least for effects on the tissues I would have done the same. I shall have to experiment more to be sure.

LED 633 nm trial - Day 15

The day before yesterday I did not use the LED. More friends appeared from very far whom I had not seen for years!!!!!! We spent all night talking!!!!!! I cannot believe this! Not only was it a pleasure (even though the night before had been spent the same way), but I woke up yesterday none the worse. I had forgotten though to use the LED, mind you I went to bed at 4 am so it was probably not a good idea.
Yesterday I woke up at 7 am (3 hours sleep but very deep) and I discovered a lot of huge pimples at the back and the front of my neck following lymphatic lines, as well as all along my backbone. 'mystcurisor and more mystcurisor'.
I was lazy all day long, but did manage a swim + my exercise.

Last night 7 pm I used the LED in my right nostril. I woke up today completely refreshed (no delayed adverse effects from these two consecutive nights drinking and talking) and went for a walk on the mountain in the pine forest (up on a difficult path 60 mns)
No rash, pimples from yesterday are on the way out.
The nodule is very flat.

Something is definitely happening.
During my walk I had a very important insight (not directly related to this). I understood in a flash a secret that had eluded me for 50 years. This can only mean that the brain is working better and in new ways.
May all the girls in the world be happy today!
Lots of love :hug:


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

Sorry, I've forgotten, which red LED are you using? The one that was mentioned at about $300, or something else?

Thanks. So glad you are getting these results.
