Dr Markov CBIS Theory of ME/CFS - General Discussion


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Thinking of flying to ukrain. Feeling so desperate , so tired of nothing getting better. God knows i’m too sick to do it but feeling hail mary lately.
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Senior Member
Guys if anyone wants to join the project on autovaccines, we would be glad to have you on the discord! Send me a message for invitation.

We are really excited with this, and to be honest, I really think autovaccines could be up to something here! The more I dig into research, the more I see this potetial to clear pathogens that we may have
Guys if anyone wants to join the project on autovaccines, we would be glad to have you on the discord! Send me a message for invitation.

We are really excited with this, and to be honest, I really think autovaccines could be up to something here! The more I dig into research, the more I see this potetial to clear pathogens that we may have

I’m unable to send private messages (maybe my post count is too low) but would love an invite to the research discord if possible! Thanks!


Senior Member
I’m unable to send private messages (maybe my post count is too low) but would love an invite to the research discord if possible! Thanks!

I believe its due to post count yes, please send me a message on discord to nuneX#4721

i would be glad to have you there!
I apologize for the noise and especially if this has been answered before, but I've been meaning to do the dipslide tests done for a few months now and some motivation could help. I currently reside in Georgia (the Caucasus republic, not US) and have no idea where to get dipslides here. I know I should just persist in research, go ask local laboratories or something, but maybe someone happen to know the right kind which can be delivered here?


Senior Member
and have no idea where to get dipslides here. I know I should just persist in research, go ask local laboratories or something, but maybe someone happen to know the right kind which can be delivere

All the websites I could find which sell urine dipslides are listed in the pdf document attached to this post. There are quite a few websites which ship internationally, with Blue Care being a cheap option.

You may be able to find some urine dipslides locally if you translate to Georgian the phrases CLED and MacConkey dipslide or CLED and MacConkey urine test and then Google search (tip: yandex.com sometimes is better than Google at finding obscure products). Any dipslide with CLED and MacConkey agars is fine for urine testing.


Senior Member
So what stage of this are you at now @Hip? I believe you received the vaccines. Have you taken them yet?

Yes, I've started taking Dr Markov's vaccines. The vaccines I am prescribed are detailed in this earlier post.

In 6 month's time, I should have some inkling of whether or not this is working for me. If it is, I am of course going to continue with the treatment.

So far, just with the Staphylococcus vaccine, I have noticed my mental health is a little improved. Less depression for one thing. But I have ups and downs in my depression symptoms anyway, depending on factors such as gut health (when my IBS is worse, depression often gets worse too), so it's not really possible at this point to say that the Staphylococcus vaccine was the cause of the slightly improved mood.

But I am very pleased that these vaccines so far are not worsening my mental health. I often find that drugs worsen my various mental health symptoms, especially those which boost immunity, and I am forced to stop them. So that was my biggest concern starting Dr Markov's protocol. But so far so good.
Klebsiella pneumoniae popped up as dysbiotic flora in my Doctor's Data stool test few years ago and I think it has something to do with my condition. I actually feel like I am constantly being poisoned by something.
1. My urine had an abnormally high pH when I did regular urinalysis 3 years ago. Could be sign of UTI, no bacteria was cultured though.
2. Also around same time some strong foul smell developed in my urine.
3. I did an expanded h.pylori blood panel a year ago and it showed high IgA/IgG antibodies to UreB antigen, which is cross-reacting as h.pylori shares it with some other urease-producing bacterias (klebsiella also has this gen and it's ability). All other h.pylori related antibodies were negative. Definitely nothing to do with h pylori as I did breath and stool tests also.
4. I often feel some discomfort in the kidney area.

Anyway, I already ordered a pack of agars and a simple incubator. Will do this experiment.

@Hipsman since you are patient of Dr. Markov, by any chance do you know which enterosorbents does he prescribe to ease up the symptoms? He said in one of his video that he uses them. I personally find activated charcoal/bentonite clay combo helpful, but maybe he uses something better than that.


Senior Member
I just use soap and water too, this is how clinic recommends to do it. Most of the time nothing grows on my slides. But you can go one step further to be extra sure of course.

interesting, so you have negative dipslides often?


Senior Member
As far as the process for this goes it should be 30 seconds in the urine, dump the urine, then seal the tube and leave it for 24 hours at 37C. You will then see spots on the green side, or not. Typically its taken 2-3 tests for people to get results they don't appear on every one. If you do room temperature it could take 2-3 times as long but just leave it sealed.

My water control is negative, no growth,

What if you see spot on the red side, what is that for?


Senior Member
Ok cool, thanks. I’m seeing pretty minor growth so glad to see that tbh. With your improvements.


Senior Member
What if you see spot on the red side, what is that for?

Well its a positive result. The different colours feed different bacteria. So far I think everyone has had growth on the green side so that is interesting for being a bit different. @Hip probably knows what this identifies?


Senior Member
Yes i have seen very minor growth on both sides so far. One dot on each. Trying to get more growth but only run the incubator in the day time, and haven’t repeed on the sticks yet, too ill to do it unless it’s headed to dr markov directly.


Senior Member
Yes i have seen very minor growth on both sides so far. One dot on each. Trying to get more growth but only run the incubator in the day time, and haven’t repeed on the sticks yet, too ill to do it unless it’s headed to dr markov directly.


It’s not easy to use this map, but it might give you an idea


Senior Member
From the clinic in Dallas, they answered me with this:

I could not reach you with the phone (...)
We are still doing the auto vaccines. However, we ae not preparing any for the next 3-6 months.
If interested in 3-6 months, please contact us again either by email or by phone 214-373-5146.

Cool, sounds good.

don’t you live in the eu?