LED red intranasal light therapy


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Got my ABi device a few days ago; since it screws into any standard light fixture, it needs a connector with a light socket at one end and a regular mains connector at the other--I got one locally with a kind of flat circular handle and a switch, which seems to work fine. First very early impressions--one has to remember that it is designed to grow plants, not heal people--it outputs a formidable intensity of light, and though LED and not laser, you definitely don't want to stare into it! I am treating it with the utmost caution; at a distance of one inch, it covers an area of approximately 5 ins diameter, so hope it may be useful for treating things like sciatica, etc. Will try it on the back of my neck (Kahn's favourite spot, if you recall Chap 4 of Doidge), and maybe the top and sides of my head, when I am not using the Neuro Alpha. But will begin with exposure in the seconds, not minutes!


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
@raghav--an interesting project but not cheap! I have a short report on further use of the ABi device--I think I overused it--it seemed to help a touch of sciatica when used on my left hip, but then I used it for a few other trouble spots, and spent a lousy night with irritation/pain in all kinds of unexpected areas. I think even the local use triggered a systemic inflammatory response (those ROS probably) that is just now (1 p.m.) calming down. I suspect that the rate of delivery is just too high for our dysfunctional mitos--I think I will stay with the deliberately modest rates provided by the Vielight devices, and my MED-X capsules too. I may have misinterpreted, but I will be very, very cautious using the ABi device again.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
@raghav--I have a modestly updated version of this:

They have been used in several published studies--check M. Naeser for an essay called "Two case studies" or something like that--that study was described by Anita Saltmarche in Chap 4 of Doidge's "The Brain's Way of Healing." They are modestly powered (total 500 mW) units combining a few LEDs at 670 and a majority at 870, I think. They can be programmed to operate at Continuous Wave or any Pulse rate and Duty Cycle. I have entered a programme at 40 Hz and 50% Duty to approximate the Neuro Gamma, and will give that a try in a few days when I feel better.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
@raghav; I will duck that direct question, and just say they are expensive. I bought them through Anita Saltmarche, and at that point all non-professional inquiries directed to MED-X were forwarded to her (she was once involved in the company, but for some time has been independent.) They do have to be programmed--not too difficult, but for some reason it sometimes goes astray--at least for me--I discover that one of my two units has not responded to my attempt to programme in a 40Hz 50% Duty Cycle treatment. Will try again.... Not sure if I would buy one or more now--the Neuro seems to be doing pretty well, and is much simpler to use. But they are useful and versatile things--good for joint pain, plantar fasciitis, and stuff like that. But there are much cheaper units available that will help there. Still intend to use them on my head if/when I get the second unit programmed-- to test drive the 40Hz idea (I would have to use the Neuro Intranasal unit at a separate time--it could not be synchronized with the MED-X units, and it seems that the brain would not enjoy unsynchronized stimulations, even though of the same frequency). Lew Lim has intimated that at some future point they may make the Neuro Gamma control unit available separately for those who bought into the Alpha--seems the control unit contains the circuitry that controls the pulse rate. But no word yet....and I will guess it would not be cheap, though hopefully substantially cheaper than a whole unit including headset and nasal unit.


Senior Member
Of late I am getting fatigued post lunch inspite of using the alpha. I think my body has become resistant to the device. If only I can tweak the alpha to work in gamma mode it will be nice. But am scared of opening the controller.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
@raghav; I am finding that I sometimes have a bad night and following day after using my Alpha; I also use either the V633 or V810 at night to help sleep. I think it may be time to take a break. I would still like to know why the small study using the Neuro for Alzheimer's switched from twice a week for the first few weeks to just once a week; no reason has been given so far as I am aware--if anyone has better info, please post!

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Hi, @pattismith. The item on Amazon is a device that uses red light to help the appearance of the skin. This thread about LED light therapy is about light to stimulate and affect the brain. Which application are you interested in?


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Still experimenting with timing for using the Alpha, though will email Vielight soon to see if they have any info on why they changed from twice a week to once a week for that small trial with the Alpha a while back, and then used 5 or 6 times a week for that case report on the Alzheimer patient using the Gamma. My own experience to date suggests that using the Alpha every second day is too much for us ME types, but that something like using the full Alpha one day, skipping the next day, using just the intranasal unit the third day, and then full Alpha the fourth day may work--will give it a try.