LED red intranasal light therapy

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I wanted to mention that when I unplugged the charger to my Gamma recently, the facing came off, leaving exposed wires. I called VL, and they immediately sent a replacement.


Senior Member
Today morning felt weak when I woke up. The usual energy increase after using alpha for nearly a month was missing. Took Methyl B12 - 5mg , TMG -500 mg , SAM-e 200 mg but still felt weak. Then after an hour added Solgar's Metafolin 800 mcg and within 15 minutes my energy levels returned to normal. Now feeling great. Is the alpha indirectly using up the methylfolate storage in the body ? Just thinking loud.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
My Alpha arrived safely, and this is an early report of first impressions after 4 sessions. First, the little info sheet suggests one can use it while it is charging--did not work--no problem. I tried using it before going to bed--not a good idea--my brain was too busy, poor sleep. Will try various timings, so far late afternoon seems OK; after my 4th session yesterday, slept well, and found myself really speeding along on my short morning walk along the beach--energy seemed significantly higher. Look forwards to the coming weeks-- will choose between every 2 and every 3 days. I think it is really doing something, and am rather excited!

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I'm glad you are off to a good start, @Chris. It does take some experimenting at first to see how frequently and what time of day to use it are best for you. Keep us posted.


Senior Member
Great @Chris I have got the 633 and had 3 sessions (one per day) It kind of makes me tired. I think I should reduce the frequency to once in 2 days and have it before going to bed. Chris you said there are some differences between 633 and 655. What are they ?


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
@raghav--the key difference is that the 655 is a true laser, with a long history of similar units behind it. The 633 is an LED, and these "super" LED's only came into existence around 2000 or a little later; they do much of what lasers do, but are not totally monochromatic--a 655 laser emits all of its photons at exactly that wavelength, while an LED 633 has some spillover--most of its energy is emitted at or just around 633nm, but there is some spillover to the adjacent wavelengths. A laser also emits coherent light--the photons march in step--while an LED does not. In practice it seems that LEDs can do much of what lasers do, but for some purposes there is still a difference.

There is a diffusing tiny lens in front of the 655, as there is for the 633, but one still has to be careful in using it--it might do damage to one's eyes if one shone it directly at them for some time, though due to the low power and diffusion the danger seems very low indeed, and I don't think anyone has actually suffered real damage. The 633 is a shot at doing much the same work with total safety and lower cost. I find it a good little unit, but have never tried the 655, though I suspect it does do somethings a little better than the 633--more penetration, perhaps a more powerful effect on the blood--I don't really know for sure.

I find that both the 633 and "regular" 810 help me sleep, and neither seems to induce fatigue in me, but we are all a little different. Part of the trick of timing while using these devices seems to be finding the right balance between triggering the cytochrome molecules in the mitochondrial electron chain that produces ATP, the energy molecule, which then, among other things, triggers the release of some ROS (reactive oxygen species). My impression is that this is one of the advantages of pulsed units, like the 810 and the Neuro, but I really don't understand the processes involved in enough detail to be clear about this.

I have been having sessions in the morning using the Neuro intranasal 810 and my 633 on my ears, and tinnitus does seem to be reducing--will wait a while before attempting to check whether high frequency hearing is also improving.... and this makes timing of my use of the full Neuro a bit more difficult....


Senior Member
Thanks for the explanation @Chris I will reduce the frequency of usage of 633 to once in two days and time it away from alpha. Maybe too much ROS is being produced. I also find the alpha energizing and it does not produce sleepiness. I will use 633 just before going to bed. Isn't Alpha's nasal applicator supposed to be superior to intranasal 810 in terms of energy per sq. cm delivered ? on the day you are using alpha you can try skipping the 810.That way you can ensure that you are not using two devices within few hours gap of each other. When I used the alpha once in two days it caused more tiredness. Once I reduced it to once in 3 days it vanished and on top of that it made me feel energized. As you rightly said the timing of the devices and the frequency of usage have to be balanced for that particular individual.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
@raghav; Lew Lim suggests one can use the "regular" 810 on the "off" days for the Neuro--the version of the 810 used as part of the Neuro has approximately twice the energy per square cm. compared to the "regular" 810, and is evidently fairly different--as one can see from the micro-circuitry built into the diode housing. I think that like you I will move to using the Neuro every third day, with the 633/Neuro-810 used on my ears on the day after using the Neuro, and just the 633 used in the evening of the second day, or something like that.


Senior Member
Had my 15th session with alpha yesterday morning. Temporarily stopped 633 as it is causing tiredness. Will try after a couple of weeks. Doing fine on alpha itself.


Senior Member
Had my 19th session yesterday morning. The benefits I am getting from the device is dependent on the methylation supplements that I am taking. If I stop the supplements the energy levels go down. But the supplements alone are not able to give me the energy. It needs the alpha to sustain it I dont know whether this is general for all CFS patients or is specific to my case.


Senior Member
Had my 23rd session one hour back. Feeling energetic. @Jesse2233 Overall on a scale of 0 -10 for mental energy I will give it a 9. I have other improvements like not much difficulty standing for longer periods of time. I dont have the weak feeling in the center of my chest when I keep standing for more than 15 minutes. My knees dont feel weak and wobbly while standing. This is as far as Vielight Neuro Alpha is concerned.

Vielight 633 causes tiredness whenever I use it. So I have not been using it for the past 2 weeks. If finances permit I would like to try Vielight 655. The main reason for my buying the alpha is for hippocampal neuronal regeneration. My left hippocampus is 20% less in size compared to the right one. This is due to my Mesial temporal sclerosis which causes temporal lobe epilepsy. I will continue using the alpha. After one more month (totally 12 week period) I might go for MR spectroscopy test to compare regeneration if any in my left hippocampus. That is the main improvement I want. Lew Lim of Vielight is not certain whether the regeneration will happen. Keeping fingers crossed.

I am taking Jarrows Formulas Methyl B12 5000 mcg one tablet daily morning. I occasionally take Solgar Metafolin if I feel too tired. I am also taking Jarrows TMG half tablet (250 mg).

I would like to try Joovv full body LED device which is in the 660 nm wavelength. The disadvantage with Vielight intranasal devices is the light is delivered in the nasal capillaries only. So only cells which are moving in the blood will get the light energy. The cells in your muscles and nerves and other tissue in the rest of your body dont get it. Joovv's is different in that it is a full body light therapy device.

Has anybody tried it ? I would like to see their blood work. The devices are costly. But I am definitely interested. Will keep you all posted.


Senior Member
Had my 27th session half an hour ago. No problems. Waiting for Fycompa to arrive in my city. It will be available in two weeks' time. I will then know what is causing the physical tiredness. The epilepsy or cfs.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
@raghav; sorry I have been silent so long--too many other things going on for me to be able to focus on exactly what the Neuro may be doing. I did check out the Joovv things--several sizes--and they are pretty low power in terms of Joules per cm2; I don't know how much would get through to the blood vessels--only one way to find out for sure! But I do have on order a much cheaper but powerful device--designed to grow plants, but it seems used with some success by humans; same 660nmm, but 12 watts and a diameter of around, I think, 5-6 ins, with a small cooling fan. Name: ABI 12W Deep Red 660nm LED. Will write more when it arrives. It sounds powerful enough that one will have to exercise caution, and begin with very short sessions with the thing held at some distance. I ordered from Amazon.com.