LED red intranasal light therapy

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Hi, @raghav. My therapist said they have not had anyone with epilepsy using the VL in their clinic.

That's great that you got responses from both Lew Lim and Dr. Berman so that you know which VL is best for your circumstance. Hope it works well for you.

One thing the therapist said about the nasal device is that they always use the right nostril on clients even though the directions say you can use either nostril. I'm not sure why they find the right nostril the best, but I'll ask sometime.


Senior Member
@perchance dreamer I will be getting my Vielight Neuro Alpha on Friday or saturday. Will try it out and give my feedback. Have you purchased the gamma ? Very excited and also tense ! Hope it helps with my fatigue. Keeping fingers crossed.:D

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
@raghav, that's great that your Alpha is on the way. I got my Gamma yesterday.

I've found that what the biofeedback therapists told me to be true: It can take awhile for the brain to adjust to this technology. That seems to be especially true in my case because I've had quite a few falls in which I've hit my head, and I've also had 7 surgeries with general anesthesia.

My brain has been stuck for a long time with an abnormal brainwave pattern: both dominant slow-wave activity and abnormally fast-wave activity, so under arousal and over arousal at the same time.

With the Gamma, my pattern is improving, but it has taken awhile to get used to it. However, some of the patients at the clinic adjust very quickly to the stimulation.

Best of luck!


Senior Member
Thx @perchance dreamer Wish you all the best with the gamma. Are you using it once in 2 -3 days or how is it to be arrived at ? By gut feeling and trial and error I presume. Any way will post my feedback with the alpha. It seems like I will be getting it coming monday. All the best !

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I've been using it once a week at the clinic, @raghav. At home I'll try using it every 5 days for awhile and see how it goes for my sensitive system. Yes, a gut feeling and just seeing what works best for you is the best approach.

I've been taking notes after sessions on things like mood, energy, and sleep and have found that helpful.


Senior Member
Got my Vielight Neuro Alpha yesterday morning. Immediately had a full 20 minute session. No discomfort. After the session had a slight elevation in BP (130/80) and Resting Heart Rate (RHR- 83).I am on BP medication for nearly 25 years. So could be the excitement of trying the device. Then half an hour later felt mildly sleepy. I just sat it out. After 2 hours it cleared. I am planning to try it on alternate days. Today as I am typing I felt a subtle increase in physical and mental energy. Also a kind of calm. Could be placebo. I will try tomorrow and post my feedback. @perchance dreamer hope you are doing fine on the gamma.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Hi, @raghav. I'm so glad your 1st session went well. I, too, sometimes feel next-day effects.

I've been feeling much calmer than normal. According to pre-and post-EEGs in the clinic, the Gamma sessions are lowering EMG, a way too fast brainwave frequency associated with an overactive sympathetic nervous system and fight-or-flight.

I'm also experiencing a little less of my chronic pain, which could also be an effect of the EMG coming down.
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Senior Member
Went for a walk for 15 minutes yesterday after a gap of nearly 2 years. My body felt light. I usually will have to drag my body along when I walk. No such feeling yesterday. My BP and heart rate have reduced slightly below normal. 114/76 and RHR - 77. BTW is there any competing product to Vielight products ? I googled but could not find any. I forgot to add. I am able to stand upright without feeling tired. Maybe my orthostatic intolerance is improving. Keeping my fingers crossed.
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Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Congratulations, @raghav--sounds great! You have got me thinking very seriously indeed about ordering an Alpha--though may wait for a bit more feedback on the Gamma. There are lots of LED pads and a fair number of lasers on the market, but nothing that is as consumer-oriented as the Vielights--much of the stuff is aimed at chiropractors etc. Lew Lim has deliberately held his design parameters within what is safe but effective for home use--good for him!


Senior Member
Thx @Chris I have been using the alpha early in the mornings, because it is peak summer in India and it is sweltering hot towards evenings. It is cooler very early in the mornings. But it makes me slightly sleepy on the days that I use it. I have had 3 sessions till now, including today morning, each of the recommended 20 minutes. Maybe I will try using it late in the night and then go to bed straight after using it. That way I will give my brain the 8 to 10 hours sleep during which the healing can happen.
The alpha has both infrared and visible red light (maybe visible red around 780 nm and the IR of 810 nm). I have asked Vielight what the wavelength of the visible red is. @Chris are you using the Vielight 633 ? Will it be synergistic to use both alpha and 633. I dont want to go near the laser 655 model. Even though it is low power and Vielight people say you insert the applicator into your nostril and then plug it into the controller, I am scared of damage to my eyes. Anyway will switch to using alpha late in the night from next session.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
@raghav--fascinating to find that you live many thousands of miles away from my home in British Columbia! I really appreciate the feedback on the Neuro that you and Perchance Dreamer are providing to us. As far as I know, all the diodes used in the Neuro radiate at 810nm; the intranasal V810 has some kind of tracer flickering light to show that the unit is functioning, but I don't know its source--it is extremely low power, and must be below 780, which I think is already invisisble IR.

In any case, it is great to be receiving positive feedback from actual users of both the new Neuro units.


Senior Member
@Chris The outdated Neuro and the new Neuro Alpha have different configurations. The head bands (Front and back ) have 1+3 LED units . The front has one and the back has 3. Each unit in turn has two subunits. There is one on the metal band and this subunit has the LED subunit attached to it in front. This is diffferent from the previous Neuro. I dont know whether the subunit (Which is slidable) on the metal band has any circuitry in it. If you go to Vielight website you can see the Neuro alpha photo.Compare it with the previous Neuro and the difference will be immediately noticeable.

Is anybody using Vielight 633 ? I want to buy one for the systemic benefits it is supposed to give. The vielight website info states the 633 nm red light restructures erythrocytes and increases the oxygenation of blood. It is also supposed to benefit your white blood cells.

Anyway I will keep posting regular feedback on the alpha. Hope it helps folks here. Bye for now.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
@ragnav--I have been using my V633 for around two years now, in conjunction with the V810. It has helped some symptoms--I had an ugly knot of varicose veins below my right knee (this never caused any problems, mind you) and this has been significantly smoothed out. My nasal responsiveness to allergens has been radically lowered. I am now again using the two together to try to improve my hearing loss (I am 84, so this is not a rare symptom!) and tinnitus, and it seems to be having some slight positive effect, so will continue. I switch ears at 1/2 time, so that each ear receives the same amount of light at each session. My BP has also lowered a bit, and I have fewer and less intense BP spikes, I would say, though I cannot for sure say that the 633 has been responsible for this. I have a friend who has had serious Deep Vein Thrombosis, and she has found that if she occasionally goes for a walk without her usual compression stocking, she comes back with no significant swelling or pain--definitely a real change. The 633 is the only unit she uses. All in all, I think it is a useful if unspectacular unit. I have met a dedicated fan of the 655, who told me that several years ago she was threatened with amputation of her left hand due to PAD, and that the 655 saved her from that. I understand--and share--your reluctance to buy the 655, but it seems that given the degree of convergence built into the diode unit, there is very little danger. But I share your hesitation about the laser .


Senior Member
Thx for the reply @Chris I will think about it. I have IGT (Impaired glucose tolerance). It has been at this level itself for the past 3 - 4 years. My fasting sugar is 105. I am 47 and overweight (230 pounds) Because of the fatigue I am not able to go for long walks or do some vigorous exercise. I read some of the reviews on the Internet that 633 helps with reducing blood sugar. So that is the main reason I am interested in it. I am unable to tolerate any of the allopathic medicines. I have tried everything from metformin to the latest DPP 4 inhibitors. I tolerated glimepiride for a max of 5 days. The rest hardly 2 or 3 days. They all increase my heart rate to around 95. I dont know why. Same with ayurvedic formulas. So would consider 633 or 655 after I settle into a rhythm with the alpha. Hopefully then my fatigue should diminish. Anyway thx for the detailed post. I appreciate that very much.


Senior Member
@Chris Have you ever consulted a Psychiatrist for your tinnitus ? If not please do so. He might be in a better position to help than the ENT physician.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
@raghav, thanks for the suggestion, but it is clear that my tinnitis began as a side show to a marked loss of HF in my hearing, and both were caused by attending a showing of the first of "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy of movies. I felt pain while watching, and put my fingers in my ears from time to time, but was stupid enough to remain rather than leave the cinema. My ears literally ached when I left. The cause was purely physiological, and the tinnitus does not bother me much--but I do miss those higher frequencies when listening to music!


Senior Member
@Chris A friend of mine had persistent humming noise in his ears. He consulted ENT physicians and Neurologists. But they could not give him relief. Then a GP with vast expereience referred him to a psychiatrist (whom I am consulting now) The psychiatrist said the tinnitus like sound was due to a chemical imbalance in his brain and he solved it. So if your tinnitus is bothering you then you can consult your GP and ask for a referral to a psychiatrist. It might help. Even if the cause is at the site of the ear the signal which is causing the tinnitus is processed by your brain. It can be blocked there very effectively. You dont have to put up with it. Anyway if it is not bothering you much then no point in adding one more medicine to your medicine cabinet.