B2 I love you!


Senior Member
It looks like I'm stuck with eating eggs daily for the rest of my life :depressed: Everything got worse when I tried to stop them. I am afraid of my next lipid count. It got very high one year ago when I added cream to my coffee. :wide-eyed:
Today I got new supps though - iron and Biotin ;)
Eggs are good for you! I hope they don't affect you the way the cream in your coffee did. But hopefully some day you will be able to tolerate cream, too!


Senior Member
Eggs are good for you! I hope they don't affect you the way the cream in your coffee did. But hopefully some day you will be able to tolerate cream, too!
A common food source that inhibits iron absorption is eggs. Eggs contain phosvitin, a protein compound that binds iron molecules together and prevents the body from absorbing iron from foods. According to the Iron Disorders Institute, one boiled egg can reduce iron absorption by as much as 28 percent.


Senior Member
Just eat the yolk!

Earlier today I was trying to think what I would put the yolk on if I didn't eat the egg white.
I need the lysine from the egg white, the yolk is high arginine. My corneal herpes kills me when I don't have enough lysine :rolleyes:


Senior Member
what I would put the yolk on if I didn't eat the egg white.


Senior Member
So I am seeing very different responses here regarding B-Complexes. We should all get on the same page.

I have taken a B complex with many different forms of b2 (coenzymated and not). I got atleast 50mg of b2 with each complex, daily. Yet I still suffer from what seems to be B2 deficiency.

But now I am starting to see people saying that when you are B2 deficient (or any B deficient) that a B-Complex won't help. I think it has to do with the fact that the others Bs increase the demand for the B that you are deficient in EVEN MORE?

Anyways, I am stopping my B complex and starting B2 alone, will keep people posted.

Note: I also take the "deadlock quartet", which is meb12, adob12, folate, and L-carnatine.


Senior Member
Another question:

For those who have been taking 50mg of b2 for quite some time now, why haven't you tried to go up to 75mg, or 100mg?

Or if you have, what did you experience?


Senior Member
Boston, Massachusetts
Actually, on this thread http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/transdermal-b12-oils.33172/page-15#post-713827, @Johnmac and @Gretel seem to be taking up to 150mg of B2 a day. Currently I'm taking about 50 mg, but found that I have to keep it to morning and afternoon or it messes with my sleep. My question to them is do they adhere to Dog Person's belief that the body can't absorb more than 25mg at a time and if so, how do they time their doses?

I thought Greg, the B2 oils guy, said to take 'loads' of B2 and in order to actually replete low levels, I think others took more than 50mg/day.

But now I am starting to see people saying that when you are B2 deficient (or any B deficient) that a B-Complex won't help. I think it has to do with the fact that the others Bs increase the demand for the B that you are deficient in EVEN MORE?

Yes, I think this is exactly right. Taking supplements that put further demands on B2 and its co-enzymated form, FMN, makes it harder to replenish low stores. I did read of one scientific study where those who were on a B-Complex didn't manage to build up their stores, while those not on one did.

Who knows. I've lost track of where I saw that...
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Senior Member
Actually, on this thread http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/transdermal-b12-oils.33172/page-15#post-713827, @Johnmac and @Gretel seem to be taking up to 150mg of B2 a day. Currently I'm taking about 50 mg, but found that I have to keep it to morning and afternoon or it messes with my sleep. My question to them is do they adhere to Dog Person's belief that the body can't absorb more than 25mg at a time and if so, how do they time their doses?

I thought Greg, the B2 oils guy, said to take 'loads' of B2 and in order to actually replete low levels, I think other too more than 50mg/day.

Yes, I think this is exactly right. Taking supplements that put further demands on B2 and its co-enzymated form, FMN, makes it harder to replenish low stores. I did read of one scientific study where those who were on a B-Complex didn't manage to build up their stores, while those not on one did.

Who knows. I've lost track of where I saw that...

Interesting. I am currently on methyl-folate, adob12, meb12. I don't know if any of those interact with B2, but I do know that b6 (p5p) directly effects b2 levels. We use B2 to utilize b6.

I have all the basic B6 deficiency signs, so I decided to give that a shot. After 3 days of taking P5P (50mg) all my "classic" b2 symptoms exponentially increased. Sore throat, cracked lips, depression, ect.. Then after a single dose of 50mg R5P, I felt my body start to come back to balance; the depression began lifting. So my next step will be to eliminate P5P and focus on B2.

Side note: I would bet that supplementing B2 would balance out B6 stores in the body as well.

It would be interesting to find out which Bs have ANY sort of reaction with B2, and then being able to effectively cut them out until our b2 stores are somewhat better.


Senior Member
I thought Greg, the B2 oils guy, said to take 'loads' of B2 and in order to actually replete low levels, I think other too more than 50mg/day..

Kath, you almost remembered it right. I actually asked Greg is 40mg/day of B2 was enough, and he said "Tons".

I tend to take 20mg in the morning & 20 evening.