Dr Markov CBIS Theory of ME/CFS - General Discussion


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Good point @Cipher I hadn't even noticed that. Well I can't see anything to be honest (on either side), this is day 4 or 5 I think. BUT I am going to do another experiment, will pee mid stream over 3 days on a new dipslide and see if there's any major difference. Just to be certain.

As for the bacteria, might be staph, might be another type which I cannot remember the name of.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Interesting @BrightCandle

I've just finished peeing 3 days on the same stick!! Just need to wait a day or two now to see what I get on it.

I do wonder if my very low levels on the first attempt are due to the egcg/hesperidin I am taking. Both of which are anti microbial. But even the beta glucans at 600mg a day seems to have a strong effect.

Maybe it explains why you and I are milder than others who tested positive too though?


Senior Member
Maybe it explains why you and I are milder than others who tested positive too though?

Definitely possible we are on a semi anti bacterial/viral regime already. My earlier results were fairly strong though I had multiple sites on my initial dipsticks and IIRC it was 2 out of 3 that showed an infection so even despite that regime it showed through with a strong signal. Cranberry definitely makes the test negative, whether it really helps on the other hand I have no idea.


Senior Member
@godlovesatrier so you can use the sticks over and over?

I think Hip has been doing multiple urinations into the same dipstick over a period because the goal is to capture as much bacteria as possible of all the different types. Given the goal is to get a positive result and regardless of the number of times it ought to always be negative I think its a completely reasonable way to reduce the use of tests. I haven't been doing so I have been taking them as listed and not reusing them but then if I do what Hip is doing, which I will if he gets results, then I would do the same and try to capture as many bacteria as possible in the same test, capture in an agar and prepare for shipping to get it identified and cultured by Dr Markov.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Thanks for explaining @BrightCandle

And yeah egcg definfiely anti microbial. Beta glucans I think just immune activating. Reishi polysaccharides different to oat bran beta glucans. Triterpenic acid might have secondary properties. Hesperidin also anti microbial. Also ken mentions other avenues to attack the same problem as a reply on page one of this thread. I think he's right and I take 120billion cfu per day currently.


Senior Member
Note that for remote patients, the Markov Clinic will not give you much help with all the dipslide stuff, they are expecting you to use your own knowledge and initiative on this.

The clinic do not normally treat patients remotely, so this remote treatment is not a service they are geared up to provide. But if you do all the work at your end, and you are able to to ship to them your bacteria, then the clinic may be able to work with you.

So this means you would need to make sure you understand how dipslide testing is done, and understand how to detect and isolate all the different species of bacteria in your kidneys. In other words, there's a learning curve involved for anyone interested in this.

However, the Markov Clinic say they are happy to enter into franchise agreements with local clinics in different countries, in order to make Dr Markov's treatment available to patients throughout the world.

So if you know a local clinic or doctor which might be interested in working under a franchise arrangement with the Markov Clinic, you can approach that local clinic, and tell them about the autovaccines. If that local clinic then shows interest, you could actually be treated at that local clinic, and would not have to worry about the learning curve of doing all the testing yourself.

By the way, someone I know contacted the Environmental Health Center-Dallas (EHCD) regarding Dr Markov's autovaccine treatment: EHCD said that their autovaccine/bacteriology department is out of action for the moment, but will be up running again in 3 month's time. I am not sure why. EHCD said that they are able to make autovaccines from bacteria isolated in the urine, and have done this with previous patients (I am not sure what sort of patients; perhaps those with recurrent UTIs).


Senior Member
So this means you would need to make sure you understand how dipslide testing is done, and understand how to detect and isolate all the different species of bacteria in your kidneys. In other words, there's a learning curve involved for anyone interested in this.

Perhaps a summary of the process from those of you who have gone before would be beneficial to those of us who may try it some time in the future? I know you're still figuring it out at the minute, but hopefully you gain some insights.


Senior Member
Perhaps a summary of the process from those of you who have gone before would be beneficial to those of us who may try it some time in the future? I know you're still figuring it out at the minute, but hopefully you gain some insights.

Yes, I am hoping to get some time to create a "how to" thread for anyone who wants to become a remote patient of the Markov Clinic. A number of people are asking me how to do this.

But as mentioned, there is a significant learning curve for all this, and it requires a pro-active hands on approach from the patient.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Did you have a gradually or a sudden onset of me/cfs?

Depends how you frame gradual. If my two post viral fatigue episodes in my twenty's which lasted 6 months each and then ME (6 years later) count you could say it was gradual.

What happened was I recovered from a virus and then had a very busy day. Went to bed and woke up 8 hours later with full on ME symptoms. Everything from gastro issues to severe dizziness and pervasive muscular fatigue.

As for coming off the supps not sure I can really. Might be the only thing between me and a very bad reaction to covid. So I can't take the risk. Also it takes me about 3 months on the supps to get back to where I was before a relapse (vaccines) and I'm only 3 weeks into recovery from the booster so far.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
So I did my third dipslide. Peed on it over 3 days, left it for a total of 5 days incubating at 37 degrees.

When I looked at it today a lot of the green agar on growth medium one had melted off the dipslide (or it had simply been eaten, I mean I've no idea really). But I think melted maybe because I could only see a colony of bacteria growing all over the base of the slide. I didn't take a photo because it wasn't very interesting to look at. Basically there are no individual colonies, just some red pin pricks at the top of the slide (e.coli?) and some completely flat and transparent growths all over the bottom half. No green milky mounds like I saw the first two times.

Without the chromogenic agar though I won't be able to confirm what I am actually looking at. Might try and get some.


Senior Member
So I did my third dipslide. Peed on it over 3 days, left it for a total of 5 days incubating at 37 degrees.

When I looked at it today a lot of the green agar on growth medium one had melted off the dipslide (or it had simply been eaten, I mean I've no idea really). But I think melted maybe because I could only see a colony of bacteria growing all over the base of the slide. I didn't take a photo because it wasn't very interesting to look at. Basically there are no individual colonies, just some red pin pricks at the top of the slide (e.coli?) and some completely flat and transparent growths all over the bottom half. No green milky mounds like I saw the first two times.

Without the chromogenic agar though I won't be able to confirm what I am actually looking at. Might try and get some.
Thanks so much for adding another experiment to this!

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