Dr Markov CBIS Theory of ME/CFS - General Discussion


Senior Member
about the use of dipslides.

Some knowledge I got today:

Do not touch the agar
on the dipslides at any point.
Not before, and not after you’ve done your testing.

When you grow bacteria on your dipslides,
they grow and multiply.

These must be treated as dangerous,
as they can cause serious infection.

If you touch the bacteria on the agar with your fingers,
be sure to wash your handcarefully.

If the agar with growth comes in contact with any other surface,
disinfect those surfaces…
(Eg bleach and tissue paper? Throw away the paper)

Those bacteria should really be treated as bio safety level 2 organisms.

If you already have done your testing
soak your dipslides in disinfectant for several hours before disposal.
Eg, have bleach in the plastic cylinder the dipslides comes with,
and put your dipslides in it.
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Senior Member
So I did my third dipslide. Peed on it over 3 days, left it for a total of 5 days incubating at 37 degrees.

When I looked at it today a lot of the green agar on growth medium one had melted off the dipslide (or it had simply been eaten, I mean I've no idea really). But I think melted maybe because I could only see a colony of bacteria growing all over the base of the slide. I didn't take a photo because it wasn't very interesting to look at. Basically there are no individual colonies, just some red pin pricks at the top of the slide (e.coli?) and some completely flat and transparent growths all over the bottom half. No green milky mounds like I saw the first two times.

Without the chromogenic agar though I won't be able to confirm what I am actually looking at. Might try and get some.

my packaging says don’t incubate for longer than 2 days to protect from false positives, should we be incubating for longer?

i guess if you test positive it’s ok to use the same one over and over?


Senior Member
my packaging says don’t incubate for longer than 2 days to protect from false positives, should we be incubating for longer?

I incubate at the recommended 37°C, and in all my many urine tests, when bacteria did appear, this bacterial growth appeared within 24 hours of exposing the dipslide agar to urine. If you are incubating at room temp, it's possible you might need to incubate longer for the bacteria to appear.

When I asked about re-using dipslides more than once, the bacteriology dept at the Markov Clinic said to use a fresh dipslide for each new urine test.

But if the dipslide you have exposed to urine shows no growth the next day, personally I think it should be OK to expose that dipslide again to urine, just for reasons of economy, and not wanting to waste a dipslide for a negative result.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
My packaging doesn't really say much, there's no instructions with it @bensmith

But to be honest there was bacteria showing on all of them bar 1 within 48 hours. Also my girlfriends dipslide showed bacteria after 24 hours, it was just trickier to see until 48 hours had elapsed.

In my own case the bacteria actually took a bit longer to appear.


Senior Member
@godlovesatrier yes my bacteria is very hard to get out apparently, or i am in the 10 percent long covid me who he says is not effected by his disease. I think i am seeing salmonella but that isn’t relevant to his disease. Also not seeing colonies, only the cled going from blue to green to blue. And 48 hours also seems to be minimum for any activity from me.

dr markov says 3 in 3 days, so it’s a bit confusing to have all these long term incubators, but without that i’d just be negative. I guess its also ok to redose though, they said that to hip.

also markov says end of stream, where my packaging says mid stream.

just a bit confusing for me, especially since i’m not testing as positively as most are, if at all.
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Senior Member
You're not alone though. But have you peed on the stick 3 times in a row? When I did that I got loads of bacterial growth.

i have one stick i peed on 48 hours ago twice, but it was at noon and 4 pm. No growth there. I have another i peed on 48 hours+ ago, just peed on it again. If again it is negative tomorrow morning i will pee on it again, so 3 times total.

the reason i did 12 and 4 was because my box said 4 hours mim before you pee. Markov says 5 to 6, but thought i wanted to try and do other times than just morning. My bladder was bursting though lol.

i guess dr markov has had a person take 15 attempts to find bacteria, but i will assume i am just negative if i don’t find anything consistently like this, soon.

this would seem to line up with his findings as well, if 90 to 95 are positive, that is what we would see so far. With 8 pos 1 neg.

although since i want to take the treatment i hope that is not that case!


Senior Member
It is suggested to pee in the plastic tube that the dipslides comes with,
keep the dipslide in the urin for 20 sec, stir a couple of times.
Bacteria will have better time to settle..

also - have you stopped all supplements with antibacterial properties?


Senior Member
It is suggested to pee in the plastic tube that the dipslides comes with,
keep the dipslide in the urin for 20 sec, stir a couple of times.
Bacteria will have better time to settle..

also - have you stopped all supplements with antibacterial properties?

yes i am doing the 20 second trick.

i believe i have yes.

discontinued - grapeseed extract, nac, vit c and e, monolauren(no idea just stopped)

still using lithium, metropolil, ivermectin(maybe issue i don’t know) low dose naltrexone, zinc, b12, b1, nicin, choline, d3, resveratrol, magnesium, tmg.


Senior Member
I really don’t know, but if you can, without being too sick, might try and get off all of them for three days?
And then see?

it would be interesting to know if it would make any difference…

on the other hand, if those supplements keeps you on your feet…


Senior Member
I really don’t know, but if you can, without being too sick, might try and get off all of them for three days?
And then see?

it would be interesting to know if it would make any difference…

on the other hand, if those supplements keeps you on your feet…

hm yes i would like to stop all of them, but the ivermectin def help and the others help a bit.

i did just see growth, but it looks like my packaging says it’s normal, i would need much more aggressive growth to be considered positive. Unless dr markov sees any growth as positive.


Senior Member
You ask hip, but if I got this right, it doesn’t have to be positive in the ordinary way, as you’re not looking for an infection, but a dysbiosis…
So any growth would be “positive “ as far as I understand…


Senior Member
You ask hip, but if I got this right, it doesn’t have to be positive in the ordinary way, as you’re not looking for an infection, but a dysbiosis…
So any growth would be “positive “ as far as I understand…

ok i swore I remembered reading that too! Thanks!


Senior Member
You ask hip, but if I got this right, it doesn’t have to be positive in the ordinary way, as you’re not looking for an infection, but a dysbiosis…
So any growth would be “positive “ as far as I understand…

I believe this is the case. We are not really interested in being positive for bacteria according to the thresholds in standard urine tests. Rather, the idea is to culture some bacteria so that an autovaccine can be made from it.


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
Guys if anyone wants to join the project on autovaccines, we would be glad to have you on the discord! Send me a message for invitation.

We are really excited with this, and to be honest, I really think autovaccines could be up to something here! The more I dig into research, the more I see this potetial to clear pathogens that we may have

I have not been able to read this thread, but it seems everyone on the last two pages is talking about urine tests. What does it take to qualify for this program?


I have obtained the Dipslides from Germany a few days ago...still in box.I'm having a basic incubator made(with Temperature to about 37C hopefully)...

@Hip or anybody ......

-Should the Dipslides be stored in a certain way(fridge etc? -How to take the sample -Best way to obtain sample for Dr Markov's needs -Best way to send sample(samples?) to DR Markov from UK? -How to go about arranging an online appointment with Dr Markov? -Any other relevant information...Thanks

Hip has mentioned(I think?) that he was putting something re this together. Maybe HIp has already done that so if that is the case please excuse this and please direct me to that Thread...Thanks..


Senior Member
@chilove , @Strawberry , @Abha
It would be more easy for you if you join the discord group.
It’s more activity when it comes to this treatment there,
and we have a thorough user manual for the dipslides.
I’m sure it will be posted here as well, in its own time:
Guys if anyone wants to join the project on autovaccines, we would be glad to have you on the discord! Send me a message for invitation.

We are really excited with this, and to be honest, I really think autovaccines could be up to something here! The more I dig into research, the more I see this potetial to clear pathogens that we may have


@chilove , @Strawberry , @Abha
It would be more easy for you if you join the discord group.
It’s more activity when it comes to this treatment there,
and we have a thorough user manual for the dipslides.
I’m sure it will be posted here as well, in its own time:

Thanks for reply and advice.How does one join that Group?Is it on another thread or is it elsewhere?