DIY red light therapy for a few bucks
Yesterday I had my first red light session. I love DIY

. So I took a smaller ordinary red light LED bulb (240V, 0.3W, a few €. All my flat is equipped with these red lights for the evenings, full bordello yeah

), enclosed it with my hands (hands held as in Christian prayer or as when Indians say Namashte). It was at night; darkness in the room. My hands were glowing dark red - obvious proof that the light was penetrating the flesh of my hands deeply. I saw my own tendons, black on red, like bones on an xray. This enlarged pic shows my tendon (very dark red, in the middle, almost vertically) running up on the back of my hand towards the knuckles (all the rest of the pic in dark red are bones and meat)
Interestingly, I did not see my bones (huh?). If you want a similar funny experience, pay attention to do it with a sufficiently small bulb, so you can completely enclose it without gaps. But now back to serious health business: I took the inspiration from
experiences using her 633 device in her hand as well as from these lines on
"Blood irradiation therapy is also administered externally through the skin on the projection of large blood vessels."
"usually a vein in the forearm, under the assumption that any therapeutic effect will be circulated through the circulatory system"
Also, if you are interested, I can dig out research on arteriovenous anastomoses in fingers, which is a fancy ivory tower term for special blood vessels in your fingers to make them function as cooling grills to lose heat when it is too hot. Plain english conclusion: Before red light therapy, if you heat up your fingers using hot water, then huge amounts of blood will run through them (I have a defect that makes me not need that: I always have warm, well-perfused hands, even if it is totally cold. I wish I knew why! They make my body cool out easily in winter

. So I always wear twice as many pullovers than others

while my skin is warmer than others') Btw, in the nose, the system is simillar but just the opposite: the tiny blood vessels lining the inside get a huge blood flow when it is cold. This warms up the incoming air. In any case, fingers and the inside of the nose are very simillar in having lots of tiny blood vessels.
My biggest question is: considering the bigger size of hands compared to nose as well as the possibly higher (?) light output of the bulb, wouldnt it be plausible to assume a bigger health impact from this DIY therapy? For example, more nitric oxide, as proposed in
this paper?
On the bulb it also writes 18/0614. Anyone an idea what this means?
I wonder how difficult it would be to make one of these devices ourselves.
And I hope we can find a source for a less expensive version of the light.
(PS: Excuses if an idea as simple as grabbing an ordinary LED bulb with two hands has already been posted on all the 25 pages of this loooong thread. I haven't red more than the first few pages

, but to cover for this fault I added a bit of science bla

to make this idea look more than it is

