LED red intranasal light therapy

@Ricard--I think you are misinterpreting me, if I read your "so" correctly. I intended to imply that I thought there probably was some microcircuitry built into the diode housing of the Neuro intranasal unit--that was I thought the implication of my "white and red." But I repeat that I have no direct knowledge or confirmation of this.

Sorry Chris, this "so" was not meant negative, rather positive and clarifying. I just wanted to tell that it's just a led inside, mounted on a very fragile pcb. So if you were planing to buy the Neuro applicator there is no reason not to do it ... you just have to adapt your current source. Probbably also the contacts in this stereo jack are switched ;-)


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
@Ricard--OK, and thanks for the clarification; I take it you now have a Neuro 810 "applicator" in hand. I fear that I am in now way capable of making or adapting a power supply/control unit, so will have to decide whether or not I am going to plunge for the whole Neuro. But good luck with your home made project, and let us know how it works out!
@Ricard - The 810 does have a simpler LED but if you were to examine the glass(or ceramic?) casing properly, there is a divergence built to angle the beam towards the underside of the brain. I know nothing of plastic manufacturing but the clip that clips unto your nose is more convenient than holding it in your nostril for 20 minutes. About the Neuro's diode, that definitely involves microchip technology engineering to draw that much power something of that size.

I usually skim over their Facebook posts but I got a pretty intriguing Facebook post notification from them. Apparently, I quote, one of the top "neurofeedback" gurus and founder of Neuroguide, Robert Thatcher, discovered alpha oscillation changes triggered by the Vielight Neuro. If you're someone interested in brain hacking or whatever the young punks call it nowadays, it's definitely a good way to spend 10 minutes.



Senior Member
Victoria, BC
@Intelligentimpuls--thanks for the update. Lew Lim told me that the diode housing was made of the hardest transparent plastic available. I did watch that QEEG video--interesting, though I find it hard to translate into symptom improvement, and though there have been several recent papers on disturbances in brain connectivity in ME--the most recent by the Zinns and Leonard Jason. Are you still finding cognitive improvements from using the Neuro? I have still not quite taken the plunge.....


Senior Member

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I tried Vielight for the first time yesterday. My biofeedback clinic has all the devices from the Vielight line, and I tried the 810 intranasal device.

I'd like to find something to help me feel more grounded and less spacey, to help my brain work better. I have had ADD all my life, even before I got fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.

We did pre- and post-EEGs so we could see how the device affected my brainwaves. My brainwaves are slow, the most dominant being theta (used to be delta), with very low beta. After my session, my brainwaves shifted to even lower frequencies, and I felt much spacier.

Temporarily, even with the increased spaciness, my brain felt a little speedier in a good way, but that effect didn't last long. The only other effect I noticed is that I was much thirstier the rest of the day than I normally am.

So next week I'll go for another session and try the Neuro. They also have transcranial magnetic stimulation, so that's another thing to try. I need to find something that will not shift my brainwaves further down.

I have to admit I'm disappointed in my reaction to the session. I know of one guy who, like me, is a night owl, and his brain is slow to snap to in the morning. He got an intranasal device for home use, and for him, it's like turning on a switch. His brain feels like it works much better after the session.

I am excited to try the other devices. If I find something that works, I'll buy it for home use.

Are you guys still using the Vielight?


Senior Member
I sent my Vielight back. It's so cool you're able to do pre- and post- EEGs.
Sorry it wasn't the right device for you either, but it sounds like you've got a great set-up to find the best thing for your lil' brain :)

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Sorry it wasn't the right device for you either, but it sounds like you've got a great set-up to find the best thing for your lil' brain

Thanks, Leela. I also tried the Vielight Alpha, but I felt even more spacey than usual afterward.

Last week I tried the Vielight Gamma, and I think it's bingo! For the first time, my post-EEG showed significant improvement after my first 20-minute session.

My sleep was a little better that night, and the next day I felt as if my brain was operating faster and better. Colors looked brighter, and I had a slight mood elevation. It was easier to get through the day, with less of that swimming through molasses feeling.

That night I didn't sleep as well, but the therapist explained that if your brain has been stuck in the very slow dominant waves for a long time, and you speed it up from the device, it can take awhile for the brain to calibrate. My sleep is pretty much to baseline now, but I think I'm having a slight improvement.

So I'm really excited about the Gamma. I'm going to buy one for home use.

They have some other interesting new technologies at the clinic since I was last there 2 years ago. One thing I'm interested in is alternating current from electrodes on both the mastoids. This gives a little bit of a boost to the sympathetic nervous system, which I could use.

They also have transcranial magnetic stimulation now for clinic use. I'm not too sure what the applications are for that other than boosting either the sympathetic or the parasympathetic nervous system, depending on which direction the client needs increased.


Senior Member
Neato! Regarding TMS I know someone who is using it for 24/7 migraines and last I heard it was helping.


Senior Member
Folks, if I want an increase in energy should I opt for Vielight Neuro alpha or gamma ? Especially mental energy. Thx.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
@raghav, I don't know the answer to that. I have an appt. with my biofeedback therapist Wed. and wrote myself a note to ask her if any of their clients with epilepsy are using the VL. I'll get back to you.


Senior Member
@Chris Can you summarize the differences between Vielight Neuro Alpha and Gamma. I don't find much literature on the differences between the two. I am not in a position to afford both. As I said above I need it for more energy, mental and physical. Does 10 Hz and 40 Hz both activate and increase mitochondrial function ? It is very confusing. Which one is better for TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) ? Sorry for asking too many questions. Hoping you can clarify. Thx.
I remember reading this thread a few years ago and I have just come back to it again. It has certainly progressed since then. I bought a Bionase unit back then but have not used it for a couple of years. I have just got it out again and put in a new battery. I noticed some queries on this thread as to whether it is laser or LED. I emailed the manufacturer and they confirmed that it is LED. The reply included the sentence
'Any use of LASER light source (inside the nostril) will necessarily jeopardize one’s eyes and other delicate tissue and therefore strictly forbidden.'

Reading this thread shows me how much the technology has moved on in the past few years. Even my Bionase is out of date as Syro now produces a Bionette (2nd generation). I'm not ultra hopeful of help from this but I'm at the point where I'm ready to try anything.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
@raghav, at my biofeedback session last week, the therapist said that Dr. Marvin Berman at the Quietmind Foundation likes to talk about VL. He sells them at his web site.

I'd suggest emailing him and asking your questions. I'd be careful how you phrase the epilepsy part, though. Maybe describe your epilepsy and ask if he has known of patients with epilepsy who have used the VL. I don't know for sure, but I imagine he might want to be careful because of possible liability.



VL also has a user forum where you can ask questions. However, it does say not to ask for or give medical advice on the forum. Again, if you phrased questions carefully, I think they can give you some information. They might also already have info about epilepsy if you look through all the messages. There aren't that many.


Senior Member
Thanks @perchance dreamer I also emailed VL on their official email id and I got a reply from Lew Lim himself. I told him my condition and explained the epilepsy part. I also told him that my neuro says it is a mitochondrial dysfunction. Then Lew again replied saying he would recommend the alpha version in my case. I will also write to Dr. Marvin Berman as you said and dig deeper on research papers also. In the meantime as you said please ask your therapist also in wednesday's session. You have been a great help Perchance dreamer. Thanks.