Got my ABi device a few days ago; since it screws into any standard light fixture, it needs a connector with a light socket at one end and a regular mains connector at the other--I got one locally with a kind of flat circular handle and a switch, which seems to work fine. First very early impressions--one has to remember that it is designed to grow plants, not heal people--it outputs a formidable intensity of light, and though LED and not laser, you definitely don't want to stare into it! I am treating it with the utmost caution; at a distance of one inch, it covers an area of approximately 5 ins diameter, so hope it may be useful for treating things like sciatica, etc. Will try it on the back of my neck (Kahn's favourite spot, if you recall Chap 4 of Doidge), and maybe the top and sides of my head, when I am not using the Neuro Alpha. But will begin with exposure in the seconds, not minutes!