B2 I love you!


Senior Member
I found the following site from The Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University to be very comprehensive and enlightening as to the many functions/uses of B2-from its use in the Folate cycle, to its assist in activating B6 and glutathione. It's a very busy little B! :lol: Just have a look. I don't know that the other Bs have to divide their efforts in so many directions...


Thanks, that's an excellent source of info on B2.


A New Day, Every Day!
Mid Atlantic area, USA
@Violeta 50 mg plus whatever is in my multi, of the B2. I'm also increasing Niacin a little right now. Since I was doing more B12/folate for about 1.5 months, I want to increase B2/B3 for a few weeks to try to balance back.

About 1.5 months after starting experimenting with the active B12 protocol, while I did improve fatigue-wise somewhat, I developed problems with demodex mites (invisible, microscopic things, but they are there- it's not neurological) on my skin/hair. It's something that happens due to immune dysfunction; common in people with lyme. I know a lot of stuff to do for it, but I'm having a great deal of trouble getting it under control right now, and it is a most troubling problem...

I have read that B2 is suggested for treatment of this problem and I knew I was low in it due to not peeing yellow, dry lips and dry eyes. Yes, there could be other factors in the demodex problem (hormones, yeast, both of which I am addressing) but I find the timing very suspect.
The Demodex issue is interesting. Pretty much over 80% of the population has Demodex mites, they cannot be eradicated. However, with immune issues, the Demodex are not well controlled, so the body under stress or without full immune weaponry, allows the Demodex to have a party. Staying ON a protocol and very consistent cleansing of eyelids, eyebrows and face twice a day should help tremendously. Also, stop using eye makeup for the duration. Good luck!
Question on urine color - does anyone else take FMN without getting the bright yellow urine? Does this mean it's all being used and the dose needs to increase (already at 20-30)? Does this mean there's a problem with the body converting it to riboflavin for excretion of extras?


Senior Member
I haven't read all previous pages so maybe it's already been said, but I just learned that for B2 to be converted to FMN and FAD i.e. for B2 to be useable by your cells, you need enough T3 and T4 to facilitate that conversion. The building blocks for those hormones are iodine and selenium.

I'm currently trying FMN plus regular multiminerals containing selenium and iodine with surprisingly good effect. It's been about a week and last week I had a really exhausting Tues and Thurs which I thought for sure would crash me hard. I've been completely fine. Am astounded.

Could FMN B2 be helping that much? I've also been doing a few other things so not sure the the FMN is it. (CBD oil for sleep, other herbs for infections, phenylpiracetam)
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Senior Member
I haven't read all previous pages so maybe it's already been said, but I just learned that for B2 to be converted to FMN and FAD i.e. for B2 to be useable by your cells, you need enough T3 and T4 to facilitate that conversion. The building blocks for those hormones are iodine and selenium.

I'm currently trying FMN plus regular multiminerals containing selenium and iodine with surprisingly good effect. It's been about a week and last week I had a really exhausting Tues and Thurs which I thought for sure would crash me hard. I've been completely fine. Am astounded.

Could FMN B2 be helping that much? I've also been doing a few other things so not sure the the FMN is it. (CBD oil for sleep, other herbs for infections, but this is the second try with those, so would be surprised if it's those that are helping that much....)
Helen, glad you are doing well. Can U help me out here. Rather than reading all these pages, Id like your thoughts. My riboflavin was low. So do I take just b2, fmn or fad...all these f's and b'C. Im in alphabet city. ANYONE ELSE???? please do chime right on in....happy healing guys, XO C


Senior Member
I'd try FMN, just in case you can't convert regular B2 to active FMN/FAD. And start low and slow @cph13

But the B vitamins need to be in appropriate ratios to one another or we end up depleting one or the other. So it seems we also need a low dose B complex with active Bs in the right ratios. You might want to do a site search for better B complex brands.

Are you doing a methylation protocol?


Senior Member
Helen, U DA BEST!....thank you
I'm already taking the nature made b complex recommended by Freddd a long time ago. I also started taking local bee pollen. I just love the stuff.

Oh am I eva doin the methyl protocol. Doing it since 2011. I put myself in a jam with b-12 and folate but straigtened it out. However, my b-12 and folate are off the charts on my bloodwork, still! . I'm taking some lithium and just increased it today to 10mg. I'm doing pretty good....shhhhhhhh.......but than again we've had some good weather. My condition is so weather sensitive (SAD), I know! I used the light today, 2nd day of rain.

How are you doin? R U on the methyl. protocol? If so, which one???? Have you found a b-12 replacement (u were taking the oils)????!!!!
I'd like to share with you and anyone else reading, I found MAGNESIUM. (I believe I sent you a PM on it) ...using 3 different forms malate, ionic mega mag, chelated lysinate and glycinate are doing good things for me. I will start to do some footbaths here as well with epsom salts, bi carb and of all things Borox (for the boron).
I also switched to a whole food C. Both seems to be a piece of the puzzle for me...n I don't get leg cramps. I've always taken Maggie but not to this extent.
I've heard good things about whole food C but didn't want to spend the money. Both things have just added to my well being.......shhhhhhh.
Wishing you all good things.....Happy healing Helen...XO C


Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
I skim-read this mega thread, so I hope this isn't duplicate information. I have recently started mega dosing on Vitamin B1 and B2. Too soon for any good feedback but thought the article below might be of interest to others reading this thread, if only as a possible resource to use a as a medical tax deduction.;)

Excerpt from source (below):

...In our patient, treatment started on a regimen of a combination of riboflavin (100 mg 3 times per day) and thiamine (300 mg/day). During the first month of treatment, the patient started a marked and sustained improvement, which continues (5 years later) in the tiredness, impairment in short-term memory and concentration, muscle weakness, cramping in muscles after exercise, and the patient can now perform exercise, such as bicycling...

The authors go on to give credence to large doses of these vitamins but not much detail as to how and why they work. It's a quick and easy read (short).

Mitochondrial Myopathy in Follow-up of a Patient With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep. 2015 Jul-Sep; 3(3): 2324709615607908.
Published online 2015 Sep 24. doi: 10.1177/2324709615607908
PMCID: PMC4748504
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Senior Member
Mitochondrial Myopathy in Follow-up of a Patient With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep. 2015 Jul-Sep; 3(3): 2324709615607908.
Published online 2015 Sep 24. doi: 10.1177/2324709615607908
PMCID: PMC4748504
Kudos to the team that kept digging until they found the underlying cause. That's how medicine should be done. We should all be so lucky to find such dedicated doctors...

I can't help but be a little envious of future generations who'll probably be screened for similar genetic conditions at birth and receive a custom supplement formula with the right ratio of B vitamins.

I skim-read this mega thread, so I hope this isn't duplicate information. I have recently started mega dosing on Vitamin B1 and B2. Too soon for any good feedback but thought the article below might be of interest to others reading this thread, if only as a possible resource to use a as a medical tax deduction.;)
Please post updates on your progress, I hope it works out!


Senior Member
I wish I could love B2. I find the joint pain in my knees and eye floaters get worse when I supplement with it. I actually developed floaters for the first time ever shortly after starting a B-Complex. Odd. :(

I'll maybe keep trying from time to time, but it doesn't seem to love ME either! Anyone know why this might be?

My knees were mostly pain free for a good few months, but within days of taking B2, they started acting up and popping again. I have read B2 can lower your amount of hyaluronic acid...?
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@LynnJ , if you start taking manganese for a while then try restarting the FMN at low dose, you might not get the pain. One person very early in this thread got sciatica from B2 until adding manganese, and another somewhere got sciatica and joint pain until adding manganese.

@cph13 , how much borax are you taking, and what symptoms or biochemical processes are you aiming for it to help?


Senior Member
@LynnJ , if you start taking manganese for a while then try restarting the FMN at low dose, you might not get the pain. One person very early in this thread got sciatica from B2 until adding manganese, and another somewhere got sciatica and joint pain until adding manganese.

@cph13 , how much borax are you taking, and what symptoms or biochemical processes are you aiming for it to help?
Hi Snowman!
I personally take 6mgX 3 days a week of oral boron currently. I will change to the footbath protocol below as soon as I finish what I have. Then I will just use borax. I had trouble finding it.
It is part of a whole protocol that is on the Magnesium FB advocacy group. Here's the link to the Bath/Soak https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154192331673132&set=g.388392151228860&type=1&theater
I HIGHLY suggest you join the group and read the pinned posts. It is run by a health coach. His name is Morley Robbins He has many u tubes which may be the best way to begin. Happy healing, xo C


Senior Member
I wish I could love B2. I find the joint pain in my knees and eye floaters get worse when I supplement with it. I actually developed floaters for the first time ever shortly after starting a B-Complex. Odd. :(

I'll maybe keep trying from time to time, but it doesn't seem to love ME either! Anyone know why this might be?
What do you take as methy donor? Choline can get depleted quickly while B2 aactivates the other Bs. Nowadays I am getting all my B2 and choline from food (mainly eggs), so I don't worry with ratios.